The Talkative Koopaling

By Max Jones

Artwork by Fried Rooster

Morton felt like talking to someone. Like always. So he walked over to Wendy and started talking to her.

“Hey Wendy, what are you doing, never mind I already know what you’re doing because I see you are putting
on make-up, the real reason I asked you is because I want to make conversation,” said Morton.

“I don’t wanna talk right now, I gotta put on lipstick,” said Wendy as she opened her make-up purse.

Morton left to go talk to Larry. “Hey Larry, I think that my favorite of all your plants would have to be the Piranha Plants because that came the closest to beating Mario, it came closer than any other plant that you made especially when Ludwig filled it with that stuff, that was a very good attempt,” said Morton.

“Yup, I’m just gonna go over here for awhile,” said Larry as he walked away from Morton.

Morton walked toward Lemmy and Iggy. He walked into their room to see them playing their favorite video game. “Hey guys, is that your favorite video game you're playing because if it is then you don’t have very good taste because Super Mario Bros. 3 is the best game because I’m in it and so are you guys but you guys look funny when you’re in it but I look beautiful,” said Morton.

“Hey Iggy, did you hear Ludwig say he wanted to talk to Morton?” asked Lemmy. “Yes I did, go talk to Ludwig, Morton.” said Iggy.

Morton ran over to Ludwig and Roy’s room. He opened the door and walked in. “Hey Ludwig, I heard you wanted to talk to me, because if you did I would gladly talk to you because I have a lot on my mind like always, and whenever I have a lot on my mind I talk a lot, some people say I talk too much but I don’t think that’s true, there are some people who talk as much or more than me, so I don’t think that those people who say I talk too much should tell me that, they should tell the other people that because I’ve heard it enough,” said Morton.

Ludwig and Roy stared in confusion at Morton. “What are you doing in our room?” asked Roy.

“Lemmy told me that Ludwig wanted to talk to me so here I am so talk, talk, talk,” said Morton.

“Get out of here,” said Ludwig.

Morton sadly walked over to Bowser. “King Dad, I have no one to talk to, I think that they don’t like the fact that I go on and on and on and on and on and on,” said Morton.

“Maybe you should let them talk, then they’ll want to talk to you,” said Bowser. “But whenever I let them talk they tell me to go away and then I have to go be told to go away by other people too,” said Morton.

“What happens when you don’t go away?” said Bowser.

Morton could tell he had an idea. “They’d either beat me up or run away,” said Morton.

“Come with me, Morton,” said Bowser as he got in a doomship.

“I wanna come!” shouted Wendy.

“Get in,” said Bowser.

Wendy got in the doomship and they flew to the Mushroom Kingdom. “Alright, now I’ll handle the guards, then Morton you go in and don’t stop talking to the Mario Brothers. When they start running away chase them, and try to get them to come out this front door,” said Bowser.

“No problem King Dad, I’m glad that me and you can spend some quality time together, we never really got to so-”

Before Morton could finish the two Mushroom guards came running at the doomship. Wendy shot one of them with her wand, and Bowser slashed the other one. Both guards were unconscious.

“Now go in there and don’t be seen,” said Bowser.

Morton nodded his head and walked into the castle. He slowly made his way to Mario and Luigi’s room without being seen. Morton opened the door.

“Morton, what are you doing here?” asked Mario.

“Well Mario, I just want to talk to you about the time King Dad stole the Princess and you and Luigi had to fight me and all my siblings in order to get her back, then you did and we were very sad, we kept on trying though, trying is what makes things work, especially because if you don’t try you don’t succeed, some people say that trying is the first step to failing, that is right for some people,” said Morton. Morton took a breath so he could talk more.

“Get out of here, stop talking to us, we can’t understand you because you talk too fast,” said Luigi.

“I actually don’t talk that fast compared to other people because some other people talk so fast and long that you lose interest in what they’re saying, I don’t think I’m that way and if I am I am trying not to be because it’s very frustrating to listen to someone talk when you don’t understand what they’re saying and you don’t care, that reminds me of the time Wendy kept on talking to me about Roy pulling her doll’s head off, I'd just as soon pull all the dolls heads off because I don’t like dolls, I like toys like monsters and also humans for the monsters to eat, not that I play with toys anymore.”

“LEAVE US ALONE!” shouted Mario.

“Now that’s very rude to say something like that because when you do it hurts whoever’s feelings who’s talking, in this case it would be my feelings that are hurt.”

Mario and Luigi started running away from Morton with their hands on their ears. They were about to go down the hall away from the front door but Morton jumped in front of them. “I don’t think it’s polite to run away from someone when they’re talking to you, especially when they are fragile like myself.”

Mario and Luigi started running toward the front door. “Wait, don’t you wanna talk?” asked Morton as he chased them out the front door.

Bowser and Wendy were flying their doomship above the outside of the front door, so when they saw the Mario Brothers run out, Bowser dropped a cage on them. Unfortunately, Morton was so close behind that he was caught in the cage too.

“Bowser, I should have known Morton’s talking and chasing us was a part in your scheme!” shouted Mario.

“King Dad, I don’t think I belong in this cage because I am your son and being your son, I don’t think you should catch me with two dirty ill-mannered plumbers,” said Morton.

“Shut up, Morton,” said Bowser as he slipped a thick sheet of metal under the cage and attached it so that he could pick up the cage with out having Mario or Luigi sneak out the bottom. Bowser picked up the cage and threw it in the back of the doompship.

“King Dad, get me out of here, why do I have to be in a cage?” asked Morton.

“I would get you out, but if I did the Mario Brothers would get out too.” said Bowser.

“Why don’t you talk to them?” asked Wendy, knowing that Morton talking to the Mario Brothers would be the worst punishment yet.

“NO!” shouted Mario and Luigi together.

“This cage doesn’t have much room, well the reason it’s crowded is because it was only meant for you two but now I’m in it, I would rather have a cage made of glass because the bars are cold and ugly-looking, glass
would be elegant...”

Morton continued to talk all the way back to the Koopas' castle. They landed and Bowser dragged the cage to the dungeon, where Larry was sitting.

“What are you doing in there Larry?” asked Bowser.

“Roy put me in here,” said Larry.

Bowser let Larry out of the dungeon. Then he put the cage inside the dungeon and opened it. Then Bowser grabbed Morton and ran out. Mario ran at the opened door, but was stopped when Bowser kicked him into the wall. Bowser slammed the door.

“Morton, why don’t you keep the Mario Brothers company while they rot in the dungeon,” said Bowser.

“Okay.” said Morton happily.

“NOO!” shouted Mario and Luigi together.

Morton started talking to Mario and Luigi non-stop. Luigi went over to Mario and whispered, “I have a Leaf in my pocket.”

“May I use it?” asked Mario.

“Okay, fine.” said Luigi out loud as he handed the Leaf to Mario.

Mario took the Leaf and turned into Raccoon Mario. He hit the dungeon wall with his tail. The dungeon wall crumbled and Mario and Luigi ran to their freedom. Morton gasped and went in the dungeon, then out the hole they left. He took his wand out of his shell and ran after Mario and Luigi. Morton used to most powerful power on his wand and shot Mario. Since Morton had just charged his wand up, Mario flew all the way back to his kingdom. “Whoops,” said Morton.

Luigi punched Morton in the face, sending Morton to the ground. Morton started shooting yellow laser beams at Luigi. Luigi started dodging them. Then when Luigi got close enough he kicked the wand out of Morton’s hand. Then Luigi tried to kick Morton in the face, but Morton quickly bit his foot and started swinging Luigi around by it. Then Morton let go and Luigi flew into the wall of the castle. Luigi jumped to his feet and ran at Morton.

Morton quickly picked up his wand and shot Luigi with a yellow laser beam. Luigi flew back into the castle,
then hit the wall and bounced back to where he was to begin with. Morton accidentally used his most powerful power again and Luigi was launched back to his kingdom.

Morton explained the whole thing to Bowser, and Bowser didn’t punish him for losing them, but he rewarded him with Koopa coins for defeating the Mario Brothers. Morton bought himself a microphone so the whole kingdom could hear what he had to say. Soon, Roy broke it, and everyone was happy. Except Morton, the
talkative Koopaling.

The End

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