Koopspeare Presents:


By Super Goomba

Chapter 3: One's Ownself

Meanwhile, Roy was outside talking to Susan, who was feeding a horse.

"...and as for Larry (and flirtatious ways around you), maybe he does truly love you now, but be weary. He cannot choose as someone of a lower class would. His choice must involve the health of the nation.  Fear this, Susan, and keep yourself, my dear cousin, away from the danger of lust," explained Roy.

"Yes, my Cousin" said Susan whilst holding out a carrot. Roy then turned.

"I've stayed too long. Here comes Morton!" laughed Roy.

"You're still here, Roy? Oh, for shame!" cried Morton, prompting Roy to roll his eyes jokingly.

"Well, since you're here, take my advice: keep your thoughts to yourself, and don't act on the wrong thought. Be friendly, but certainly not common. When you make a friend who has proven their friendship, embrace their friendship, and make it strong as steel, but don't go shaking hands with everyone you meet. Avoid getting into fights, but if you do get into a fight, fight hard, so that the other person will never bother you again. Listen to many, but talk to few. Accept anyone's criticism, but don't judge them back.  Buy the most expensive clothes, but none that are fanciful- you want to look handsome, not flashy and cheap- as clothes often make the man, or should I say, the Koopa. Don't borrow money and don't lend money, because both often lead to the loss of both money and friend. And, most importantly, be true to yourself, and from that, as naturally as day comes from night, you will be true to all," advised Morton.

Roy rolled his eyes once more. "You act as if I've never been to Sky Land, Morton. But, I must be on my way. Goodbye, Susan, and remember what I told you." And with that, Roy climbed into his doomship and was off.

"Your words are locked in my memory, and I will not forget, nor will I tell anyone!" cried Susan as Roy flew off.

"What did he tell you, Susan?" asked Morton, prompting Susan to turn a bright red.

"If you wish to know, something about Larry," explained Susan quietly.

"I have been told that lately, you and Larry have been spending lots of private time together. Not only that, but you have given him lots of attention. What is going on with you two? Tell me the truth," asked Morton, prompting Susan to blush even more.

"Lately, Larry has been giving many... gifts, showing his affection," explained Susan.

"'Affection'? Bah! Do you believe in his gifts?"

"I'm not entirely sure what to think."

"Think of yourself as a newborn, accepting these gifts as money, which they are not.

Meanwhile, Larry was wandering the halls with Junior only to stop, hearing Morton and Susan. He could hear the whole conversation.

"Morton, he has shown me his love in a truly honorable way!"

"Yes, you may call it 'honorable', but when one is passionate about someone, the soul lends the words to their mouth, in an effort to pledge 'honor'. I do not think that, in the future, you should talk to Larry. See to it that you follow!"

"... Yes, my Cousin..."

Larry stared at them as they began to leave, and then turned to leave himself.


It woke up again... The green was gone... but... it was... weak, so weak!

Ugggghhhh... it thought as it looked around weakly. Then it looked down to see... a bucket.... of some sort of juice...

No... That's... my poison energy!

Read on!

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