Amazing Flying Hammer Brother

Mario World

Sent in by Lardlad

Super Princess Peach

Sent in by nsnnsn

More about Amazing Flying Hammer Brother...
Games: Super Mario World, Super Princess Peach
Sports Hall Record: 3-1, Round Three Qualifier (2), Rank 28
W: Fishbones (2-1), Blowhard (2-1), Sumo Brother (2-1)
L: Blooper (2-3)
A Hammer Brother who sits on a platform swinging back and forth and regularly chucks hammers.  I'm a fan of the traditional Hammer Brother but I never thought this guy to be too amazing and wish SMW would've just had normal Hammer Brothers, which it doesn't.  I imagine this guy to be very arrogant.  More worrisome is that he has a knack for appearing in really difficult spots, even in an easy game like Super Princess Peach there's a spot I have in mind where he's really hard to get by without being hit by one of these.  As a Koopa supporter I'd probably like this guy if I didn't just want to knock him upside the head.  There's a Mario Party minigame where a Hammer Brother on a cloud throws down lots of coins to be collected.  That probably should be considered an AFHB and I should probably like him a little more because of it... but I don't.

Amazing Flying Hammer Brother soared into Round Three in Season Two of the Sports Hall, but was overwhelmed by Blooper.  Apparently two awesome to reappear for a regular match since, he did lower himself back into the Season Ten Tournament, where he amazingly overcame the odds to defeat Fryguy in the first round.  It will be truly amazing if AFHB can go further, since his next opponent is Anti Guy.

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