
Mario RPG

Sent in by Boshee
Sent in by Misty Koopa

More about Belome...
Games: Super Mario RPG
Belome is a dog creature seen a few times in Super Mario RPG.  The first time he is seen is in Kero Sewers, which he is a pretty difficult mini-boss.  This constantly famished dog, who likes to know what things taste like, can devour one of your party members, disabling them for a few turns.  He also knows Scrow Funk, to turn a party member into a scarecrow.  I wouldn't much like for Mario to get eaten while Mallow remains as a scarecrow, so a Trueform Pin would be a good idea.  He is, however, weak to Mario's jump ability, if I correctly recall.  Defeating Belome opens the way to the Midas River, if only because he will no longer be there to sit on the button that holds back a tremendous flow of water.

Belome also appears in Lands End on the way to Monstrotown.  For some reason there seems to have been a temple built for him, or at least the statues on the walls look like him.  He'll battle Mario and Co. again, and this time when he devours a party member he'll create an evil clone to fight alongside him.  He'll also make some interesting comments regarding the taste of each.  Even if you defeat Belome here, he'll also be seen elsewhere in this level guarding a treasure vault.  You can't fight him here, but feed him a certain key and he'll disappear.

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