
Super Mario Galaxy

Sent in by Paperlemmy

Sent in by Paperlemmy

More about Bouldergeist...
Games: Super Mario Galaxy
This frightening rock monster is apparently responsible for imprisoning Luigi in Super Mario Galaxy 1, although you encounter the ghostly beast in a different episode from the one where you rescue Mario's bro.  While Bouldergeist has quite the rocky exterior, this is apparently only a shell, as his true form looks more like an uvula, that thing in the back of your throat.  He's certainly not intimidating then!  But before you can see him in that stage, you'll have to avoid his rock tosses and stone pillars long enough to grab ahold of one of the Bomb Boos he releases and slam it into his rocky body.  This will reveal his core, and you'll have to slam another Bomb Boo into that.  The core looks so weak that you'd think it would be instantly destroyed in the explosion, but it will in fact manage to reform the rocky exterior, with two hands this time!  So you'll have to connect with a Bomb Boo once more while now avoiding fist slams  and punches on top of the other attacks, and landing the hit without having the bomb set off against a hand instead.  Manage to do that, and you can go after the core the same as before, to defeat it for good.

This fight is already one of the toughest battles in the game, even with a Luma offering a health-increasing Life Mushroom just before the battle.  But for those looking for extra punishment, this fight is also the subject of a daredevil mission that challenges you to tear down this fearsome foe without taking a single hit.  This is easily one of my three toughest challenges in the game, up there with Luigi's Purple Coins and the Molty Magma daredevil run.  And those, I think, are easier to repeat than this one!  Bouldergeist also appears as one of the bosses in the retro boss rush of Mario Galaxy 2.  At least there you don't have to beat him in a single hit, but to get the second Star in that galaxy you will have to beat him in a hurry.  I hope you practiced against him in the first Galaxy, or this speedrun could be even harder than the daredevil run would have been.

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