Grand Goomba

Mario 3

Sent in by Lardlad


New Super Mario Bros

Sent in by King Ash 1st

More about Grand Goomba...
Games: Super Mario Bros. 3, New Super Mario Bros, Super Mario Galaxy 2
The plus-size version of the common Goomba, found in Giant Land of Mario 3 and Supermassive Galaxy of SMG2, as well as on the roads in Mushroom Plains of NSMBW.  In Mario 3 it can be defeated by a stomp just like any Goomba.  In SMG2 it can be defeated if you first spin into it; while in NSMBW, stomping on will cause it to break up into smaller Goombas.  A giant Goomba also appears as a boss in New Super Mario Bros. on the DS.  I don't think it's officially a Grand Goomba but blah blah blah deal with it.

In his first appearance in Roy's Sports Hall, Grand Goomba tried to payback Gloomtail for crushing his grandson Microgoomba the previous week.  Instead Grand Goomba only managed to get flattened by Eerie, and was eliminated from Season Nine.

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