Hand Fake

Partners in Time

Sent in by Paperlemmy

Sent in by Paperlemmy

Sent in by Paperlemmy

More about Handfake...
Games: Mario & Luigi Partners in Time
A strange impersonator of sorts found on Star Hill in Partners in Time, Handfake doesn't shapeshift like others in the Mario Universe but rather will pull out a sign shaped like and featuring the picture of another enemy, from out of the dark abyss from which it sticks out.  Handfake can pull out signs of Goomba, Paratroopa, Bob-omb, and even Bowser!  Handfake will use different attacks depending on the sign being held, though sometimes the attacks come from off-screen, seemingly of their own accord.  Already an unusually tough enemy just because of his wide array of attacks, Handfake is also protected from attacks when he is holding a sign.  At least he won't attack on the same turn on which he pulls out a sign.

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