
Bowser's Inside Story

Sent in by Crazy Koopa

More about Junker...
Games: Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story
Junker is a miniboss pulled together by Midbus in Peach's Castle of Bowser's Inside Story and is fought by Mario and Luigi.  It seems to be compiled from a heap of garbage, and even looks like a trashcan.  Despite some trouble in first starting up, it performs pretty well for a piece of scrap.  It's got some kind of garbage can minions with him, called Junker X, that can also launch attacks,  Probably its most unique move is that it can throw Luigi (but never Mario) into one of those trash cans for a while.  I don't recall this guy being too tough, but hey, props to Fawful and Midbus for the ingenuity.

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