Laser Snifit

Superstar Saga

Sent in by Gooper Blooper

Sent in by Martin

More about Laser Snifit...
Games: Mario & Luigi Superstar Saga
Found in Woohoo University of M&LSS, Laser Snifits were once innocent researchers until they were turned into monsters by Cackletta and Fawful.  The binky-like object in their mouths doesn't look too cool, but perhaps it's just a small price to pay for being able to shoot lasers out of their mouths.  They're a bit of a one trick pony, though - they step up in front of the Brother they're about to attack, then either shoot a high laser-ring that must be jumped through, or a low laser-ring where the Brother must stand pat else he jump directly in the way of the blast.  And... that's it!

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