
Mario 2

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Sent in by Joey McCollum

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More about Ninji...
Games: Super Mario Bros. 2
Dreamed up in Mario 2, Ninji comes in two forms.  The first simply jumps straight up and down and has got to be one of the least threatening foes ever.  He can be picked up if desired or you can just pass him by.  The second form of this enemy runs quickly across the ground and often comes in groups.  This version, while not particularly dangerous, can certainly take newcomers by surprise so he's at least worth taking notice.  The Mario 2 manual refers to these forms as though they are separate characters, named Ninji I and Ninji II, but I don't think the distinction is maintained today.

Despite being pretty forgettable, Ninji is one of the few characters to make the transition out of the dream world.  Ninji appeared in Bowser's Castle in Mario World, hiding in the dark in the final section before Bowser himself.  He also appeared as an NPC in Paper Mario.  A messenger Ninji was sent to Toad Town to summon Mario to Starborn Valley, where other Ninji were to be found helping to take care of the Star Kids...  Of all the characters that could have been picked for this role (aside from introducing something new), they went with little-known and vaguely evil Ninji?  Hm.

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