
Mario 2

Sent in by Lardlad

Sent in by Paperlemmy

More about Panser...
Games: Super Mario Bros. 2
A fire-spewing plant, Panser beat Venus Firetrap to the punch by appearing in SMB2.  Plus these guys can move!  Well, some of them.  There are three varieties of Panser: one that sits in place and shoots fireballs up and down; one that sits in place and shoots fireballs in an arc left and right; and one that moves in a single direction and shoots fireballs in the same kind of arc.  The moving kind will not change directions to follow Mario and Friends but will aim his fireballs in the appropriate direction and is obviously the toughest of the three.  Pansers cannot be picked up considering you'd be in the line of fire to try.  All can be killed by a Mushroom Block, none appear outside SMB2.

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