Sergeant Guy

Bowser's Inside Story

Sent in by GeneralBleck666

Sent in by Anamatronic Koopa

More about Sergeant Guy...
Games: Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story
Sports Hall Record: 3-2, Rank 64
W: Midbus & Dark Star (8-1), Tanoomba (8-1)
L: Corporal Paraplunk (8-1), Hooktail (8-2)
A battle-ready Shy Guy with a magic wand and some kind of portable cannon, neither of which do we ever see him use, Sergeant Guy appeared to be one of Bowser's top minions in Bowser's Inside Story.  Well, at least he ranked highly enough for Bowser to talk to him, not that the sarge really ever did anything useful.  Then he ended up doublecrossing Bowser, after having teamed up with Fawful, and helped shove his old boss in a safe.  I think Sergeant Guy might have started off planning to help Bowser, ineffective though he was, but was convinced to switch sides later.  Hey, if my king kept getting himself beatdown and locked up, I might think about doing the same... Oh, wait...

Bowser ended up forgiving him in the end, calling the whole adventure a wash, so now Sergeant Guy can go right on being useless.

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