
Mario 3

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Yoshi's Island

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New Super Mario Bros. Wii

Sent in by GeneralBleck666

More about Spike...
Games: Super Mario Bros. 3, New Super Mario Bros. Wii
A spike ball-throwing ally of the Koopa Troopa that mostly appears above ground but will occassionally appear underground.  It appears to pull the spiked balls from right out of its mouth before launching them at Mario.  In SMB3 they would walk around while throwing their weapon, while in NSMBW they remained rooted in place, but because they and the spiked balls were larger in that game, they seemed more dangerous to me.  NSMBW also features a variation of Spike that throws its spiked balls straight down instead of to the side.  Spike may have inspired the Clubba enemies from the Paper Mario series, including Tubba Blubba and Macho Grubba.

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