Super Mario RPG: The Untold Battles

By The Three Stooges

Chapter 5: Donkey Kong Talisman

Description of the Talisman:
Symbol: Initials DK in the middle
Power: Powerful Punch
Location: Desert Land
Fight Against: K. Rool

When Group Two left for Water Land and Mario left for Kero Sewers, Group One was in Desert Land Castle, Nobody was there until Ginko appeared and moved to take over the castle.

Ginko: I'm the ruler of Desert Land now! Mwa ha ha!

Ludwig: Sure you are!

Chapter 6: Fight Against Ginko

Ginko sprayed sand in Ludwig's eyes.

Ludwig: Ah! I can't see!

Ginko kicked Ludwig in the head. Ludwig lost.

Ginko: Who's next?

Daisy picked up a Roto Disc and threw it, but she missed.

Ginko: Whoops! Didn't see that coming, did you?

Ginko threw a rock at Daisy and Daisy fell from a ledge. Daisy lost.

Ginko: I'll give you two choices: give up, or give up and become my slaves!

Luigi: Those are lousy choices!

Luigi jumped out of sight.

Ginko: What the?

Luigi dropped from the ceiling and repeatedly stomped Ginko.

Ginko: D'oh!

Ginko fainted.

Chapter 7: Victory Over Ginko

Ludwig got back up and Luigi helped Daisy up.

Ludwig: Now, who's behind all this?

Ginko got back up.

Ginko: What are you talking about?

Ludwig: The castles, who's taking over our castles?

Ginko: You will never get it from me! Hahahahahahaha!

Ginko ran out the window.

Daisy: Hey look, a doomship!

Ludwig picked up a short sword and ran to the doomship.

Ludwig: Hey, Daisy, Luigi! Are you coming to the doomship or what?

Luigi and Daisy ran to the doomship.

Chapter 8: Fight Against the Ninja Brothers

The doomship that Ludwig, Luigi, and Daisy got on lifted off. It flew to the ocean.

Luigi: I'm getting seasick.

Ludwig: We're on air, how can you get seasick?

Luigi: Seasick, airsick, what's the difference?

Ludwig: Never mind!

Minutes later, Ninja Brothers appeaed They looked like Boomerang Brothers but they wore ninja costumes and had a sword and ninja stars.

Ninja Brother 1: We're here to set mutiny on this doomship!

Ninja Brother 2: Do what we say and nobody gets hurt!

Ninja Brother 1 chargeed at Daisy but missed. Ninja Brother 2 swordfought with Ludwig.

Ninja Brother 2: Give me your doomship now!

Ludwig: Never!

Ninja Brother 1: (to Daisy) What's wrong, are you afraid?

Ninja Brother 1 pulled out some ninja stars and threw them at Daisy, but missed and tore her dress.

Daisy: Ah! My dress!

Daisy got so mad that she jump-kicked Ninja Brother 1 in the jaw.

Ninja Brother 1: AHH!!! My mouth!

Daisy kicked Ninja Brother 1 in the arm and Ninja Brother 1 dropped his sword.

Ninja Brother 1: Hey! My sword!

Near the ledge of the doomship, Daisy kicked Ninja Brother 1 in the head.

Ninja Brother 1: AHHH!!! Why you-

Ninja Brother 1 tried to fight back but he was about to fall.

Ninja Brother 1: Woah! AHHH!!! Hahahahahahahahahaha!

Ninja Brother 1 tripped and splashed in the water far below him.

Ninja Brother 2: (to Ludwig) That was my brother!

Ludwig: Oh yeah? What are you going to do about it?

Ninja Brother 2 took out some Ninja stars and was about to throw them but a Bullet Bill hit him.

Ninja Brother 2: OW!!!

Ninja Brother 2 fainted.

Ludwig: What the? Luigi?

Luigi: Yeah, I can't lead you while you're fighting without me. Whatever you are, lose the spare tire.

Ludwig: I resent that!

Daisy: Luigi! Now's not the time to make fun of someone!

Luigi: LuigI? Is that my name?

Daisy: Never mind.

Ludwig: Now Ninja Brother, who sent you?

Ninja Brother 2 got back up.

Ninja Brother 2: You will never get the truth from me!

Ninja Brother 2 withdrew his sword.

Ninja Brother 2: I will win next time! Until we meet again!

Ninja Brother 2 threw a sandbag on the floor and as smoke appeared and starts to clear Ninja Brother 2 disappeared. Ludwig walked over to the sword Ninja Brother 1 dropped and picked it up, it was longer than the one he had already, so he switched his short sword with the "Ninja Sword".

Chapter 9: Doomship War

Hours after the fight with the Ninja Brothers, they went into combat with another doomship. In fact, it was King K. Rool's.

Ludwig: Fire the missles!

Three Bullet Bills shot out and destroyed parts of K. Rool's ship.

K. Rool: Grrr!

K. Rool fought back using cannonballs.

Ludwig: Fire the Bob-ombs!

Luigi fired the Bob-ombs with the bazooka he found earlier and destroyed the doomship. Most of K. Rool's crew swam away.

Ludwig: Yes!

But K. Rool then got on a helicopter and started flying around Group One's doomship.

K. Rool: Ha ha ha ha!

Ludwig: Fire!

Luigi fired but missed.

Ludwig: Fire again!

Luigi fired but missed again. Nearby on DK Island, Donkey Kong saw what ws happening, so he jumped into a cannon and fired himself into K. Rool's helicopter.

K. Rool: What the?!

DK: Banana Slamma!

DK punched K. Rool and K. Rool fell into the ocean.

K. Rool: I'll get you for this Donkey Kong!

As soon the helicopter was about to crash into an island, DK jumped onto the doomship.

DK: I see you need help.

Daisy: Yeah we do, can you help us?

DK: Why sure.

DK joined up with Group One.

Pause: And now, a break to explain battling.

From here on in the story, battles will be laid out turn by turn for your viewing enjoyment. Before you read the battles, however, you will need to understand how it looks, and what the abbreviations mean.

1. Here the active player, friend or enemy, is listed.
2. Here the action is listed. The active player uses an attack or item.
!!!3. Target: Here the active player chooses a target. This will also show the target's status in place of the exclamation points as follows:
    NRM: Normal
    BRN: Burning up
    STN: Turned to stone
    PSN: Poisoned
    PLZ: Parlyzed
    FZN: Frozen
    MUT: Magic Disabled
    TRN: Transformed into a Mushroom
    FER: Weakened by fear
    SCR: Turned into a scarecrow
    CNF: Confused
    KNO: Knocked out
If more than one target is damaged, it will be displayed like this:
3. ALL
a. Target
 b. Damage
  c. HP Remaining
   d. Text
XXX <- These separate each target
a. Target
 b. Damage
  c. HP Remaining
   d. Text
And so on...
4. This tells how much damage the target receives.
5. This tells how much HP the target has left.
6. There will be text here that has important comments about the target or the active player.

Once you understand how the battles are laid out, hopefully you will find them interesting. Now, let's move on.

Chapter 10: The Digimon Talisman

Description of the Talisman:
Symbol: Digivice in the middle
Power: Shape-shifting and growth
Location: Forest of Illusions
Fight Against: Devimon

Story: Remember Group Two? Well, they got into Water Land, but something weird was going on...

Larry: Um, Lemmy?

Lemmy: Yes?

Larry: Are you sure this is Water Land?

Lemmy: It said so on the map.

Larry: Then, where's the water?

Iggy: Wendy is not going to be happy about this.

We will get back to Group Two later in the story. Just keep on reading.

Chapter 11: Giant Land Is No More

Okay, now on to Group Three. When Group Three was at Giant Land, everything wasn't huge as it was suppose to be...

Wendy: Well, we came here to find the source of the problem.

Morton: What is it? Everything is small? Smaller? Centimeter small? Centimeter sma-

Roy: Shut up, shut up, shut up!!!

Roy shoved a rock in Morton's mouth, but it didn't do any good.

Morton: Er? Mi-a-mir sma-er?

Group Three entered Giant Land Castle and made it all the way to the Throne Room. They found nothing but a Boom Boom tied up and hung upside down.

Roy: Yo, Boom Boom, who's the dude that took this whole dump?

Boom Boom: You do not know what you say could be offensive, don't you?

Roy: Never mind that, just tell me!

Boom Boom: Some guy name Devimon.

Wendy: Where did he headeif he's not here?

Boom Boom: The Forest Of Illusions.

Morton: Let's go then.

Group Three left.

Boom Boom: Um, I have to go to the bathroom, hello?

The rope snapped off.

Boom Boom: Ahhh!

Chapter 12: The Battle

Group Three left to the warp from the castle and were forced to battle monsters.

Battle Starts
Enemies: Giant Goomba, Giant Goomba, Giant Goomba, Dark Lakitu
1. NRM Roy
2. Unarmed
3. NRM Giant Goomba
4. 50 Damage
5. 0 HP
6. Terminated
1. NRM Dark Lakitu
2. Smog
3. NRM Roy
4. 20 Damage
5. 20 HP Roy
6. Poisoned Roy
1. NRM Wendy
2. Cure Rain
3. PSN Roy
4. Roy regains 10 HP
5. 30 HP Roy
6. No longer poisoned
1. NRM Giant Goomba
2. Giant Thorn
3. NRM Morton
4. 6 Damage
5. 34 HP Morton
1. NRM Giant Goomba
2. Unarmed
3. NRM Wendy
4. 20 Damage
5. 20 HP Wendy
1. NRM Morton
2. Speech
3. ALL!
a. NRM Giant Goomba
 b. 33 Damage
  c. 0 HP Giant Goomba
   d. Terminated
a. NRM Giant Goomba
 b. 12 Damage
  c. 8 HP Giant Goomba
   d. Muted
a. NRM Dark Lakitu
 b. 10 Damage
  c. 46 HP Dark Lakitu
   d. Muted
1. MUT Dark Lakitu
2. Shadow
3. NRM Wendy
4. 0 Damage
5. 20 HP Wendy
6. Ineffective
1. NRM Roy
2. Punch
3. MUT Dark Lakitu
4. 63 Damage
5. 0 HP Dark Lakitu
6. Terminated
1. NRM Wendy
2. Unarmed
3. MUT Giant Goomba
4. 9 Damage
5. 0 HP Giant Goomba
6. Terminated

Battle Ends
Roy L2, Roy learned Hurricane
Wendy L2, Wendy learned Geyser Shot
Morton L2, Morton learned Fire

Chapter 13: Roy vs Sumo Koopa

As soon as Mario got to Rose Town, Group Three went to the warp to Forest of Illusions, and then got blocked by a Hypnotized Sumo Koopa.

Sumo Koopa: Sumo say no pass.

Roy: What?!

Sumo Koopa: Sumo say you no pass!

Roy: Oh yeah?!

Sumo Koopa: Yeah!

30 minutes later...

Roy: Oh yeah?!

Sumo Koopa: Yeah!

Wendy: Hurry up Roy, we have a life you know... well, probably just me.

A mysterious figure, that looks awfully similar to Ludwig gave Roy a wooden Staff and disappeared.

Battle Starts
Enemies: Sumo Koopa
1. NRM Roy
2. Wooden Staff
3. Sumo Koopa
4. 30 Damage
5. 64 HP Sumo Koopa
1. NRM Sumo Koopa
2. Earthquake
3. ALL
a. Roy
 b. 12 Damage
  c. 48 HP Roy
a. Wendy
 b. 36 Damage
  c. 24 HP Wendy
   d. Wendy is now paralyzed.
a. NRM Morton
 b. 3 Damage
  c. 47 HP Morton
1. PLZ Wendy
2. Unarmed
3. Sumo Koopa
4. 0 Damage
5. 64 HP Sumo Koopa
6. Wendy can't attack.
1. NRM Morton
2. Fire
3. Sumo Koopa
4. 72 Damage
5. 0 HP Sumo Koopa
6. Terminated
Battle Ends

Roy: At least he's out of the picture.

Suddenly a red comet-shaped flash crashed down in the forest.

Wendy: What was that?!

Morton: Who knows? Let's check it out!

Chapter 14: Battle with Devimon

Group Three kept walking and hid behind a shrub as Devimon was talking to his flunkies about Smithy and the world.

Devimon: You better find the talisman. Smithy promised me that if I bring it back to him he would help me take over the Digital World. At last I will get another chance!

Flunky: Yes sir, we will.

Second Flunky: Sir, look what I found!

Devimon: What is it?!

Second Flunky: It's the Talisman!

Devimon: Excellant.

???: Stop right there!

Devimon: What, who's there?!

???: It's me, Agumon!

Battle Starts
Enemies: Devimon

Agumon: What you are doing will not happen.

Devimon: We will see about that! Get him!

Group Three jumped out and helped Agumon fight.
1. Devimon
2. Break
3. Roy
4. All HP
5. 0 HP Roy
6. Knocked out Roy
1. Agumon
2. Terra Destroyer
3. Devimon
4. 99 Damage
5. 163 HP Devimon
6. Too strong for Agumon
7. 53 Damage to Agumon
8. 31 HP Agumon
1. Wendy
2. Geyser Shot
3. Devimon
4. 53 Damage
5. 110 HP Devimon
1. Morton
2. Revive Potion
3. KNO Roy
4. Regain 43 HP
5. 43 HP Roy
6. Roy is brought back up!
1. Devimon
2. Dark Force
3. Wendy
4. 34 Damage
5. 3 HP Wendy
1. Roy
2. Hurricane
3. Devimon
4. 58 Damage
5. 52 HP Devimon
1. Agumon
2. Static Force
3. Devimon
4. 18 Damage
5. 40 HP Devimon
6. Weak beacuse it is not his attack.
1. Wendy
2. Geyser Shot
3. Devimon
4. 64 Damage
5. 0 HP Devimon
6. Terminated
Battle Ends
Agumon L2, Agumon learned Rapid Fire

Chapter 15: A New Partner

Agumon: Thank you very much, you have saved the Talisman from the hands of evil.

Wendy: What do they do?

Agumon: They have the power to do things. This can shape-shift you into any form you need.

Roy: Hey, did you gave me this staff?

Agumon: No I didn't. I need your help to find all of these. Please?

Roy: What do we get in return?

Morton: Yeah what? 50 coins? 100 coins? 150 coi-

Agumon shoved rocks into Morton's mouth.

Morton: Tuhundwed cons? Tuhundwedfivy cons?

Agumon: How about that in return?

Roy: You made a good deal.

Morton: Dweehundwed fivy cons?

Agumon: Has he ever been more quite than that?

Roy: Nah, not really.

Agumon: He doesn't bite his own tounge either?

Wendy: No.

Agumon: It's something I have to get used to...

Agumon joined the group.

Read on!

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