Super Mario BROTHERS Sunshine

Started by Hip

Ricco Harbor

Gooper Blooper Breaks Out

By Introbulus

FLUDD 2: Luigi, I am picking up some paint-like activity over at the boathouse!

Mario: Gee, I wonder if it’s our little friend?

Mario and Luigi wander on over to the boathouse. Or at least, the FORMER boathouse!

Luigi: Yup, looks like you were right on the money!

Mario: All right, plant! Time to taste the water!

Mario and Luigi spray the pile of black goop with water until a black Piranha Plant pops out.

Mario: Geez! They get uglier each time I look at ‘em! Okay, on the count of three… one…

Piranha Plant: ROAR!

Mario: Three!

Mario and Luigi spray the plant with water, until it retreats back into the sludge.

Luigi: Well Mario, looks like-

Piranha Plant: BLARG!

Mario: What?! This guy doesn’t know when to quit!

They repeat the process once more. This time, though, the paint gets washed away and a boathouse pops out of the goop!

Mario: … Shall we enter?

Luigi: Lead the way, oh noble bro.

Suddenly, Luigi slips on some ink and falls into the ocean.

Luigi: Mamamia! Help!

Mario: *sigh* I knew it was too good to be true.

Once the Bros. go through the M, they wind up at some strange harbor and are confronted by two Piantas.

Mario: Say, have you seen a person that looks exactly like me around here?

The orange Pianta points to Luigi.


Blue Pianta: No, not really. Our bay is pretty much taken up by the GIANT OILSPILL OVER THERE!

Mario: … Where?

The orange Pianta points.

Luigi: MAMAMIA! Look at all of that ink!

Mario turns his head to see that half of the harbor is infested in a thick, black paste.

Mario: … Thanks.

Mario and Luigi head on over to the manhole, hoping they can find some way to get to the source of all this trouble.

Mario: I’ll go check the manhole for ways out, you go ask that sailor if he knows what’s going on.

Luigi: Okay.

Luigi goes over to sailor on a nearby ship.

Luigi: Hi!  Do you know where all this goop is coming from?

Sailor: What’s that? You say that maybe that arrow is pointing that way for a reason?

Luigi: … Forget it.

Mario: Hey Luigi!

Luigi: Hey bro!  Any luck?

Mario: Nope! Crates block all the manholes, and now I have a sore head!

Luigi: Ouch! Hey, what’s that pile of boxes doing over there?

Mario looks over towards the boxes that Luigi is pointing to and notices that the ink is coming out of the boxes.

Mario: We have to get over to that part of the harbor!

Luigi: But how? All the manholes are blocked off!

Mario then notices a crane lifting a platform up and down near the goo.

Mario: There! We ride the platform!

Luigi: Me first!

Luigi runs over to the platform and tries to land on it, but gets stuck in the oil spill instead.

Luigi: Yaaa! Mario, help me!

Mario: Dive! Ink doesn’t sink into water!

Luigi dives down and safely swims back to the outlet next to the lifting crane.

Luigi: Okay, Mario. Maybe we should try some timing?

Mario: (sarcastically) Good idea, Luigi.

Mario and Luigi manage to get up to the higher part of the harbor. After fending off some Bloopers and a few ice skating lessons from Luigi, the Bros. finally make it over to the crate.

Mario: You go clean up some of that goop on the side of the crate, I’ll check out the front.

Luigi: Right!

Luigi goes off to clean some goop.

Mario: Hmm, what’s this? A tentacle?

FLUDD: Maybe you should try pulling it.

Mario: Good idea!

Mario pulls on the tentacle until it pops out of the crate. Then, a giant Blooper pops out of it, sending Luigi off the ledge and into the goo.


Mario: … On second thought, BAD IDEA!

The Blooper lands right in front of Mario, knocking him over in the process.

Mario: So YOU’RE the Gooper Blooper responsible for all this mess! (Hehe, Gooper Blooper. Man, I’ve got to start writing these thing down!)

Mario sprays some water into Gooper’s eyes, then Gooper proceeds to smash him into a pancake with his tentacles.

Mario: … Ow…

FLUDD: Perhaps you should remove its appendages before you confront this beast.

Mario: Good ide… NO!  I won’t jinx it again!


Mario: … Ow…

As the Blooper tries to smash Mario into oblivion, Mario manages to pull off two of its tentacles.

Mario: Whew (pant pant!) too… tired…

Gooper: Blaarg!

Mario: Oh no!

Gooper is about to smash Mario for the victory… but then, Luigi slams his tentacles into the ground!

Mario: Little bro! You made it!

Luigi: Well I couldn’t let you take all the credit, could I?

Mario: Right! Let’s show this overgrown anti-pasta what we’re made of!

Mario and Luigi pull off Gooper’s two remaining tentacles.

Glooper: Blargerglargle!

Luigi: Yes! We did it!

Mario: Wait, why is it still there?

Luigi: Wait a minute! There’s a cork in its mouth! I bet…

Mario: Luigi! Don’t!

Luigi begins to pull on its snout.

Mario: No!

The cork pops out, and Gooper falls over.

Luigi: … Well that was simple!

Gooper: WARGGGHHH!!!

Gooper jumps up and sprays some ink around itself. His tentacles are back, too.

Luigi: (slipping in the ink) Waaaaa!

Mario: *sigh*

Mario sprays the ink away.

Luigi: Thanks, big bro! Now let’s show this squid what it feels like-

Mario: To be double-teamed by-

Luigi: The two-

Mario: And only-


The brothers team up on the Blooper, taking turns distracting it, smashing it’s tentacles into the pavement, and pulling them off, until finally Gooper is nothing more than a big blubbery Blooper head.

Luigi: Care to do the honors, Mario?

Mario: Any time, Luigi!

Goooper: *weep*

Pulling on the beast’s mouth, Mario slingshots it into the murky depths.

Luigi: Nice shot!

Suddenly, a Shine appears.

Luigi: MINE!!!

Luigi tries to slide for the Shine, but winds up going right past it and into the water again.

Luigi: Oh draaaaaaaaaaa…

Mario grabs the Shine with ease and does a dance.

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