Super Mario BROTHERS Sunshine

Started by Hip

Ricco Harbor

Shadow Mario Revisited

By Ludwig 222

Mario and Luigi enter the M on the boathouse and appear in Ricco Harbor.

Mario: Shadow Mario at 12:00!

Luigi: Let's chase him down!

Mario and Luigi run ahead and bump into two Piantas.

Pianta 1: Hey, didn't you just come through here?

Mario: No, just an impostor of me.

Pianta 2: Wait a minute, if you're here, who's that guy over there?

Mario: That weirdo who framed me!

Pianta 2: Oh.

Luigi: I'll chase Shadow Mario!

Luigi, with Mario soon following him, starts squirting Shadow Mario, who runs up the plank. The Mario Bros. both hover over onto the cage above a small room in the ship, where Shadow Mario just jumped to. They both squirt him some more until he Side Somersaults onto the smokestack and spin-jumps onto the narrow walkways.

Luigi: What a jumper!

Mario and Luigi Side Somersault onto the smokestack and Side Somersault and hover to the narrow walkways.

Luigi: Mario, you know what?

Mario: What?

Luigi: My... legs... feel... shaky... up here.

Mario: Then walk slowly on these walkways!

Shadow Mario runs forward. As Mario chases after him, squirting him some, he immediately turns around and bumps into Mario.

Mario: Ouch...

Luigi chases after Shadow Mario. But since he's walking slowly and carefully, he doesn't catch up with Shadow Mario, who Side Somersaulted onto a higher walkway.

Luigi: Maybe I should squirt him from here...

Luigi does that. As a reaction, Shadow Mario runs away some more. Mario now gets up and runs down the path Shadow Mario took. He Side Somersaults onto the walkway and squirts Shadow Mario for the final time, making him fall down.

Shadow Mario: Phooey! I'll remember this!

The Shine appears. Mario grabs it and does the Shine Dance.

Mario: Woohoo!

Luigi: Onto the next Star!

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