Super Mario BROTHERS Sunshine

Started by Hip

Noki Bay

The Boss of Tricky Ruins

By Mario

Mario and Luigi run to the portal to Noki Bay and look at the sun. They appear in Noki Bay a second later.

Old Noki: Mario! Luigi! I'm glad you're here! As a reward for unplugging the waterfall, I will tell you a secret of a Noki King who was buried in a secret tomb in the side of the cliff.

The Noki points to a huge hole in the cliff, where a Shine Sprite can be seen.

Mario: It's not a secret anymore.

Old Noki: ... Riiiiight...

Luigi: Say, why isn't the bay clean yet?

Old Noki: It takes a while for the waterfall to purify the water.

Mario and Luigi hover to the narrow beach next to the cliff.

Luigi: Hey, Mario! Look! *points to a tile in the cliff with a symbol of water on it* Do you think we need to spray it?

Mario nods. They spray the tile and a huge maze appears indented in the cliff.

FLUDD2: Quick! That maze won't stay there long!

Mario and Luigi wall-jump through the maze. When they reach the top, a pair of Bloopers attack. Mario and Luigi dispatch them easily.

Mario: Why are there Bloopers here?

Luigi: Look! Another tile!

They spray it and make another maze in the cliff. After they narrowly make it to the end, two more Bloopers attack. But that don't throw the Brothers off. Behind them is Gooper Blooper.

Luigi: How did he get here? I thought we were rid of him once and for all back in Ricco Harbor.

They dispatch the Bloopers and approach the Gooper Blooper. As it tries to whack the Brothers with its tentacles, the Brothers pull them off one by one. Eventually, the giant Blooper is tentacle-less and the duo pulls the plug out of its mouth. The Gooper Blooper spits out some ink, regrows some tentacles, and continues to fight. The Brothers repeat their process until the Gooper Blooper is tentacle-less again. However, Mario and Luigi do nothing to finish him off.

Gooper Blooper: ???

Mario and Luigi lay down and fall asleep.

Gooper Blooper: !!! @&#$^#%$!!!

An hour later, the Mario Brothers wake up and find that the Gooper Blooper has fallen asleep.

Mario: Dang, he's a pushover!

The duo pull on its mouth and catapult it into the mountains.

Gooper Blooper: Z..Z..Z.. *wakes up* !!! @&#$^#%$-


Mario: That was fun. Now what?

Luigi points to a nearby hole Gooper Blooper was perched on. The Brothers jump down the hole and land in the tomb of the Noki King.

Luigi: This is a gold mine of ancient history! I could sell all these urns to the Nokis and be rich!

Mario: (spots the Shine Sprite) Luigi, this place is probably filed with booby traps, so don't touch-

Luigi picks up a vase and a giant boulder falls through the hole they fell through.

Mario: -anything...

The boulder chases Luigi around the tomb and knocks him through the hole in the wall and into the bay.

Luigi: OOOWWW!!!

Mario jumps up to the Shine Sprite and does the Shine Dance.

Mario: Woohoo!

Luigi: Onto- OOOWWW!!!- the- OOOWWW!!!- next- OOOWWW!!!

Luigi faints and loses a life.

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