Lucky Pasta

By Tabitha Yoshi

Ludwig sighed. Bored. Bored. The Koopa was sitting on his bed, staring at the wall. There was nothing to do. Ludwig didn’t think he’d ever been so bored in his life. Already, Ludwig had spent excessive amounts of time on Pipe Land. In fact, his assistant begged him to finish up. He’d taken two lessons of school. His teacher wasn’t willing to do more teaching.

What he really wanted to do was invent something. But he hadn’t thought of a single idea for the past two weeks. It was awful. He wasn’t doing well with his music lately, either.

Well, he could always sleep. Ludwig laid back and closed his eyes…

He sat up with a sudden jolt as he heard a door slam. He could hear Roy’s voice. He sounded most annoyed.

“How come dem Marios are always beat’n us?!” He roared. Ludwig inched closer to his door. Looks like his sibling had suffered a great defeat. Serves him right for smashing that robot last month.

Then he heard Morton. “I don’t understand, comprehend, get why we are so easily, without effort defeated,  smashed into the ground, beaten, lost, pounded! Why...” Ludwig heard no more from Morton. Someone must have ‘put a sock in it’.

“I wonder why they are so-” Iggy started

“-Successful! They aren’t very intelligent…” Lemmy finished.

“They are weaklings!” added Roy.

“Mph! Mrpgh!” Morton mumbled.

‘Good question…’ Ludwig thought. Finally! A problem! What could solve it? An invention! Ludwig hurried to the lab section of his room to get to work.


All thoughout the day, Ludwig had problems. Every three minutes, a sibling of his came barging in, destroying his current work on the invention. Work, get disturbed, siblings smash invention, start again. That was the chain of events. The cycle started over and over again every ten minutes. After an hour, Ludwig had enough. He snatched up his wand and spun around his chair, facing the door. “Vext organism to enter this area gets it.” he growled to himself.

The door opened. Ludwig screamed. “Remove yourself!” And the wand emitted a large beam at the figure in the doorway. Just as the beam made contact, Ludwig heard a roar of rage. The Koopaling’s eyes widened.

“LUDWIG!” Bowser screamed. “Go to the dungeon!”


It wasn’t so bad after all. Everyone was leaving Ludwig alone now. Sure it was a bit dark, but he could still work on his invention. He held up a magnifying glass and leaned in towards his current work. Right now it just looked like a small hunk of machinery. But it was starting to come together.


Ludwig was in the dungeon for one week. During this week, Ludwig had finished his invention. It turned out to be a telescope. Not a normal telescope. It could carry your stuff. It had night vision and day vision. It could zoom up to an object like a microscope. You could see something with it from miles back. It was the perfect tool, for a spy.

He had also built numerous small cameras. They were also able to zoom up into objects very well.

When Bowser finally let Ludwig out of the dungeon, his first stop was to the fridge. He had done something really bad, so during that week he hadn’t been allowed any food. Ludwig was starving. He snatched all the chocolate and headed back to his room. He had to get ready for tomorrow. Tomorrow, he’d finally start his experiment.


Ludwig walked towards Mario’s house. Behind him, Larry was stealthfully following. Ludwig and Larry creapt into a bush. The bush was about twenty feet away from the Marios' home. Ludwig began to set up his telescope and Larry sat down.

After ten minutes, Larry sighed. “What’s taking so long?” he complained to Ludwig.

“You iz very lucky zat I allowed you here, Larry,” Ludwig said. He knew in truth that he couldn’t do this without Larry. But he didn’t let his brother know this. The oldest Koopaling was leading Larry on that this was a privilege and that he was lucky to come along.

Larry sighed again, and Ludwig frowned. He wished that he didn’t need Larry. “Larry ze spy?” Ludwig said and turned around. “I need you to zet zese cameras there, there, and there.” Each time Ludwig said the word 'there' he pointed to areas around the house, such as near the window or in the corner of the door. “And if ze are successful, I will ask you to go on an even more difficult mizsion.”

Larry seemed excited by this, and Ludwig was happy to see him sneak away to place the cameras. Ludwig spun around and began to tinker with his machine again.

It was not long before Larry returned. Luckly when the young Koopaling came back, Ludwig had finished setting up the telescope. “Now what do I get to do?” Larry said anxiously. If he did well, maybe Ludwig would take him on missions like this more often!

“Zis will be more difficult,” Ludwig stated and set one last camera in Larry’s palm. “Zis must go on Mario’s hat.” Ludwig could tell Larry was a bit nervous, but Ludwig had a way to give him a bit more confidence. “I will cover you,” Ludwig said as he pulled out a small gun. “Alzo, if ze fail, we tell Dad we attempted to attack the brothers.”

Larry nodded and he began to creep towards Mario’s house. Ludwig moved himself to a bush closer to the house and he held up the gun, ready to fire if anyone spotted Larry.


Larry sat at the Marios' window. The fat plumber always wore his hat. But Larry was smarter than Mario. This would be his advantage. The Koopaling ran around back. Ludwig isn’t the only one how could think up a plan! On the way, Larry picked up a stick.

When he reached the back of the house, he glanced around. No Marios. No anyone. Larry then climbed up the side of the house. When he reached the top, he sat on the side of the roof. He tried to catch his breath.

Larry made sure to be quiet as he walked across the roof. Now he found himself leaning over the Marios’ front door. The youngest then cupped his hand around his mouth. “FREE CHEESE!” he shouted and prepared.

The door slammed opened and in a quick motion, Larry dropped the camera as Mario ran out the front door. Did it land on his hat? “There’s-a no one here-a...” Mario said. “Maybe he’s-a invisible!” The dummy then wandered around the yard, searching for something that was not there.

Then Larry noticed the camera sitting in front of the Marios’ door! He didn’t feel like going after it. As Larry walked back along the roof, Mario walked back inside his house. Little did the plumber know, Mario accidentally kicked the camera. It was now attached to his shoe. Ludwig would assume it fell off. And a camera on Mario’s shoe was just as good as one on his hat.

With the task complete, the two Koopalings left the house. Ludwig smiled slightly. He’d have a great success.


Ludwig had programmed all the camera’s pictures, videos, sounds, and just about any other information it could gather every day at noon. But Ludwig ended up being busy that week with Pipe Land. There had been a great rainstorm that lasted many days in Water Land. Water Land started to overflow, and soon all the lands were flooded with water. Wendy was having a blast, but everyone else was having problems. The land most affected was Desert Land.

Ludwig had been busy trying to clear out all the citizens of Pipe Land. After that, he had to try to get rid of the water. Then when the storm finally ended, every land looked like Water Land! When the water was finally gone, Ludwig had to help with the reconstruction of his lands. He nearly forgot about his experiment.

So when Ludwig finally returned to his computer, he had a lot of information to read though. That was what he would spend the rest of the day doing: reading the data, coming to a conclusion.

The more Ludwig found out, the more surprised he became. Mario ate pasta just about every day. When they ran out of pasta, Mario had terrible luck and failed in just about everything. When he ate the pasta, he was a winner no matter what.

Ludwig wasn’t about to let his family find out. He shut off the computer and forgot about the whole thing.


One Koopaling did not forget. He wanted his promised credit. So while Ludwig was out searching for something to build a new machine, Larry walked into his room.

Getting into Ludwig’s computer was easy. This stuff was easy for Larry. Soon, the Koopaling was looking at all the same data Ludwig had. He only watched for 15 minutes before he rushed off to get his father.

“DAD!!! DAD!! I NEED TO SHOW YOU SOMETHING!!!” Larry shouted as he rushed down towards Bowser’s room.


Ludwig walked into the castle, feeling quite happy with himself. He had all the parts for his new computer program, and more! He figured he could use the extra parts to make some sort of robot that could create chocolate.

Ludwig headed towards the kitchen to get some chocolate, only to find something that made him jump back in surprise.

There, Ludwig saw his whole family, stuffing their faces with pasta. Larry ran over. “Have some pasta, Ludwig! We’ll eat more than Mario and we’ll finally take over Mushroom Kingdom!” Larry shoved a bowl of the stuff in Ludwig’s hands.

Ludwig stared down at the bowl in his hands. He wished the Marios ate a lot of chocolate.


After a few days, Ludwig was now kicking his experiment up a notch.  He would study the affects of this so called “Lucky Pasta.”. When Ludwig thought about it, this whole idea seemed kind of sad. None of his family had anything better to do then sit around and play with Italian foods.

He was now walking towards the door. He planned to go to pipe land. But as he walked, the koopa was reviewing his notes. Roy had not eaten any pasta three days ago. On the same day, Iggy had eaten very large amounts. That day, Roy tried to beat up Iggy. Iggy punched him out.

Ludwig shook his head.  “Zhis Iz impozzible..” How could lasagna be lucky? Maybe it’s all a consequence! The koopa then looked back down at his notes. Morton ate a bowl of pasta this morning and won a contest with a wedding cake as the surprise this afternoon…

“No way!” Ludwig frowned and tossed his notes out the window.


Ludwig sighed as he walked towards the living room. King Dad had called a family meeting. He’d just got home from Pipe Land and planned to go to sleep. He was tired and didn’t want to do anything.

Ludwig opened the door to see all his siblings smiling. Everyone was happy. At the same time... no one was fighting. How strange... “Come sit, Ludwig,” Clawdia said and motioned towards a empty chair. Ludwig sat.

King Dad stood and began to speak. “As you all know, we’ve been having a great luck streak for about a week and a half. All thanks to Ludwig and Larry’s findings!” A few of his siblings nodded. “Tomorrow, I want you all to come up with a plan to defeat the Marios. This time you all have no reason to fail,” Bowser said and everyone got the point. Ludwig rolled his eyes. There was no way this was going to work.

There was some talk about how everyone’s lands were doing, how the armies were holding up, blah blah blah. Ludwig was about to get up when Bowser glared down at him. “Did you hear anything I just said? You and your siblings need to make a plan. Not later. Now.” Ludwig shrank back in his seat.

“But of courze, father,” Ludwig mumbled as his parents left the room. “Zo, what is ze plan?” he asked.

“I was thinking we sneak up on then and then blow off their heads!” Larry suggested.

“No way! My candy rings are the way to go,” Wendy commanded.

“I say we-” Lemmy started

“Use your Freeze Gun. No... I think we should just attack them head on!” Iggy finished.

“A head on attack does sound good,” Roy said and punched his chair’s armrest.

“Yes. I agree, back-up, approve this plan, plot, idea! A head-on attack, assault, battle would be great, grand, wonderful, fantastic! We would surely, positively prevail, win, triumph! I-” Morton stopped suddenly as Roy stuffed the sock in his mouth.

“There’s no way we could lose!” everyone agreed. Ludwig was the only one who disliked the plan. But he was too tired to debate something like this right now anyway.


So the next day, six confident Koopalings trotted out of the castle gates. Lagging behind was Ludwig. There was no way this was going to work! It was impossible. How could pasta be lucky? But he was dragged along anyway. It didn’t matter much to him much. He’d let his siblings do the work and still get some credit for attacking the Marios.

They came upon the Marios’ house rather quickly. Roy ran to the door and smashed it down with a powerful blow from his left foot. The Marios were sitting around a small table eating pizza. The many Koopalings came rushing in and attacked the Marios with everything they had.

'Maybe they’d succeed after all!' Ludwig figured. It wasn’t the pasta though. He was sure it was the sheer numbers that were doing it. The odds were 7 to 2.

Just then, Mario and Lugi jumped over the Koopas' heads. Bonk! They bounced off Roy’s head. Then he bonked Wendy. Bonk! There went Iggy! How were they were winning with such ease?!


Soon, six defeated Koopalings went running out of the Marios’ door. The whole way home Wendy, Morton,  Lemmy, Iggy, and Roy were hearing Ludwig say, “I told zed zoo!”

But Larry stood at the doorway, staring at the Marios. Why? How could they lose? This morning, he ate so much spaghetti he could explode! “B-but... We ate so much lasagna...” he mumbled.

Mario grinned stupidly. What an overconfident jerk! “Silly-a Koopa! It was-a the pizza!”

The End

(Author’s Note: This should be a very successful story. I ate lots of spaghetti!)

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