The Egg-cellant Adventure

By Martin

Hello, it is I, your narrator for this tale! This is a story of suspense, humor, tragedy, and a whole bunch of morons. No, it isn't another GBT either! I don't narrate those! Anyway, this tale is of the origins of both Smithy and the Mushroom Kingdom- the two interwine between six seperate but connected stories, two of them occurring in the past. On to the story!

Prologue: Secrets in the Ground

Kolorado and his crew are seen in the middle of a desert. In the background, things going on indicate this is Sarasaland. The Koopa stands holding an odd stone compass.

Kolorado: According to what that Moustafa guy told me, the lost temple of Birdiatra should be around here, old bean.

The strange Koopa notices a large shrine in the distance. In the center of the shrine is a hole shaped like the stone.

Kolorado: This must be it, old bean. Let's go!

The group approaches the shrine. Once there Kolorado places the stone in the hole and the ground caves down, the shrine lowering to reveal a staircase below it.

Kolorado: This must be it, old beans!

The group goes in and finds something interesting...

Chapter 1: Princess Peach's Problems

Peach stands in her throne room, shocked after just hearing of Kolorado's discovery in the tomb: that Peach's family was not originally in charge of the Mushroom Kingdom and was put in charge by another, under the condition that in 2001 years the power would be given back to the most recent generation in the former Queen Birdiatra's family.

Peach: Kolorado, when will 2001 years have passed?

Kolorado: Hmm, about a month, old bean.

Peach: I have to find someone somewhere on Plit who could have descended from an ancient queen and hand power over to them, no matter who it is? I really hope it's not someone like Bowser or Cackletta or Popple or Croco or Wart or Kamek or Fawful or Mouser or the Koopalings...

Meanwhile in Bowser's Keep, Bowser, Wart, Mouser, Cackletta, Popple, Croco, Kamek, Fawful, and the Koopalings are sitting at a table. Actually, Croco isn't there but rather at the meeting via satellite while in Joke's End with his Crooks. Papers of the report by Kolorado lay on the table.

Bowser: This could be what could lead to one of us taking over Plit!

Cackletta: Plit? Wait, the person is just heir to the Mushroom Kingdom, not Plit!

Kamek: King Bowser has a point. The Mushroom Kingdom is the most powerful kingdom on Plit, plus whoever is heir has complete control over Mario and Luigi.

Bowser: Wait, Popple, how is it that you can tell one of us may be heir just from stealing the report?

Popple: Inside are the names of several dead bodies they found in the tomb. These names each match someone in this room's family tree at a certain point. They failed to find Birdiatra's body though, so it's impossible to figure out who is the heir in here. It is likely that someone who was found in the tomb was related to her.

Bowser: How come you get the longest line so far in the story?

Popple: I have an important role later. You guys'll soon be forgotten in this storyline. Except Croco.

Bowser: Alright, then let's go get donuts...

Everyone but Popple and Croco leave.

Chapter 2: Smithy's Plot

Smithy stands in his factory, talking to Yaridovich.

Smithy: Yaridovich, do you know why I need you to go to Plit?

Yaridovich: Um... to conquer it with weapons? Again?

Smithy: That's the plan for what will happen later, but for now I need you to stop Princess Peach from handing power over to the true heir before the time when the 2001st year passes, allowing me to invade Plit with my robot military! As you know, a curse was put on me after my creator's death, locking me from entering Plit until the 2001st anniversary of her death.  I have a new project to use on those fools who stopped me last. I of course can't exit again, but I can send one of you, and you're the most formidable.

Yaridovich: There goes Popple's record...

Later on Plit, Yaridovich appears in the middle of some dark area that's unknown at the time. He pulls out his spear and turns around, seeing a large truck coming right at him. He quickly runs out of the way and sets out on his quest to kidnap Peach. Back at Smithy's Factory, Smithy has his workers preparing a huge military for the upcoming conquest. A musical montage plays in the background; Smithy's theme from Super Mario RPG. Elsewhere, Peach spends her night thinking of how to find who the heir really is. Really, nothing trully exciting at all happens at night. So, let's just skip that part and see events in the past...

~The Plit Year 3 AD in Queen Birdiatra's Kingdom~

Birdiatra sits upon her throne contendedly, thinking about recent problems she's been having with her ex-step-brother Cracku. He insisted that he had as much right to the throne of the kingdom known at the time as Birdascity as his father was king at one time. His father was actually the natural leader of Dark Land and had married Birdiatra's mother, bringing a brief alliance between the two countries before a bitter divorc that caused war. (This war is still occuring today.) As Birdiatra stands to call her servants to bring her something to drink, her most trusted servant Cackla runs in.

Cackla: My queen! Dark Land's military is attacking!

Birdiatra cringes and reaches behind her throne, pulling out a sword. At the time, Dark Land had a small military, but it included many powerful monsters.

Birdiatra: Gather the entire military! Waste no time! We must fight for our lives!

The military is gathered and all of the children in the kingdom are sent to Sarasaland, where a shelter is put for them. The members of the Castle, Macer, Flawf, Bowmaurm, Cackla, Kamoo, and Opble, stand with Birdiatra at the front of the military.

Birdiatra: They have a small army, one for every ten of ours, but it's also a powerful army. If we launch a sneak attack, we will easily bring them down.

The army rushes forward and sees the opposing forces, but it is at least five times the size it normally was! Cracku runs up to Birdiatra, and she immediatly kicks him right in his scale-covered stomach. (If the name wasn't enough indication as to who his descendant is...)

Birdiatra: Impossible! You're military is much larger in the course of a few months! How is this possible?!

Cracku: Heheheheh. The same way I aquired such power to begin with. I used dangerous forbidden magic! You're stupid for trying to hold to tradition when you can do so much more through different more powerful methods. Now, Birdiatra, what do you say we finish this rivalry ourselves?

Cracku pulls a sword out from his bag and lunges toward Birdiatra. She draws her sword and defends the strike, then jumps back.

Birdiatra: Cackla, move the army back. This battle's personal!

Chapter 3: Egg-citement Galore!

Russ T. stands in his house watching a currently unseen figure. You can see books flying from the figure past Russ T. during this.

Russ T: Are you quite sure that this book is somewhere in my collection?

The figure now comes into visibility as Birdo. She is holding a large stack of books.

Birdo: I know it has to be SOMEWHERE around, and I've already checked through all of Scolar's library...

Russ T: And how did you get up there to begin with?

Birdo: Bad plot holes.

Russ T: Ah. It seems to me that this book you look for would be in one of two castles: Princess Peach's or Lady Bow's, the two largest libraries on Plit.

Birdo: Thanks!

Birdo runs off toward Peach's castle.

Russ T: (shouting) Could you please pick up these books? *sigh*

Meanwhile at Peach's Castle, Peach sciffs through the Royal Library for anything on Birdiatra. Toad comes running frantically into the library.

Toad: Ahh! We're being attacked!

Peach: Bowser?!

Toad: No some robot guy with a huge pointy spear!

Peach: Yaridovich... Go get the Mario Bros. If neccessary, distract him.

Toad reluctantly leaves.

Peach: I knew this was coming...

Peach continues quickly and finds the book she was looking for. She's about to open it when...

Yaridovich (from in the hall): Heheheheh. Pathetic Brothers and Mushroomer. This'll be a snap!

Peach runs behind the bookcase with the book and hides. Yaridovich enters.

Yaridovich: Heheheheheheheheheheheh!

Yaridovich pulls out a spear and pulls down one bookshelf in particular. Peach is pressed against the wall.

Yaridovich: Give me the book and I'll make sure Smithy kills you quick and painlessly. Maybe...

Peach: Mute!

Yaridovich: Heheh. You honestly thought you naturally had that power? The Stars gave you such a power!

Peach dashes to the other side of the room and out the door, holding the book. Yaridovich catches her in the hallway, where she runs into the kitchen. Yaridovich steps in, getting a frying pan in the face. He angrily pulls the book out of Peach's hands and sets it to flames. Yaridovich throws a small capsule onto the ground and vanishes with the book.

Chapter 4: Purple Reign

Croco stands with his three Crooks in Joke's End. Each of the three Crooks holds a book. One of the Crooks also holds a painting of Birdiatra.

Croco: Ahahahaha! This looks like the time of our conquest, Crooks! We will soon conquer the Mushroom Kingdom, and later all of Plit!

Crook 1: Um, are you sure? This Birdiatra looks a lot like-

Croco: Silence, see?! I will do as my great, great, great, great-

Crook B: Let's not ruin the surprise.

Crook III: Indeed.

Croco: You're right. Come my Crooks, to the Mushroom Kingdom we go!

Croco and his Crooks run out of Joke's End. At Peach's Castle, things had been put into order and Peach had sent huge numbers of her Toads to capture the book, without telling a single reason why, as it wouldn't be wise to tell about Smithy's release. She sits down in her throne and waits for the return of the book. Suddenly, the door slowly opens and a pink foot steps in. Peach fears it's Axem Pink and pulls out her frying pan. Birdo steps in. Peach barely misses.

Peach: So sorry, I thought you were someone else.

Birdo: How many villains are there that are pink?

Peach: Um... Anyway, what have you come for?

Birdo: I came to see if you had a certain book in your library...

Peach: Go ahead and search it. You'll probably find it somewhere in there.

Birdo: Thanks!

Birdo runs off to the library. Peach sits back down.

~In the past~

Birdiatra swings her sword at Cracku, who strikes back with his then begins dealing quick unforgiving strikes with his sword, which Birdiatra can only hope to be able to dodge. He has much more skill than her with a sword, and she knows this. He strikes with the sword across her left arm, then sticks the sword in her kneecap. She leaves the sword there for fear of her life, and runs into the mountainous forest to the north. Cracku laughs a horrendous laugh of evil.

Cracku: Now things are going to get interesting... heheheheh. Men, go on! For I know that I've already taken control here.

~Present; Gusty Gulch outskirts~

Yaridovich: Haha. This was the easiest work I've ever done. Smithy'll give me my own land even! Yes... maybe Mecha Land... yeah...

The army of Toads comes up to Yaridovich, who has the book in his hands. Yaridovich sits next to a fire.

Yaridovich: Oh, looking for the book? Well, go get it then!

Yaridovich throws the book into the fire. The book goes up in flames. The Toads dash off.

Yaridovich: Heheheheh!

Yaridovich pulls out a cell phone-like instrument. He presses a button on it then speaks into it.

Yaridovich: Master Smithy, I have successfully destroyed the book!

Smithy: Excellent. My reign will soon begin!

Chapter 5: Speedy Takeover

Birdo digs through the shelves of Princess Peach's library. She pulls out a book, the very one she was looking for.

Birdo: Finally! Now then, to get to searching through it...

Birdo starts reading through the book. Outside in the hall, the reptilian thief known as Croco walks toward the door to Peach's throne. His three Crooks follow close behind. The four walk into Peach's throne room. Croco walks up to Peach while the Crooks stand in front of the door.

Peach: What do you want?

Croco: Well well, Princess, it seems like you have a bit of trouble for you right now. But don't fret, I'm simply here to inform you that I am the true heir.

Peach: Why should I trust you?

Croco: My my, Princess Peach, I DO have proof. I am the descendant of the former king of the Mushroom Kingdom and Dark Land, and obviously no heir has yet been found, because the descendants of Birdiatra apparently no longer exist in this world.

Peach: And what proof do you have of this?

Croco: Heheh. This!

Croco holds up a book containing his family history. He flips to a page of the known family timeline and points at a name, Kruc, which is followed by Kruc's son Cracku.

Croco: Is this enough proof for you?

Peach: F-fine. It's the only hope to keep Smithy from- alright, but if I find the true heir to Birdiatra herself... Anyway, we'll wait two days before then...

Croco leaves with his Crooks, satisfied with his plan's success.

~In the past~

Two months later, Birdiatra now resides in the woods preparing for an attack on Cracku. Birdiatra has become much more skilled with a sword by now, and is also experimenting with magic. At the time, she reads through a long forgotten ancient spell book that is rumored to have brought on a terrible evil that was powerful enough to destroy all of Plit. This evil was stopped however, due to using a special power that allowed it to take in the energy of another being. This being fought a powerful sorceror and absorbed his energy, but there was so much the evil was destroyed. Birdiatra found the spell she needed, one that brought stone to life in a powerful form, powerful enough to destroy the whole army of Cracku by itself.

Birdiatra: I know I have no choice..

Birdiatra prepares to cast the spell. Meanwhile in the now-Mushroom Kingdom, Cracku is king. The major people of the castle except Cackla and Flawf, who had ran off to unknown parts since the rise of Cracku, are quite appalled at the idea of serving Cracku, though Bowmaurm tries to do everything very well in hopes of getting control of Dark Land, which Cracku no longer has interest in. Indeed it seems at this point that all will end well for Cracku with a nice, long, happy life, but little does anyone know that one month later, the young king's life will end.

Chapter 6: One Step Closer

Birdo sits in the library reading through the book she had been searching for for the past week. The book is a family timeline. Birdo had laid an egg, and family tradition holds that children should be named after their ancestors.

Peach (in hallway talking to Toad): How am I going to find the descendant of Birdiatra in just three days? It seems impossible, and if I don't find him or her soon, Smithy, Croco, or both will take power. What am I going to do?!

Toad: Perhaps another book exists which states the descendant of Birdiatra?

Birdo doesn't quite pay attention and goes back to the book. Peach heads into the library and sees Birdo reading the book. She thinks she sees a familiar name in the book, but brushes it off. Meanwhile, Yaridovich has decided to get a start on Smithy's invasion by heading into the seas to seek revenge on Captain Johnathon Jones. Croco also has plans of his own. He has Chef Torte, Tayce T, and Apprentice all come to Joke's End for something.

Croco: Alright, so Tayce T, I want you to make a huge dinner for the big crowning of ME as king of the Mushroom Kingdom.

Chef Torte: Vhat of moi?

Croco: I want you and your Apprentice to create a huge cake, one that makes Bundt look like a cupcake. Oh, and some pie for Crook B. Heheh. I'll pay you all nicely for this. As in, enough for each of you to build a restaurant chain.

All three chefs rush off to get started on their jobs. Croco begins laughing uncontrollably.

Croco: Like I'd really pay them!

The crocodile and his Crooks exit Joke's End, planning what each will do with their power and money. Elsewhere, Yaridovich walks into a room full of barrels. He sees a door and heads to it.

Voice: What is the password?

Yaridovich: Pearls.

Voice: Enter.

The door opens. Yaridovich walks in and doesn't see anyone or anything besides holes in the floor. Not even the voice is here.

Yaridovich: Heh.

Yaridovich begins beating the wooden end of his spear on the floor, drawing King Kalimari out of hiding. Yaridovich picks the spear up and points the metallic point at King Kalimari's tentacle. The Blooper's tentacles try grabbing Yaridovich, who stabs his spear through one tentacle, which begins wiggling uncontrollably with Yaridovich holding on. He jumps off, sticking the metal point of his head in the other tentacle. The two tentacles become tangled in each other. Yaridovich pulls his head and spear out, then runs on. The next three tentacles all grab Yaridovich at once and take the robot up to King Kalimari. Yaridovich pulls his spear through and throws it into King Kalimari's eye, then pulls it out, jumps off the squid, and runs for the next room. Yaridovich can hear the screeching of King Kalimari in pain as he heads up the stairs to Johnny's quarters.

~In the past~

Cracku sits contentedly upon Birdiatra's throne.

Cracku: I feel like celebrating ol' "sister's" eighteenth birthday. Bring me the dart set!

Bowmaurm puts a painting of Birdiatra on the wall and hands Cracku a bag of Porcupo needles. Cracku prepares to throw a needle when he hears a crashing sound outside, startling him into dropping the needle, barely missing hurting himself. Cracku heads outside to find his kingdom in ruins. Birdiatra stands on top of a building while Smithy, a monster Cracku has not seen, destroys. The children of the kingdom have been safely evacuated, and the monster is trying to get up to Birdiatra. Cracku uses his speed to sneak attack Smithy with his sword. Smithy absorbs the sword and grows larger.

Cracku: What kind of spell did you use?!

Birdiatra: Does that matter?!

Cracku: No!

Cracku climbs to the top of the building Birdiatra is on. Others in the kingdom have already hidden or been killed. Bowmaurm approaches Smithy and tackles him with his large spiralling horns. Smithy punches him, and Bowmaurm returns the favor by using his fire breath on Smithy. This harms Smithy quite a bit. Bowmaurm tries doing it again, but is punched by Smithy, who then turns his arm into a sword and sticks his arm in Bowmaurm's stomach. He then swings Bowmaurm around and throws him far off toward Dark Land. Bowmaurm lands in pain but living because of his extra fat. Bowmaurm stands up and finds every monster that inhabited Dark Land dead. Bowmaurm laughs and walks up the castle of Dark Land.

Chapter 7: The Heir is Known But...

Yaridovich enters the door to Johnathon Jones' quarters, seeing the Bandana Blues gone and Johnny laying on the floor (but still breathing). Yaridovich walks to Johnny Jones and is about to stick the spear in him when he realizes something isn't right.

Yaridovich: Why did someone attack him? It couldn't be a member of the Smithy Gang.

He examines Johnny Jones and notices a peculiar implant on his face. One that looks like... a sack? Yaridovich turns around and sees yellow eyes in the shadows. Yaridovich throws his spear into the shadows, and it is caught by a hand in a white glove.

Yaridovich: Come back for more, Mario? Heheh.

The figure doesn't blink, then jumps out of the shadows and kicks Yaridovich hard into the wall. The figure is visible now to Yaridovich, but not to anyone else. The figure pulls something out of his sack: brass knuckles. He puts them on and punches Yaridovich. He takes Yaridovich's cape and spear and puts them in the sack, then grabs Yaridovich and pulls him into the warp pipe. Popple comes out in the Mushroom Kingdom, and drags Yaridovich to Peach. Peach sits in her throne room, thinking over the whole predicament with Smithy and Croco. She knows that the answer to who the heir is must be somewhere close... Something seems out of place to her, like someone's actions that seem to have nothing to do with the whole deal is the answer. But what, she asks herself. What? She sees the door open and Popple comes in, dragging Yaridovich. He throws the robot to the ground and approaches Peach.

Peach: Who are you?

Popple: Popple! The world's most famous shadow thief!

Peach: Well if you go around yelling your name that makes sense since shadow thieves aren't supposed to be seen... Anyway, what do you want?

Popple: I have brought Yaridovich to you, and I have had a friend of mine check his data for the picture of Birdiatra. In fact, he printed it for me and here it is. For a price.

Peach: What?!

Popple: Give me 10,000 Beanbean coins, and you get the picture.

Peach: Fine! Toad!

Toad runs up.

Peach: Toad, bring 10,000 Beanbean coins in here.

Toad does so. Popple takes the money and gives Peach the picture, then leaves. Peach looks at it.

Peach: Birdo... But something seems out of place... Something is too easy and sudden about all this...

And sure enough this was true. Power of course was the point of the magic, but an ancient ring is what fulfills it, and the ring is long lost.

Read on!

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