An Island Adventure

By Marioman989

One day Mario and friends are looking in a suevenire shop when Peach notices a map to a secret island located north of Keelhaul Key.

Mario: Wow! An island! Can we go visit it, PLEASE?!

Peach: I guess, but let's find some information about this island first.

Luigi: Oh boy! This will be fun!

So Mario, Peach, and Luigi find an info shop. They see a man named Toad T, who gives them valuable information on the island.

Toad T: Well I wouldn't go there if I were you. They say an evil tribe guards the island.

Luigi: Then let's not go.

Toad T: But they guard an ancient treasure, a unique item, but I can't seem to find out what it is. So do you want the treasure or not?

Mario: Let's-a go!!!

Toad T: Then be very careful.

Mario and Co. take a boat to this island, called Mushy Isle. They see a  lot of trees and stuff. Somehow the boat disappears.

Luigi: Eek! Help! We're trapped on this island!!!

Peach: Oh dear! Mario, what will we do?

Mario: MAMAMIA!!!

Peach and Luigi: WHAT?!

Mario: My sock has a blade of grass on it.

Luigi: We are doomed!!!

Luigi starts to panic and runs into trees, Mario keeps looking at this blade of grass, and Peach won't stop fixing her dress.

Luigi: Must find air... Can't breathe much longer. UGGG... We're doomed.

Peach: Well, shouldn't we be searching around?

Mario: Let's-a go that-a way.

Mario and Co. find a tribal ground with painted poles and torches.

Peach: Oh my! What a run-down place.

Luigi: GET IT OFF ME!!!

Peach: Calm down, Luigi! It's just a leaf.

Luigi: A killer leaf. It tried to eat me.

Mario: Not if I eat it first.

Mario eats the leaf and a volcano erupts. Then a ghostly voice is heard.

Ghost: Gooooo away! Leave at once or face the evil pasta tribe.

Mario: OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH! YAY! I choose number 2.

Ghost: Very well then. Your princess is mine. Or maybe I can make a deal. Do you want to keep the princess or have unlimited pasta? Your choice.

Mario: Oh, this is easy, I choose the p...

Luigi: Mario, choose the princess.

Ghost: Quiet, green one. Let the stupid one answer.

Mario: PASTA!!!

Ghost: MWAHAHAHAHAH! Oh, sorry. Yes, you may have the pasta, and I will take the princess. No regrets.

The ghost takes the princess and disappears.

Luigi: Mario, look! An angry tribe of pasta is coming our way!!!

Mario eats all the pasta and gets sick. Their journey to rescue the princess begins.
Journal entry from Luigi

Day 1: I cured Mario with some grass and aloe. We seem to have uncovered an odd stone that seems to hold the power to immortality. It says in the guidebook that you need to put it on a pedestal. But where is a pedestal when you need one? Just the other day Peach was captured because stupid Mario wanted pasta over her. I don't get my brother some times. It's like he is not human.

Journal entry from Mario

Day 1: Oh, I found a butterfly yesterday and named it Jeff. I found a rock that reminded me of cheese so I ate it. It was hard to swallow, but I managed to get it down. Luigi is so stressed now that he can't focus on what's going on. I think he needs some help. Oh, it's almost time to find Peach so goodbye.


Mario and Luigi set off for Peach, not knowing what lies ahead of them. They came across a giant statue that talks.

Statue: If you want to pass, you must defeat me.

Mario pulls a plug that is behind the statue.

Luigi: Seems like someone wanted to scare us off. Anyway, good work, Mario.
Mario: It's all in the wrist.

Mario and Luigi enter a grotto that is full of bats and bones.

Mario: This is like the grotto on Keelhaul Key, except ugly.

Just then a voice is heard in the distance.

Peach: Mario, Luigi! Help!!!

Luigi: I'll save you!

Peach is taken away by the ghost.

Mario: Let's follow them.

Journal entry from Luigi

Day 2: We searched for hours and tried to catch the ghost and save Peach, but he was too fast. We slept in the damp and cold Grotto. I couldn't sleep well. Just thinking of what might happen to Peach scares me. Maybe next time I'll bring sleeping pills.

Journal entry from Mario
Day 2: I don't like this place. I keep seeing shadows at night so I can't sleep. Sometimes Luigi scares me. Sometimes he is in the corner shivering and shaking. I don't blame him, this place is COLD...

Luigi: Interesting.

Mario just woke up.
Mario: What is *yawn* interesting?
Luigi: I found this map that leads to a volcano. You need to head this way through the Grotto, past Fire Mountain, through Shy Guy Forest, and to the valcanoe. I heard that there is a spaceship that can take you to Glizville. The ghost must want to take Peach to Glizville and leave us here, so that he can blow up the island... WITH US ON IT!!!
Mario: EEEK! Then let's hurry.

Luigi: You're not kidding.

Mairo and Luigi head toward Fire Mountain, home of the Hot Sauce tribe.

Mairo: The Hot Sauce tribe? What kind of tribe is that?!

Luigi: I don't quite know, but they don't like visitors.

Mario and Luigi arrive at the Hot Sauce tribe.

leader: I am the Hot Sauce tribe leader. What do you want?

Mario: We just want to pass through here.

Leader: Oh my!!! Red clothes, Red Hat!!! ... The Hot Sauce King. Everybody bow down to our king.

Mario: ???

Luigi: WHAT?!

Leader: We have been searching for decades for our you. You are our God. We shall obey you. Oh, and who is this green one?

Mario: Oh, that is...


Luigi: NO! Get away from me!!! Mario! Help me!

Mario: No way!!! Being ruler means I get unlimited access to Hot Sauce-flavored pasta.

Luigi: Mario! Help me NOW OR ELSE!!!

Mario: Fine, let him go.

Luigi: Thank you!!!

Mario and Luigi tell the leader about what they're doing.

Leader: Well it looks like you have a busy adventure ahead of you, so I won't stall you. But please take this before you leave. It is a container of hot sauce. The finest hot sauce ever made. Oh, and the hottest!!!

Mario: Oh, thank you!

Luigi: Well it's getting dark. Let's go and stop for a rest.

Mario: Good-a idea!!!

Mario and Luigi leave and walk a little until they stop and rest.

Journal entry from Luigi

Day 4: We met the Hot Sauce tribe yesterday. They were ok except for the sacrifice part. I tried some of the Hot Sauce and It was not hot at all. Well we're on our way to Shy Guy Forest.

Journal entry from Mario

Day 4: Teehee... Luigi tried some of the hot sauce yesterday and he thought it was so hot. His mouth was so hot, he saw a little puddle and drank it all. I wonder what the Shy Guy tribe will have in store for us?

Mario and Luigi arrive at the Shy Guy tribe and see Shy Guys dancing around a statue.

Shy Guy: Pay your respects to the Shy King now.

Mario starts dancing around the Shy King.

Luigi: Look, we need to pass through here and get to the volcano.

Shy guy: After respect is paid.

Luigi: But...

Shy Guy: NOW!!!

Mario: Yeah, come on, Luigi! It's fun!!!

They dance for hours and hours until...

Shy Guy: Respect time!!!

Mario: What does that mean?

Shy Guy: We take turns standing in front of the statue and it tells us if we're bad or good. If you're good, it will let you two leave. But if you're bad, he will do something random.

Mario stands in front of the statue. The statue looks at Mario, then reads his mind.

Statue: Mario is thinking... Processing, please wait... Mario is thinking: Cheese is good in calcium. Where is my pasta? That statue has a big eye...

Luigi: That's what he always thinks.

Statue: You, green one, come here.

Luigi stands in front of the statue.

Statue: Luigi is thinking... Processing... Luigi is thinking: I can't wait to leave. I dislike this statue and the Shy Guys. I want to go home!!!

Everybody: *GASP*

Luigi: Um.... Hee hee. That is a lie.

Everybody: *DOUBLE GASP*

The statue shoots lightning on Luigi. Luigi grabs Mario and they run toward the volcano.

Journal entry from Luigi

Well it was scary yesterday, but we managed to overcome the situation. I just got rid of the shocking so I don't shake anymore. Mario is playing tic-tac-toe with a squirrel he found. Everything is going smoothly. Soon we will see the volcano.
Journal entry from Mario
I won all the games of tic-tac-toe. I can kinda see the volcano. I'm scared, yet excited to see what happens. Oops, time to tic-tac-go... Hee hee.


Luigi and Mario are standing right in front of the volcano.

Mario: Luigi, you go first.

Luigi: No, you go first.

Mario: How about we flip a coin?

Luigi: We don't have a coin.

Mario: Well, will a squirrel work?

Luigi: A WHAT?

Mario: I call heads!!!

Mario flips the squirrel and it lands on heads.

Mario: Yeah, you go first.

Luigi: Fine.

Mario and Luigi enter the volcano and they are very hot. Their hats start to shrink and the letters on their hats melt.

Mario: I think this place is hotter than the hot sauce.

Luigi: I agree.

Mario and Luigi enter a room that is nice and cold. They see the ghost (who is not really a ghost) about to enter a space shuttle. The ghost is actually Grodus.

Grodus: Gackakaka! You're too late!

Luigi: How are you still alive? I thought the Shadow Queen destroyed you.

Grodus: My trustworthy X-Nauts helped me. Anyway, I shall take the princess to Glizville, where I will meet my comrades that will take Peach to my kingdom. You will see her no more. Gackakakak!!!

Grodus jumps into the rocketship and sets the timer to 60 seconds. Peach is in the ship too.

Mario: Luigi! What are we going to do?!

Luigi: Maybe if we disconnect all the wires so that the door will open and we can destroy Grodus?

Mario: I'm right behind you.

Mario rips all the wires and the door to the rocketship opens. Luigi runs in and grabs Grodus. They get into a fight. Meanwhile, Mario is untieing peach.

Grodus: You can't destroy me!!!

Grodus pushes Luigi out the door. Luigi falls down the stairs and lands right below the part where the fire comes out.

Grodus: Mwahaha! Soon he will be come BBQ. Now for you, Mario.

Luigi climbs up through the ship to the control center. The timer has 20 seconds on it. Luigi pushes a button that makes the rocketship shake a little. Grodus can't take it so he falls out the door right below the ship. Mario, however, is already in his spacesuit with Peach in hers too. Luigi gets in his, and he closes the door and switchea the timer from 20 seconds to 5-4-3-2-1- Blastoff!!!


Grodus gets burned and was taken back to the X-Naut base to be helped. Mario and Co. fly back to the Mushroom Kingdom and everybody lives happily ever after (except Grodus).

THE END!!! Almost
Peach: Look, everyone! I found the immortal stone. Grodus had it.

Mario: Why would Grodus want it?

Luigi: What do you think? Wait, I thought I had it!

Peach: Yeah, when you fell down the stairs it must have fallen out. I used the rope I was tied in to get it.

Mario: Oooh! Looks like cheese! I will eat it.

Luigi: Mario, NO!!!

Mario eats the rock and gets sick... AGAIN!!!

Luigi: Oh well.

Peach: Hey, guys, another map to a different island.

Luigi and Mario: NNOOOO!!!


Mario: I found a rock that looked like cheese so I ate... HACK, cough black!

Director: Mario, you weren't really supposed to eat the rock. Call for some help.


Ghost: You can either have the princess or the unlimited pasta.

Mario: The pasta.

Ghost: Sorry, I already ate it. MWAHAHAHA!!!

Director: Cut. Look, I know you're being creative, but that is not your line.

Ghost: Aww... But the pasta looks so good.

Shy Guy: Pay your respects.

Luigi: How about ten coins?

Director: Hahaha! That was kinda funny, you know.

Luigi: Um... The fire in the the ship isn't coming out.

Director: *sigh* Let me take a look. Well, I think it's clogged. Somebody give me a brush.

The director unclogs it. A fire comes rushing out.

Grodus: Now you know how I feel.

Mario: Ha ha! I beat you again in tic-tac-toe, you losing squirrel!

A herd of squirrels come and beat up Mario.

Director: Cut... No wait, don't cut. This is funny and I don't want to miss this precious moment.

Mario: Ahhh it burns!!! No, don't pour hot sauce on me!!!


The End

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