Waluigi's Rise

By Pyroboo

It was a hustle and bustle day in the Mushroom Kingdom, and Luigi was silently leaning against Minh T's fence in the Toad Town. Now that he lived on Boo Hill in his mansion with Daisy, the couple got homesick quickly. He had gone to the Mushroom Kingdom to reunite with the ones he loved, and bring back the joy and memories. He and Daisy wanted to recapture the happiness they had with their longtime friends. So they decided to pay a visit to their loved ones. That particular day, Daisy was out playing one-on-one tennis with Peach. Mario didn't expect Luigi to be coming, and that day, he had plans with his friend Goombella and her family. But Luigi and Daisy were staying for a good while, so Luigi didn't mind. Of course, Mario, being the good guy he is, invited Luigi to come, but, being modest, Luigi told him didn't want to crash the party.

It didn't seem too far back, but Luigi had cleared his mansion of the Boos six months ago, but he was far from conquering his fears of the afterlife creatures. He was still tortured with the images of King Boo lurking in his room with that insane laughter. Luigi has awoken many times from his slumber with the heart-halting images of the ghosts, returning to reap their vengeance on him. But now his heart was at ease with his brother at his side.

While just loafing around Toad Town Square, Luigi spotted something. It looked like a glint of... metal? Some kind of silvery light was shining this way. Luigi tried to ignore it, but his curiosity got the better of him, and he found himself drawn toward it, like a tiger to its prey. It led him to Pleasant Path, where he quickly jogged to where he saw the shine.

As his shoe scuffed the cold brick path on the ground, Luigi realized he’d wandered far out of Toad Town onto Pleasant Path. He looked around, and assumed he was really far out in the fields. He knew Mario was up with Goombella and meeting her family near the market, and he didn't want to disturb them. He was sure Mario wouldn't mind him taking off for a minute. But he was getting off track. He needed to quickly find where that glitter came from. He jogged through the fields, but had no luck. He got frustrated fast, and came to the conclusion that it was just the shine on the pond's water. But just then, he tripped over what seemed like a long, chrome, iron shaft.

This was it? Just a pipe? He looked around, but found nothing else that would gleam so brightly from that far a distance. But Luigi jerked his head up abruptly. He scanned his surroundings quickly, and sighed. He was already this deep in the field, so what better to do than investigate the pipe?

It looked normal enough... No traps, no guards, no nothing. It was tempting to jump inside, but Luigi thought what lengths Mario might go, to find him. He groaned, trying to visualize the mess he would make, just by jumping in that pipe. But he resisted the urge, and returned to his spot near the garden.

It was a LONG walk, but Luigi made it back, on the point of having to stop to catch his breath. Minh T. casually shuffled over to him and offered him a seat. They conversed, and had a cup of Koopa Tea. Then Mario returned from his visit with Goombella's family. Minh T. said her fairwells to Luigi, and he left with his brother. Mario told him how wonderful Goombella's parents were on their way home. But when they reached the pipe leading to Mario's house, Luigi was instantly filled with the thought of the silver pipe. He explained it to Mario, and felt the urge to tell him he was going to investigate it.

It was the dead of night, but Luigi was still haunted by the thrill of what might be on the other side of that pipe. Then, in an instant, Luigi felt the uncontrollable temptation to jump in the pipe. He shot up from bed and whisked himself out the doorway. He ran off to Pleasant Path and used his flashlight to spot the flash of the metal. Then, he saw a glint of what looked like a cylinder. Could it be the pipe? He sprinted up to it to see it was. He was about to fulfill his insatiable desire to see beyond the mystery of that pipe!

Down Luigi descended, into the deep depths of the pipe, eager to see what lay beyond the dark shadows within the pipe. But this pipe seemed longer than most. Farther down he flew, and the deeper he went, the more it sounded like something was moving. But he pondered to himself, no turning back now. Then, the sifting sound started to sound like something clamped upon steel, trying to gnaw through it. Luigi looked down as he drew closer to the sound, and he saw the end.

With a big drop, Luigi had finally reached the end of the pipe. He’d landed in a barren field that was apparently badly battle-scarred. Then the gnawing sound grew to eardrum-deafening extremes. Luigi quietly advanced onward to investigate the clanging. No more than fifteen paces through the field did he trip over something that felt like a vine, and got his foot entrapped within a sea of withered vines. Then, he felt a quick shiver down his spine. He knew something was crawling around in the area. He quickly jolted his head and saw a vicious swarm of Piranha Plants! It was a whole jungle full! Then, Luigi remembered one of Yoshi's tales of a giant Piranha Plant he destroyed, and this thing fit the description perfectly! Ugly, smelly, and big! He was Naval Piranha!  Then, out of nowhere, a skinny silhouette shifted through the moving vines of the plant. It jumped up and landed on Naval's head. The masked person revealed itself as none other than Waluigi!

Luigi hastily fought the vines of the plant, and broke free of the dead root. He ran up to Naval, and saw Waluigi! His evil cousin had finally shown his face again! Waluigi laughed at Luigi and commented on how weak he looked right now. He then cocked his face to the left and spit into a giant abyss, Naval's roots seemed to come from inside there. Most of the plant didn't even look like it stretched from its home, and it would still cover at least Isle Delfino. Waluigi told Luigi he’d schemed to take Sarasaland by storm with his army! And as soon as he cackled, a fleet of Bob-ombs came from under the weeds of Naval! Luigi was stunned! Waluigi then drew a potion from his pocket, and threw it. A warp pipe formed that looked like it was bigger than Bowser's Castle! Naval crept in, and the Bob-ombs swiftly followed. Luigi was stunned. This was a lot to take in! He needed to think quick. He needed to take action now!

What to do at a time like this? Luigi was totally unprepared for a Sarasaland attack! Why would Waluigi do this? How had Naval rose from the dead? But more importantly, how was Luigi to escape the field? Then it struck him: Waluigi's pipe! It was genius, but dangerous. Those thorns on the plant looked sharp enough to hack through a metal cap... Luigi thought he would wait a second before he jumped into the pipe. He caught his breath, and started to pace around the plains, thinking of what he was going to tell everyone. It was a real load to swallow, especially for Daisy. She would have a heart attack! Oh, the burden on poor Luigi's shoulders felt like Tatanga's shuttle on his back.

Turning back, Luigi thought the pipe was cleared out by now. It was no longer plagued of Naval's chomping and flailing, so it must have been safe. He ran over to the exit, but about halfway there, to his already growing horror, the pipe began disappearing into the cold soil! With his only escape plunging into the depths of the unknown, he desperately sprinted towards the pipe, with tears of despair in his eyes. When he reached it, the mouth was already under the sand, and Luigi had tripped on a dead root again, and this time felt a searing pain in his leg. With his only exit dissolving, Luigi dug deep into the earth, full force. He soon was so exhausted that he passed out, on the ground in this unfamiliar world.

Black, black, and then some. That’s all Luigi saw when he awoke. It seemed way too black to be normal. He tried to get up, but instantly felt a jolt of unimaginable pain in his leg. While trying to ease the hurt, he looked around. He saw a doorway, but it was covered with some kind of red, shag-like cloth. Suddenly, he heard something. He quickly erased the pain in his leg, and asked who was there. A giggle followed, and he heard a sound that made his whole body freeze up. It was only too familiar, and he wasn't too fond of it either. It was the sound of a Boo disappearing into the wind.

He braced himself for impact, awaiting death's toll, but instead of falling back, he was helped up, and put on his feet. He turned around, still cold from lying on some kind of bed. Part of Luigi died that very moment. He saw a Boo right behind him! He was scared stiff! He couldn't move at all. Soon then he came to his senses, and thanked the spirit for helping him up. She softly rested him on a chair, and he smiled. Luigi was almost certain some kind of trap was being sprung. The Boo introduced herself as Bow of Gusty Gulch. Luigi asked where he was, and Bow explained that when he had passed out in Darkland-- as soon as Darkland was mentioned, Luigi shivered-- her fellow Boos had helped him out, and brought him here. He took a good look at Bow, and asked if the pipe that led him out of Dark Land was chrome. Bow nodded, but told Luigi to rest. He had already broken his leg in several places, but it was wrapped flawlessly in a cast.

Bow left the room momentarily for Luigi to change into his newly woven Outfit, which looked exactly the same as the one he was wearing, only not torn. As he changed his outfit, he thought about what Waluigi was doing right now. He was filled with anger and fear for his friends and Sarasaland's fate. What was going to become of them? He just needed to get home to everyone and sort everything out... Then, he tripped over his old shoes, but sluggishly got up because of his leg. He knew he needed to heal before he was a help to anyone.

Luigi went outside, and was awed by what he saw. It was the most Boos he had ever seen; even more than in his fight with the mighty Boolossus! It was a whole community. Everyone stopped what they were doing as Luigi exited the rest house, and stared. Bow came up to him and proclaimed this was their savior's brother! The whole town started cheering and shrieking about! They came up to him, and they did very bizarre things to him. They shook his hands, hugged him, went inside the house and stole his old clothing, and one girl Boo asked for his autograph. Then chaos reigned. Everyone had to have Luigi's autograph! Of course, Bow took him away from the crowd. They barricaded the rest house so no one could come in, but the Boos just phased through the walls. Then, Bow said she'd be right back. Luigi was defenseless! The whole crowd was silent for a good eight seconds. Then, Bow returned to find Luigi's new clothes tattered, and that got her really mad. While she was out, she called Tubba Blubba, a giant Koopa-like thing, and he bellowed that he would eat every single Boo if they didn't leave now. The room instantly was flushed of all Boos. Bow explained she told everyone about him that so they would respect him. Luigi got a little more respect than he’d asked for, though. But, what troubled Luigi was what if those Boos found out he’d taken out about half a hundred of them in his old mansion? It was an ugly thought.

Bow said Tubba Blubba and herself had been watching Luigi from the pipe while Waluigi escaped down his. Luigi didn't know whether to thank them or throttle them! He was there, alone in Dark Land, and they didn't come to his aid?! But he remained silent. Bow continued and said she and Tubba Blubba wanted to accompany him to teach Waluigi a lesson. But this made no sense to Luigi. He asked them what he had done to offend them, and Bow replied that there were Boos in Sarasaland, and she didn't want them enslaved. Tubba Blubba told Luigi that if he didn't come with her, she'd scare him half to death. He shed a tear and said even though he was a titan, he feared Boos. As Luigi said the three of them could easily pull the plug on Waluigi's plan, their courage shone like a beacon from that musty old room.

Retreating out of the rest house was no easy task for Luigi alone. But with Bow and Tubba Blubba, things went much smoother. Bow disappeared and told everyone Luigi would be momentarily out. Luigi only caught some of the plan for his escape, so he was very hesitant about leaving. The whole crowd screeched and howled with appeal, awaiting their gallant knight! Luigi threw himself out in the crowd and Bow swiftly made him transparent, and since the Boos couldn't see him, he just walked through the crowd, very silent. As Luigi made his way for the village exit, he could hear the disapproval of Bow's actions with a storm of hisses and shrieks. As he kept up with Bow, he asked her how Tubba Blubba would follow them. She stopped and Luigi tripped. She counted from 4 down, and as soon as she hit 1, Tubba Blubba came out of a concealed warp pipe! It was cleverly hidden within the side of the windmill, and they both explained it was a very important network of pipes that could lead them anywhere in the Mushroom Kingdom. But this yielded no help for the trio, because they needed to go to Sarasaland. Then, a thought pulsed through Tubba Blubba's mind! What if they took the pipe to the edge of the Mushroom Kingdom? But Bow disagreed, saying that the network he referred to was still under construction. So, the three had to take the long way.

As soon as the gate opened, Luigi was wide-eyed. This looked exactly like the mansion he’d cleared out! Bow said it was her house, but Luigi fretted that they might have known his secret! I mean, she couldn't have lived here alone... there had to be some kind of Boo with a connection to his past! He turned white as he entered the foyer, but maintained his cool. He conversed with the two about this house, then finally asked Bow why they were here. Bow laughed and said they were here because she needed to tell everybody about him! This made him very queasy, and he fell over. Tubba Blubba found Bootler the butler and told him to go find some smelling salts, and fast.

Luigi woke up to find many, many Boos hovering around him. He looked sick, and having Boos float around him didn't help much. He saw Tubba Blubba and reached for him, but couldn't get up because of his leg. He was gently lifted from the ground, and was given his crutches. He was then handed a big cup of some kind of liquid. Bow said if he drank this, he'd feel like a totally new plumber. He drank a sip, and all went fuzzy, then he fainted.

He then woke for a second time, but felt surprisingly good. His leg didn't hurt, either. He attempted to stand up on it, and to his amazement, he could! It was a miracle! He walked, jumped, somersaulted, and flipped, for his mobility was restored! Just then, Bootler came in the room, only to see Luigi acting like a fool. As soon as Luigi saw him, Bootler said he was overjoyed over Luigi's recovery, and said it was from the help of that drink. Then, he escorted Luigi to Bow's chambers, and told him Bow, the Boos, and Tubba Blubba wanted to talk to him. This was it. He swallowed his heart. They must have known. There was no other explanation. He held himself together and entered the room.

He went in, trying to hold back the fear in his eyes. With large strides, he made his way over to everyone and asked what was up. Bow looked at him and said they were ready depart! Luigi's mind was soon at peace once again, but then returned to racing. Tubba Blubba said he was so anxious to leave, he needed air, so he took Bow and Luigi and jumped out the third-story window! Oh, Bow was none too pleased with this. She kicked and screamed and bit and slapped and gnawed and a lot more painful things. As soon as they hit the ground, Bow let out an ear-scarring scream, and Tubba Blubba, being a Koopa, hid in his shell. But Bow just ran inside the shell and beat on him really hard.

So, the trio ran down Forever Forest and Bow started to yell, for mosquitoes were eating her alive. She swatted them away, and then took some bug aerosol out and did the little creatures in. Tubba Blubba obviously hadn’t learned from his last beating, as he took the two and sprinted to the exit. Once again, Bow had a freak attack, and shoved him away, but not until the end this time. Then they finally reached Toad Town after hours of searching in the forest.

Luigi had the princess' castle within sight when suddenly he heard a scream, but this time it wasn't Bow. This time he heard it from the marketplace. He broke into a sprint to see what it was, but when he reached the market, it wasn't there! It was coming from the port! Then, Tubba Blubba and Bow came to his aid. The three ran to see the port was covered in dead vines. Luigi looked around, and he saw nothing, just a bunch of dead vines. But then he looked in the water, and he saw humongous ripples. Bow commented that there was no one to make the scream, and Tubba Blubba merely nodded in agreement. But Luigi was already in the water. He submerged himself and saw his evil cousin Waluigi! It was Naval, the Bob-ombs, and him making those ripples! He made a dash for Waluigi but missed, and Waluigi could see he was running out of breath. He took advantage of this moment and pushed Luigi to the bottom! As Waluigi came up for a breath, right before he could reach the surface, Bow shoved him back in, and gave chase!

As Waluigi choked on water, Tubba Blubba dove in and made everyone- if only some of Naval- fly out of the dock for a brief second. In midair, Waluigi took a gulp of air and lit a Bob-omb. He flung it at Luigi and he caught it, just as the fuse ran out! Luigi was sent flying into the ocean, but the waves from Tubba Blubba brought him back! Realizing he wasn't going anywhere and Naval was too slow in the water, Waluigi pulled out one of the gigantic pipe potions and escaped narrowly! But, little did he know that the vacuum suction pulled not only him, Naval, and his Bob-ombs in, it pulled the trio in, too!

While inside the pipe, Luigi held onto his friends for dear life, hoping they would not get separated within the pipe... Then disaster struck. Naval had grown since in Dark Land, and Waluigi didn't anticipate this, so all of them, Bob-ombs, Luigi, Naval, Bow, Waluigi, and Tubba Blubba were stuck in that pipe, losing air by the second.

Time was ticking away, and Luigi was running out of air. He had to improvise! There wasn't much time before he, his friends, and his enemies were doomed! But as he panicked, he felt Bow grab him and she swam over to Tubba Blubba. Tubba Blubba was smart enough to know what to do now. Bow told Tubba Blubba to not swallow any water. He opened his mouth, and ate them! As they rode down, they could breathe in Tubba Blubba's body, but it used his oxygen. Both Luigi and Bow reached the bottom safely. Luigi didn't understand, and he was confused. What exactly was Bow screaming? Meanwhile, Tubba Blubba was trying to grab one of the Bob-ombs. He extended his left arm out to catch one, but Naval fought with its vines, whipping Tubba Blubba across his face! Now, since Tubba Blubba was a little on the big side for a Koopa, he could hold his breathe for a long while. So Tubba Blubba bit the vine, making sure he didn't gnaw on any thorns. He bit threw the vine, but it grew back! He repeated this, and every time, Naval grew his vines back. He did this a few times, and then, when Naval thought he was going to do it again, he swung another vine at him! But Tubba Blubba was waiting for this, and when Naval's outstretched vine swung over his head, he exposed about a dozen Bob-ombs! Tubba Blubba rushed over and devoured them!

Meanwhile, Bow was trying to light a fire, and Luigi was still thinking about what was going on. Bow then summoned him and told him to catch any Bob-ombs that fell down there. Not knowing what he was doing, Luigi only agreed because he trusted Bow. He caught about 11 or 12 Bob-ombs falling from the mouth, and Bow lit one. She told Luigi to throw it at Tubba Blubba's mouth right before the fuse burnt out. He did as he was told, and threw it, the fuse almost gone already. He heard a big explosion, and felt a great force, almost like being shot out of a cannon! Then, he figured out what was going on: Tubba Blubba was using the bombs to propel them out of the pipe! And then he realized why Bow had told him not to drink any water! The liquid would put the fuse out! And they lit the bombs in his stomach so they wouldn't be put out by the water! Luigi had some pretty smart friends. But, right now he had to focus on throwing those bombs!

The higher they went, the more Luigi felt like he wasn't enclosed within tight spaces. Then, something felt a little weird. He looked up and saw Tubba Blubba open his mouth. He jumped up, and Bow followed, flying right behind. He got to the top and climbed out. He looked down and saw the bricks that made up the docks. He ran out and collapsed on the ground, speechless. Bow laughed and gave Tubba Blubba a fright, by coming out and just shrieking because she was alive! Tubba Blubba went on land, grinned, and kissed the ground. But, as he shook, Luigi got up and noticed Waluigi was still here! He was Laughing maniacally, and holding onto Tubba Blubba's spike on his shell! Luigi got up, ready to fight, but tried to run and doubled-over, falling on his face. He was so tired, he was on the verge of passing out. Bow ran to his aid instinctively. The last thing he saw before fainting was the image of Bow and Tubba Blubba being smashed by Naval Pirahna and the Bob-ombs as they jumped out of the pipe and Waluig grinned, and then he couldn't see anything...

Upon awakening, Luigi found himself somewhere eerily familiar. It looked like a giant, beautiful Grass Land, but was infested with Piranha Plants! He opted to get up, but was restrained by chains! He was stuck to the ground with Piranha Plants encircling him! He thought a bunch of friendly ghosts hovering around him was scary, but just imagine what these Piranhas might do to him!

This was it! Luigi was about to be done in by Piranha Plants! His fate was sealed! These chains were tight, but suddenly felt loose. And then, he felt a flying sensation, like he was gliding through the air... He opened his eyes, expecting to be dead, but he was still alive, and he was flying. This made no sense. He had just been eaten! And how was he flying? He looked up to see Bow, cover in what looked like ash. She pulled Luigi along the blue sky, like a green comet.

Luigi asked Bow of their current location, and she told him they were on Waluigi's Island! No wonder this place seemed so familiar! The open plains, the vast lakes, and the serene breezes all came back to Luigi. Then, the thought of Tubba Blubba broke the meditation in his mind. As soon as he mentioned his name, Bow told him she didn't know. It made him uneasy to think that their friend had gone missing that fast. He wasn't that hard to spot, since he was a huge, orange-haired, purple Clubba. He stuck out like a Hyper Goomba in a crowd of Shroobs. He could only wonder what was happening with their big friend right now...

As Luigi worried, something was transpiring on the other side of the island. With a loud thud, Tubba Blubba was thrust into a big, black-colored room. Then, the door was shut behind him, creating a thick veil of darkness. A spotlight then shone down, blinding him momentarily. A loudspeaker came on, and a somewhat familiar voice spoke to him. The mysterious voice revealed himself as Waluigi, and said he has been eyeing Tubba Blubba since he was attacked by him in the Toad Town Port. Waluigi then made a proposition for him. If Tubba Blubba agreed to become Major in his army, Waluigi promised to make sure no Boo ever scared him again. This infuriated Tubba Blubba, and the peace in his mind died. He spoke in a duel voice, and refused loudly. This surprised both Waluigi and Tubba Blubba, but Tubba Blubba showed no sign of it. Tubba Blubba soon realized that it was his heart, and he had become one with it. An aggravated Waluigi threatened to kill him if he didn't take the offer. Tubba Blubba's voices boomed heavily, proclaiming that he would never betray his friends. As soon as this happened, Tubba Blubba could feel his invincibility return to him, and he felt stronger than ever! Waluigi was infuriated by this, and he commanded his Bob-omb torture soldiers to come in. He told them to give him the electric treatment, but Tubba Blubba still stood his ground proudly.

Tubba Blubba was out-numbered by at least 50 to 1. He was shoved against the wall violently, and his wrists were forced into large, iron shackles. As soon as he was restrained, he flailed around, and many Bob-ombs were thrown around the room, causing massive blasts. The whole squad made a mad dash for the door, and locked it tight. Tubba Blubba had to escape, and in his rage, he pulled one of the shackles clean from the wall. He still hung high from one hand, and tried to swing himself off the wall, breaking the hold between the socket and the shackle. Only a few swings into this, and the treatment was starting. Electric pulses were running through the room, and he didn't have much time. As the current ran to the center of the room, the electricity formed together to form a gigantic sphere of raw energy. The ball exploded, badly shocking Tubba Blubba. He endured the first blast with ease, but the second wave was very different. The current was stronger, and the shock ran through his shackles multiple times, continually shocking him. Not even invincibility would save him now, and he and his heart cried out as the third wave was even stronger than the last. The pain wasn't stopping, and the power increased with every explosion. He wasn't going to last very long like this! It seemed like it was the end for Tubba Blubba! His strength was fading fast, and he then wondered; would he see Bow or Luigi ever again? At this, he knew he had to hold on, so he could laugh with his friends one more time... So he could journey to Sarasaland to help. So he wouldn't be forgotten by his
loved ones...

Bow felt a strong power fade, and she told Luigi that could've been Tubba Blubba. She tried to remember where the power had faded, but was having a hard time. Luigi spotted a door from a nearby mountain, and told Bow to land there. The two heard something that sounded like flowing electricity, and two voices were crying out in pain. Instantly the duo ran inside.

When they entered the chamber, Luigi saw Tubba Blubba being tortured! He found a switch that released the glass in front of Tubba Blubba. The Bob-ombs that controlled the electric surges ran up to Luigi and Bow, challenging them to a fight. It was over in a matter of minutes. Luigi had thrown the bombs and Bow had set them on fire, creating great explosions. Bow phased Tubba Blubba out of the chains his wrists were hung by. They let him down, and tried to wake him, but to no avail. Luigi quickly had to think of a way to save
their friend from perishing!  He thought about the last few hours on the island... He had seen many pipes, and then he remembered: the network of pipes that connected the whole Mushroom Kingdom! Tubba Blubba had flew out of it! All those pipes reminded him, it was all over the Mushoom Kingdom. He knew Waluigi's Island must have been connected to it. He would have to go into town to find a Fright Jar, and bring it back here. But he would be far too slow. He looked at Bow, and smiled in relief. He told her to go find a Fright Jar, and gave her some coins. There was no time to explain why. She just needed to hurry!

Bow could see more from the sky, so she left Luigi to tend to Tubba Blubba. She searched all over the skies for the pipe. She looked, not overlooking a single nook. Then after looking through pipe for many hours, she found one that led back to Gusty Gulch! She was overjoyed! But, now she had to find Toad Town. It was her first try, and she found Toad Town! She had to be quick, though. She ran to the shop, and bought a Fright Jar. She brought it back to the island, and Luigi took hold of it.

Luigi held up the jar and let out the spirit within, and Tubba Blubba woke with a start! He yelped and coughed, but was in good condition and spirits. Bow asked why Luigi had wanted a Fright Jar. Luigi remembered far back to when he had first met Tubba Blubba. He’d mentioned how Bow would scare him if he didn't come along. He’d said he feared Boos, so to wake Tubba Blubba, Luigi decided to scare him! It was unusual, but brilliant!

After Tubba Blubba recovered from the massive shock damage he received, the trio went to find Waluigi to confront him before he could leave for Sarasaland. They had to keep time on their side, because they didn't have much of it!

Read on!

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