The Hatching of the Shreok 4
The Last Dance

By Slimer49'r

Artwork by Peachy Girl

Notice: All characters are properties of their respective owners.

The story so far...

The Hatching of the Shreok

In this first story, Mario and Luigi have just returned from yet another vacation to Isle Delfino. Everyone is happy to see them return, but Buzzar comes from nowhere and kidnaps Peach! (Gasp!) Mario and Luigi meet a strange Koopa who helps them, but to no avail. Peach is in Buzzar's clutches, and Mario and Luigi set out for an adventure.

Meanwhile, the Koopa, known as Slimer Koopa, and his partner Agent Guy work for an evil warlock named Lord Alkeron. They have heard about the Shreok, whose eggs grant unimaginable powers. What Alkeron doesn't know is that Slimer is planning to steal the eggs for his own greedy needs...

Bowser, the King of the Koopas, is depressed. He can't remember the last time he thought of an evil plan, nevermind a good one. Then he remembers a legend he had heard at a young age, of the mystical flaming bird the Shreok and its eggs of unimaginable power. So he and his Koopalings set out to find them.

Yoshi and his friends are just relaxing on the beach until they go into the woods after hearing some creepy sounds. They find an old shack at the back of the woods which scares the bejeebers out of them, so they go back to their own houses and fall asleep. The next day, however, a dead Yoshi is found and murder has been announced.

Bowser and his kids are riding along in the Vista Sea when they are mysteriously pulled underwater. There they meet a race of blue-skinned sea people called the Aquamentarians. They are given food and a place to sleep, but unfortunately it turns out that the creatures are a bunch of savage natives that want to sacrifice them to a giant fish. They see that Mario has also been kidnapped, and break from their bonds. The giant fish chases them, and Mario and Luigi wind up in an underground labyrinth. Bowser is apparently eaten.

Peach finds herself on Yoshi's Island escaping from Buzzar, where she meets Burt the Bashful and Raphael the Raven, and he tells her of a rip in the worlds. Yoshi and his friends have been transported into this rip after wandering back into the shack in the woods. They find a wereyoshi behind the murders. Buzzar comes back angry Peach is gone, and Raphael and Buzzar fight. Finally Raphael is defeated and Yoshi vanquishes the feathery fiend.

Bowser steals a ship from the blue skins and uses it to continue onward, unfortunately it crashlands on an unmapped island of Shy Guys where they are to defeat a giant Clubba. They do so, and the Shysters give them a new boat.

Mario and Luigi are eaten. Mario almost dies but is revived by a newer Star Spirit, Mesaquador. They finally make it to Yoshi's Island, where Slimer has already arrived. Alkeron suspects treachery and follows them to the island. Mario is surprised to see Twink, now a Star Spirit, give him a sword of star to cut down evil. Bowser follows them. Mario fights Alkeron and then follows the others into the volcano. Bowser is blown all the way back to the castle, where Kamek shows him the inventions of destruction he made, the Koopa Jets, so his kids can wreak havoc on the Mushroom Kingdom. He comes back though and Alkeron retreats. The Lava Piranha is awakened and fights with them.

When he is out of the way the several parties fight, until Slimer crawls out of the skirmish and reaches the top. Before anyone can stop him, he grabs the eggs and shapes the world how he pleases. Alkeron forms a barrier around himself to prevent this, but everyone else is not so lucky. Mario wakes up in the Mushroom Kingdom to find everyone against him. He is thrown in jail but breaks out with the help of a few familiar faces. Then he confronts Slimer. Peach is feeding him, and he is sitting in the throne. Mario easily defeats Agent Guy, but is then to deal with Slimer. Slimer changes into a huge beast, and just when everything looks bleak, Eldstar goes into Mario's body and transfers the last of his strength so Mario can win. Slimer is finally killed. But, so is Eldstar.

The world is changed back to normal, the eggs are saved, and the Royal Koopas are where they belong: behind bars. It seems as if everything is hunky dory... until Alkeron brings someone back...

The Hatching of the Shreok 2: The Return of the Destroyer

After a long celebration and a horrific nightmare, Luigi wonders about his purpose while he sits with Peach, watching the Stars. Mario had previously had children with Peach. A little Mushroom boy, Gaz, finds himself possessed and is absolutely terrified of this fact. Meanwhile, Bow is attacked by strange alien creatures that come after her parents leave. She is rescued by a furry, green alien named is Mewtwo90 (no, he's not a Pokemon). Gaz had surrendered, but was still shocked when aliens similar to the ones that had attacked Bow attacked them too.

Mario and Luigi stopped the creatures, but Mario was injured and found the creatures to be very formidable. The Star Spirits were discussing Eldstar's death, and a bossy grump of a Star named Malor took his place. Unknown to them, the new recruit they had hired was an evil alien being. The green alien was walking when he saw a dead Koopa, who he revived. This was Slimer. The next day spaceships came and Mario and Luigi went to find out what happened. Who stepped out of the ship but Smithy himself? Mario fought valiantly, but in vain.

Meanwhile, Yoshi and his friends were relaxing when they heard that Smithy had returned. He ran to Mario's side and fought Smithy. Smithy was talking about Yoshi's parents. Yoshi was astonished by this and heartbroken when Smithy said he had killed them. Yoshi fought, but he too was defeated. Luigi and Yoshi found themselves in Smithy's spaceship. There they fought a monster, and made their way to the throne room.

Slimer found out that his brother was still alive and being held captive at Bowser's Castle. Bow tagged along. Mario was dreaming of playing Tennis with Peach, then she was killed... He woke up in a hospital bed, where Smithy sent him a transmission saying he had captured Peach, Yoshi, and Luigi and if he wanted them back he'd have to gather three sacred items: a silver cup, a dark crown, and a crystal telescope. Mario's first quest was to Yoshi's Island, where he found his real parents. He went down into a crypt of heroes, where he fought Burt the Bashful, who had been corrupted. He then gained the first item.

Slimer and the others went into Bowser's castle, where Mewtwo90 met and let out a beautiful Koopa girl who he secretly loved. They found Bowser and his children, they fought, but Bowser retreated to his Copter as the trio followed them. Luigi and Yoshi fought Smithy and "won". Actually Smithy had trapped them in an alternate reality that was like paradise... but getting out was torture. They told the illusions and they shed their own tears. They ventured off and were attacked by Gloombas and the Gloomba King. He was easily defeated, but Bowyer, sent by Smithy, was not.

Mario went to Boo Mansion, where he was accused of kidnapping Bow. Mario defeated King Boo and got the second item. His next location was the Shiver Region, where he met with the mayor. He was told a story about the Crystal Telescope. Mario saw a mysterious figure and followed it, learning in the Crystal Palace that it was the priest from the mayor's story. The mayor resurrected the Crystal King. Mario knocked some sense into the old guy, and he got the last item. He was sent back to the Mushroom Kingdom, where he went to Smithy's Ship.

Slimer and the others followed Bowser to Princess Peach's castle, where they fought in Bowser's special arena of choice. They won and went back to his castle, where Slimer's brother was found possessed by the witch Cackletta! They fought, but Cackletta ate them. They were arrested in her demonic stomach, but they got out and prepared to fight.

Mario went to the Hammer Head Bros, and changed his star sword into a hammer. He then made it onto the ship and fought Yaridovich. After defeating him, he met up with Luigi, who had defeated Bowyer. They went into the throne room, where Peach was killed before Mario's very eyes. This enraged Mario so he was killed as well. Luigi and Yoshi looked at the hopeless event and cringed. Princess Peach spoke to Mario in the afterlife and sent him enough power to return. Mario, with renewed strength and the help of his friends, beat Smithy even with the ancient items of power and restored peace. Meanwhile, Slimer and the others defeated Cackletta, and Slimer was reunited with his brother.

There was a funeral for Peach that day, and a wedding for Daisy and Luigi. Mario cried himself to sleep, as evil closed in on his world...

The Hatching of the Shreok 3: Master of Puppets

Mario, still in a depression, was not prepared for Alkeron's next move. The dark lord summoned a demon from the eternal plane, and sent it to kill him. The hero that day, however, took his kids to the Oho Jee island to enable them with their own elemental powers. That night, Mario went up to Star Haven and requested that his loved one be reunited with himself. Suprisingly, the request was denied and Mario left in a fit of rage. In a deep deep depression while at the local bar, he met a gorgeous Koopa girl who introduced herself to him as Lucy. She asked him out on a date, and in Mario's drunken stupor, he accepted.

Meanwhile, Ludwig was in a romantic fix of his own. Karma Koopa, who was bonded to him eternally even though still not accepted by Ludwig's father, snuck into Ludwig's room after a brief fight over a practice session. Bowser caught the teens making out and got into a yelling argument with his son. Ludwig decided to run away with Karma, which astonished his father. As they ran, unsure of where to go, Ludwig's enraged father sent a deadly assassin after them who was told to "kill the girl, but leave the boy". Karma and Ludwig were on the run.

In Toad Town, where Slimer and his new friends were hanging out, Princess Bow began to have mysterious visions of things she was uncertain of. She was told that she was the one to protect the very fabric of time, and that if she didn't take the job, life as they knew it would cease to exist. She was also given an odd Golden Fang that was not explained as the vision ended unfortunately short.

Mario had gone on a date with Lucy to the annual Koopa Village dance. When they got back to Peach's castle, they shared a bit of intimacy, but when Mario's kids came in, they were shocked and horrified to see their father like this. There was not much of a chance for anything to be said, as the demon Alkeron had sent, Setsuka, crashed through the window and attacked Mario. Their first encounter was an unpleasant one, as Mario almost died, and Holly, his daughter, came close to it. Angered that he had been almost killed and his children had been endangered, Mario threw himself into his room, locking the door and not coming out. On the balcony, he found Twink, who told him that there was a way to bring back Peach...

Wario had been having bad dreams lately, which had been disturbing his brother Waluigi, especially because the demon of his dreams was a disturbing large bodyless suit of armor which tortured him so. On a walk through the woods, they got lost and found themselves at the door of a castle, where they were attacked by an assortment of creatures, including the same specter that was in Wario's dream. When they got home they received message that they were invited to a tournament. The morons they both were, they happily accepted when they looked at the award money. They went to the tournament and met some of the candidates, like a creepy Yoshi named Eliza, a overly-masculine Boo with a bad shave and a large axe, a friendly Podoboo, and some others.

Karma and Ludwig sat out amongst the stars, reflecting on their lives, when they were attacked by Koopa soldiers. They beat them up, though, with their combined strength and found an old Mushroomer lady who took them to a village that she lived in. But the next day during a freindly romp in the backyard pool, Ludwig fell ill. The Mushroomer recognized it as a horrible illness. Karma ventured to a dark cave, where she battled strange, vicious creatures. She didn't let that stop her, and got the cure, healing Ludwig completely.

Unbeknownst to Slimer and his friends, the X-Nauts Mario had defeated a while back were planning an unknown invasion of Plit. The next day, the group of friends encountered a group of shady demons known only as the Shadow Sirens. They were defeated, and Slimer couldn't help wondering what was going on. Bow then suggested that the three go and visit her father, King Boo, who she had not seen in a good long while. The three were graciously welcomed in. That night, a Boo was working furiously on an unknown project in the deepest part of the mansion. At the same time, Slimer sleepwalked out into the woods, where Mewtwo-Ninety followed him into a strange underground facility where they encountered Mushroom-like purple aliens. When they told the king, he merely laughed and explained the concept of Shroobs, but told them the Shroobs had all been killed. However, Bow believed them.

Mario had gone to the "Temple of the Nobles", where he could supposedly bring back Peach. He passed all the challenges and tried to bring back Peach, but failed. He returned to Plit, shocked to hear a confession from Lucy, that she was actually the Princess of the Koopas: Princess Lucy Eclair. They were attacked by a strange robot, but fled off into a nearby swamp where they thought they would be safe. Unfortunately, they were attacked by a mutant alligator, which Mario killed.

Ludwig and Karma were reunited. After telling the old woman thanks, even though they could not stay, they left. They traveled to a western town that was friendly... a bit too friendly. Karma slaughtered the others in Poker, then later that night, the two Koopas sat under the stars and talked. The next day, Ludwig awoke to being dragged on a table which he was strapped to over to a large wheel of green fire. As it turned out, the mayor of the town was a power-hungry monster who devoured souls. He escaped and freed Karma, fighting off several of the soulless Koopa zombies, finally dealing with the super-charged mayor himself. Meanwhile their father, after a trip above Dark Land, found Clawdia at a local pub. He was shocked but she ran away. Bowser followed her, and he sat with her one last time before she left him, telling him how she just couldn't handle her heart broken again.

Wario and Waluigi were in the tournament, and they were introduced to the host and showed around the large arena. The host kind of... creeped them out, as he was a bit mysterious. Wario won his first match to the large Boo, and Eliza came by later to "congratulate" him a bit sensually. She held a knife with her, but then Wario was called off by his brother before she could do anything.

Princess Bow was dreaming again, fighting Alexandria. But then, she was confronted by the Angel once more, who trained her. But she soon woke up, and she and her friends went to visit Slimer's brother. There, they were attacked by X-Nauts and Bow passed out at the same time. Bow went into the temple of fire and defeated the demon who lived there. She only needed to free the other temple. When she awoke, the aliens were gone.

After escaping from the alligator, Mario and Lucy stumbled out onto a flower-blossoming field and got lost in its beauty. Unfortunately, they were attacked by Fawful, in his new robotic creation. Fawful had been sent by Lord Alkeron to dispose of the princess. They escaped into Toad Town, where they confronted Slimer and his freinds. After a brief pointless fight, Bow told them they were on the same side, and Fawful came into the town, only to be slowed down by Slimer and his friends so Mario and the princess could escape to the Waffle Kingdom via warp pipe. Lucy was not met with the best receptions, however. As it turned out, when she was very young a demon put a curse on her, that if she ever had a child from a human male, she would release that demon along with it.

Of course, they didn't know this and the king graciously reaccepted his daughter. They were attacked by Fawful, and even though Mario won, he was sucked into a demonic dimension.

Wario and his brother had gone through several fights, but two newcomers came, Roku and Sanzu. They were sent by Alkeron, but not for the Wario Brothers. Wario and Waluigi fought them, but were unhappy when Roku went berserk and changed into a ferocious demon after Sanzu had been hurt badly. Then, it was the championship match, Wario versus Eliza. Wario won, and the brothers took the trophy from the host. Immediately, they were transported to the same demonic castle that they had encountered before. A hooded figure and the knight that they had encountered before approached them. The hooded figure revealed that he was Takoi, a power-hungry Sky-Yoshi who was the last of his kind. At the start of the great war between Sky Yoshi's and Land Yoshi's he was disgusted at how the "landies" thought they were equal to them.

His sister, however, was disgusted with the war and wanted to end it. Takoi flew off to plan his own destiny. Now he wanted to revive the Sky-Yosters. He wanted to show the world who the superior race truly was. With the help of his undead cousin Jamie, who wore the suit of armor, their plan was perfect. Then, Eliza showed up and revealed that she was indeed his sister. He tried to stop them, but only managed to slow them down enough so that Wario and Waluigi could escape.

Ludwig and Karma had encountered a strange mansion on their journey. Intrigued, they went inside to spend the night. Their stay was less then comfortable though. After Karma's nightmare of Ludwig dying, she awoke to him missing. She searched everywhere, and finally found him unconscious in the basement. However there was also a deadly Boo with a large blade. He also spoke of a strange "master". Karma defeated him by herself and took Ludwig with her. They left the mansion only to be surrounded in fog. Just like in Karma's dream, Bowser and the others came and tried to kill Karma. Ludwig, enraged, fought his own father as well as Morcious the hunter to protect the one he loved. Halfway through the fight, however, an unsuspected third party came. It was Clawdia, who wanted the fighting to stop and hated it so. Morcious revealed that he was a traitor and sent the Koopa family up into the same dimension Mario had been taken to.

Bow had freed both temples, and was still wondering how to use her fang. It was a normal night in Boo Mansion. Or perhaps not. After an embarrassing scene with Mewtwo-Ninety, they went to sleep. However Slimer found himself sleepwalking again, and Mewtwo-Ninety once again accompanied him. This time, Slimer took them deep into a mysterious part of the basement, where they found a Boo at a computer console. He said he needed the blood of one who had been recently brought back from the dead, before stabbing a needle into Slimer's arm. He used the blood and threw it into a large tube. The door opened and a large demonic Boo floated out. This Boo was known as Venom, and was a ghastly creature. Slimer and his friend tried to stop the creature but to no avail. They escaped from the basement.

Princess Bow had gotten into the temple of Queen Alexandria. The Boo princess defeated the queen. When she awoke, Slimer and the others were gone. She found them warning the people of Toad Town of their impending deaths. They didn't believe him. In other regions of the forest, the Shroobs were readying for the attack, as were the X-Nauts and the Shadow Queen, who had possessed a local store owner, Nick Koopa, the owner of Peanuts R' Us, and was ready to attack the town. The four behemoths attacked all at once. They fought each other, wrecking the town in their struggle. With the help of E. Gadd, Slimer and his friends made an elaborate plan and sent the beasts to their demise. Slimer and his friends became heroes of the town.

Mario found himself in the dimension known only as the void. He had a horrible dream about his past. Bowser had one too. The two enemies met up and fought. Bowser tried to win but could not. After a breather the Koopa family was attacked by Morcious in his true form, a large dragon. The family worked together and defeated the beast, returning to Plit, Bowser finally accepting his sons love and being reunited with Clawdia.

Mario, on entrance to a large, lava-filled room, fought Setsuka, and learned of his horrible past and his plans to blow up the universe. Mario fought him but could not win. Just as he was about to be killed, Takoi jumped in and supposedly killed Setsuka. Mario fought the enraged Sky-Yoshi, but at the end of the battle, Takoi unleashed his powerful magic, reanimating the Sky-Yosters long gone. Everyone could see the climactic battle from down below and cheered Mario on. The cheers made his Star Hammer more powerful and he defeated Takoi in his strongest form. Afterwards, Mario found a soul-pool similar to the one he had encountered in The Palace of the Nobles. He succeeded in rescuing Peach, but then Lucy came to congratulate Mario with a kiss. Peach saw the couple together and was disgusted. She left Mario without a word, and demanded he take her back. He did, and Lucy comforted him while Peach left. There was chaos in his world once more...


I told you that It was going to be September, but I lied...

The dramatic conclusion to HOTS... The Hatching of the Shreok 4: The Last Dance!!!

Table of Contents
Prologue: Legends and Prophecies
Chapter One: Separation and Loss
Chapter Two: The Fourth Wheel
Chapter Three: Good Morning, Stupidity
Chapter Four: A Tale of the Ages
Chapter Five: Broken
Chapter Six: Sunny Island Days
Chapter Seven: Blue Skye's Bring Smiles
Chapter Eight: Predatorial Prey
Chapter Nine: The Treasure of Alervion
Chapter Ten: Welcome to Dawn
Chapter Eleven: Walking a Common Path
Chapter Twelve: If You Like What You See...
Chapter Thirteen: The Truth
Chapter Fourteen: A Long and Pointless Venture
Chapter Fifteen: Rebirth of Darkness
Part One
Chapter Sixteen: Life
Chapter Seventeen: Who's Steering This Thing?
Chapter Eighteen: Date of Doom

More to come!

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