By Ridley Koopa

Luigi walked to his porch and began fumbling with the keys. “Stupid Mario. He just had to dump all the milk into the toilet. What does that have to do with pinwheels anyway?”

One hour ago, Mario had run past Luigi into the kitchen. He ran into the bathroom with Luigi trailing him. Luigi looked into the toilet and saw it was swirling with all the milk in the house! “Look! I-a made a pinwheel!”

Luigi grumbled as he unlocked the door. He stepped in and dried off. “Dumb Mario. Made me go out in the middle of the night in a storm, just so we can have breakfast. Oh well. Mario? Where  are you?” He walked into the kitchen and screamed!

He saw Mario lying in a puddle of blood, with a knife lying next to him. On his brother was a note. He picked it up, but could barely read because of his tears.

You fool! You weren't home, so I settled with killing you’re brother! Heh, better run to the castle! I’d say by the time you read this, I’ll already be there!

He crumpled the note and began running to the closet. He grabbed a P Wing and flew to Peach’s castle. On the ground, there were two dead Toads! He went in, even though he knew what he was going to find. He heard rustling in the kitchen, and went in. A Bean turned, and he immediately recognized it!

“Popple! You killed Mario and the princess!”

“Wazzuh?! No, wait, you got the wrong man! Honest! I only came here ‘cause the security was wiped out! I just wanted to steal! D-do you even know where the princess is?”


“Well, go find her, I’ll wait here.”

Luigi grabbed Popple by the neck of his shirt. “You are coming with me! If I can find the villain, then I’ll let you go!”

They went into the throne room, and…

“No!” Luigi ran over to the crumpled form of Peach.

“No wait, I didn't! I swear!” Popple ran over by the window. “Wait… There are footprints on the wall! Hurry!”

Luigi jumped on Popple’s shoulders and jumped out. “C’mon. You want to prove you’re innocent, right?”

“Yes, Mommy.”


“Nothing.” Popple climbed up and landed next to Luigi. Popple pointed to a figure running away from the castle.

“That’s him! Get him!” yelled Luigi! They started running toward the figure.

“Huh?” he turned, but they couldn’t see his face through the hood he wore. “Haha! You morons can’t stop me! Yoshi’s next!”

Luigi threw Popple’s bag at the man. “Why’d you do that?!” yelled Popple.

The bag hit the man, and he fell. Luigi ripped down the hood and… There was nothing!

“Luigi? Can you hold me?”


Meanwhile at Kastle Koopa…

Roy walked down the hallway, whistling.

“Hey! Ludwig! You in there?” He opened Ludwig’s door and walked in. He saw the eldest Koopaling with a blowtorch.

“Go away, Roy.”

“Hey man, lighten up. I just heard that Larry’s got a new plant! Why dont’cha blowtorch it?”

“I’m working! Leave me alone!”

“Pff! Whatever…” said Roy as he left. Larry ran by, but Roy stopped him. “Where ya going, wimp?”

“Leave me alone, Bully. I’m trying to get Kamek to check my room.”

“Why? Your plant throw up? Heh!”

“No… I feel like something is watching me…” He suddenly thought of a devious plan only a Koopa could think of. “I bet its tough, if anything is there… Tougher then you, at least.”

“Nothing’s tougher then me! I’m going to your room to find it, and kill it!

“Good luck,” said Larry as he walked by. He stopped at Kamek’s room. He knocked, and Kamek opened the door.

“Yes Larry?”

“Could you check my room? I feel some weird presence…”

“Hmm? Wendy asked me to do the same thing. Very well.” He warped himself and Larry to the door. “Careful now, it could be hostile.” He opened the door. “Oh my. Hostile all right...”

Larry ran in and saw all his plants were destroyed, and his bed was completely trashed. The lights began flickering, and turned off.

“Oh dear,” said Kamek. He waved his wand, and made a light. “Stay close, Larry.” The Koopaling began following Kamek.

He saw an entire shelf had fallen, but it was propped up at a weird angle. He stiffly pushed up a bit, and saw Roy. Kamek cast a spell, and pulled the Koopaling out.

“AAAAAA!” yelled Roy. He began breathing deeply, while Kamek tried to calm him.

“Easy now, what was it you saw?”

“Larry, right! Tougher, than… me! Too tough! Beat, me… me… up… Wanted, Larry, Bowser! He wanted… Dad… eyes… Those red eyes… He… He wants us… All of us!”

Kamek cast a spell so Roy began floating. “We’d better warn King Bowser…” said Kamek. He stopped and put Roy in the hospital wing.

A Boo floated over. “What is it?”

“He seems to be delusional.”

Roy opened his eyes and saw the Boo “AAAAAAAAA! He's back! No, not again! Stay back!!! DON’T COME CLOSER!”

“I’m not going to hurt you!” said the Boo. He took a bottle of pills and put two in Roy’s mouth. “He’ll be asleep soon.”

Kamek and Larry continued down the hall, and stopped at Bowser’s room. Kamek knocked on the door, and entered. “Lord Bowser?”

“What?” yelled Bowser.

“Larry and Wendy both felt some presence. I went to Wendy’s but there was nothing. Larry came five minutes afterwards with the same request. Larry’s room was totaled, and Roy was knocked out in the wreckage. He kept saying something was after us. He particularly pointed you out as a target, though.”

“Hmm. I’m so scared. Will you hold me?”

“Of course, sir.”


“Achoo!” sneezed Popple. “Why do we have to be out here in the rain at midnight? Achoo!”

“So we can find the monster who killed my brother and Peach.

“But, I’m cold! And wet, and now I’ve caught a cold. Achoo!”

Suddenly a ghostly figure appeared in front of them. “Heeeeeeeeelpp meeeeeee…” it said as it faded away.

“I’m scared!” yelled Popple.

“Greetings!” yelled a pale white creature that appeared in front of them. The figure materialized into King Boo. “Hi there, now you are going down!”

“You! You killed Mario and Peach!”

“Huh?! No… But you look fun to kill!”

“Achoo! Luigi, weren’t there footprints going up the wall?”

“Yes… So, King Boo couldn’t have done it. But, how did the monster disappear when we hit it?”

“Ahem! While you talk, I’m waiting to get my revenge on you. So, I beg you, can we please just get on with this? Geez! By the time we’re done, you’ll be ghosts like me!”

“Achoo! You have weird friends,” said Popple.

Luigi grabbed a Cannonballer out of Popple’s bag, and then he grabbed King Boo’s crown. He shoved it in and fired. The crown went sailing to the Chucklehuck Woods.

“AAAAAA! Why did you do that?” yelled King Boo as he drifted toward the border.

“Who would want us all dead?” said Luigi.

“Well, Cackletta, Bowser, the Shroobs, me, King Boo, Wario, Waluigi, Tatanga, Grodus, Lord Crump, the Shadow Queen, Birdo, and everyone else who hates your guts.”

“Shut up.”

“I order all Magikoopa patrols to double. There's something odd going on here...”sSaid Kamek into his wand.

“How does that help?” asked Bowser impatiently.

“Well, they can hear me over the wand's-”

“NOT THAT! I mean Magikoopa patrols won't help.”

“Well, you just stay here,” said the Boo doctor.

“Scared...” said Roy weakly.

“It’s the end of my shift, and I have a life I have to get back to. And maybe I could get Bow to notice me. Heh heh.” The Boo floated out the door, and saw a strange figure.

“Hey! I thought Mario and green guy got rid of you! Besides, this is a- AAAAAAAAAAACK!”

The figure walked in and saw Roy. “Hello, Roy boy.”

“NO! Not… you… again…”

“Yep. It’s me. And I’ve decided to finish what I started before that shriveled Koopa and little, blue-haired brat interrupted me.” It walked over, and put its hand on Roy’s head...

“Honestly, Kamek, Magikoopas aren’t strong enough.”


“And shrieking about it will get you nowhere.”

“That wasn’t me, sir.”

A Magikoopa teleported in. "A Boo and Roy were both attacked by something!”


“See, Kamek? I told you Magikoopa patrols would help!”

About five minutes later, they walked into the hospital wing. They went into an area with Roy and the Boo doctor inside. They were both in straightjackets and Roy couldn’t even talk.

“Who attacked you?” asked Kamek calmly of the Boo.

“… He was a... dead! He, Mario and Luigi, defeated him! He was back!”

“Who was he?”

“I, I, he had too much power…”

“Try to remember!”

“Please leave a message after the beep,” he said as he fell silent.

“I can’t get anything out of them," said Kamek.

“I am not liking this. At all...” said Bowser.

The dark figure walked down the hall. A Magikoopa began coming, and he jumped behind a Bowser statue. When the Magikoopa walked past the statue, the figure jumped out and grabbed the Magikoopa.

“AAAAAA!” screamed a voice.

“Who's there?” said Wendy as she began shivering. “Probably Bagels. Heh… Heh…  Iggy? This had better not be one of your tricks…” She turned off her light and was about to lie down, when a pair of red eyes shown threw the darkness.

“Hey. Wennnnnddyyyyyyyyyyyy.” It grabbed her and laughed. He took a flashlight and began writing a note. “What kinda moron sleeps in pitch darkness?”

He finished the note and put it on the shivering form of Wendy. He started walking out. Suddenly he noticed the note was stuck on his hand. He shook his hand a bit, then began trying to bite it off. “Grr!” He tried to gently rub it off on the Koopaling, but it was stuck. The figure grabbed a lamp, and lit it. “At least that dark-loving freak has a lamp." He stuck the note in, but ended up burning his hand too!

“YACK!” he screamed as he ran around the room. He smashed into a dresser, causing it to fall over. He kept running, and smashed a wall under a shelf. The shelf fell and a bottle of perfume hit him. He noticed the perfume put out the fire. He rewrote the note (making sure not to tape it to her) and left. “Well that was overdramatic,” he said as he left through the gate.

“What a good day for evil!” said Larry as he got up. He began walking, when he saw a Magikoopa lying on the floor.

“Behind… It attacked…” Larry realized it must have been the creature that made Roy and the Boo go insane. He'd run past into Wendy’s room!

“KAMEK!” he screamed.

The sorcerer heard him, and warped to Larry. “Yes?” He looked in and saw the wreckage.

“This is worse then what happened to my room!” Larry said as he saw the broken glass and destroyed shards of makeup kits and perfume bottles. He saws his sister in bed with wide eyes. “Red… eyes, coming toward… me… in darkness…”

Kamek ran by Larry and grabbed a note. “Ahem!

Dear Idiots who find this,

I’ve hit your sister and that big pink guy. I’m going to keep destroying you with fear until you all come to Creepy Steeple tonight. That means Bowser and those dumb Koopalings!

Luigi- Master of justice!

Luigi ran into the warp pipe leading to Yoshi’s Island. He saw that Yoshi’s house was completely destroyed. A note was attached to the fireplace. Luigi grabbed it and read it.

I’ve killed Mario, Peach, and I would’ve got Yoshi if he was home. Do you want revenge? If so, come to Creepy Steeple tonight. Heh. Bring all your friends. You’ll need help!

-Bowser and the Koopalings

"Bowser! I will be there. And you will pay!”

At the Creepy Steeple…

The figure stood in the top room. A Boo floated in and saw the figure.

“Boss! I killed Mario and Peach, and tricked him to get my note. I just scribble some footprints on the wall, disappear after telling them to come to Yoshi’s Island, bang! They fall for the whole shtick!”

“Wha- I, I said just bring them here! What point is the huge battle with Bowser if MARIO is dead?! Are you insane?” yelled the figure.

“But… I… Every Boo is going to love me for defeating Mario and Peach!” said the Boo.

“Meh. You cheated anyways. You just appeared from behind and jabbed 'em. Take these 1-Up Mushrooms and heal them. Tell them Bowser is in front of the Creepy Steeple and to come at midnight.”

The Boo sighed and took the Mushrooms. “Sorry, Doopliss. I- Wait, it's always midnight here!”

“Err… At twelve PM then.” Doopliss began dragging a chair to the window as the Boo floated away. He saw Bowser step into the clearing with the Koopalings (except Roy and Wendy).

“What-” Doopliss checked his watch and saw it said five o'clock. He grabbed a piece of paper and scribbled down something. He crumpled it up and tossed it at Bowser from the window. “Idiot,” muttered Doopliss.

Bowser picked up the paper that hit him and un-crumpled it. “How dare you defy the great King Bowser?!” He read it: YOU IDIOT! ITS NOT 12:00! Luigi

“LUIGI IS HERE, HIDING! Everyone, get him!” yelled Bowser. The Koopalings began frantically searching while Doopliss sat and watched.

“I’m working with a real genius here.”

“I don’t want to go to Twilight town. I’m scared,” said Popple as he began holding Luigi’s hand and whimpering.

“… You, sir, are dumber then Mario.”

“I’m scared- Oh… That was harsh. You just insulted me harder then anyone else on all Plit!”

“Shut up. We're almost there,” said Luigi as they began walking to the front gate. They saw Bowser and the Koopalings standing around searching for something. “Hello Bowser.”

Bowser turned and saw Luigi. “Finally, you pay! ATTACK!”

“Heh! Finally! I get to see the ultimate battle!” Doopliss grabbed a soda and began sipping it.

Iggy was clawing at Luigi wildly, but the green-garbed plumber was able to dodge it. He jumped behind Iggy and shot a fireball! “Oof!” He turned and threw a wad of dirt off the ground into Luigi’s face.

“AAAA! MY EYES!” Luigi started swaggering around while Iggy ran over.

“I win!” yelled Iggy. He was about to swipe Luigi, but Popple jumped on Iggy and began punching him. “Gack!” Popple swung his bag and hit Iggy squarely on the head with it.

“You owe me!” he yelled as Luigi wiped the dirt out of his eyes. Ludwig grabbed Larry and tossed him at Popple. Larry spun around, and brought his foot down onto Popple’s jaw. “Eh, oww!" The thief stepped back, and Larry ran over. He began breathing fire on the thief! When the torrent stopped, Popple was gone.

“Ha! I wiped him off the face of the planet!” said Larry. Suddenly Popple jumped down from a tree and landed on Larry.

“Get down, see? You don’t even deserve to exist!”

Luigi ran over and pounded Larry’s head with a hammer. He turned to Ludwig and began shooting fireballs at him. Ludwig tried to run, but Luigi took out a Star and used it on himself. He used his extra speed to plow through Ludwig. Lemmy came from behind Popple and began to try to torch him. Popple turned and began punching at Lemmy. Popple sped behind Lemmy, and as the Koopaling turned, he rushed to the other side. “Stop it!” yelled Lemmy. Suddenly Popple ran forward, knocking the Koopaling into a tree.

Morton began attacking Luigi. “You won't survive because you’ll be dead and then the Mushroom Kingdom will belong-”

Luigi jumped on top of Morton before he could finish. “Oh, please shut up!” yelled Luigi.

“Yes! Final portion!” said Doopliss from his purch.

Bowser began breathing fire at Luigi and Popple. “Woah!” yelled Popple as a fire blast went inches from his head. Popple tried to run circles around Bowser and confuse him, but Bowser began breathing fire directly in front of him. Popple tried to stop, but he ran through the fire. He tried to roll on the ground, but he couldn't put it out. Popple collapsed from the burns.

“You won't be able to beat me this time!” Bowser tried to ground pound Luigi, but the lesser-known brother rolled out of the way. “Stay still!” roared Bowser!

“Nope!” Luigi jumped over Bowser and began stomping on his tail.

“ARG!” He turned and unleashed a torrent of fire where Luigi had been standing a moment ago. Luigi took out his hammer and hit Bowser in the face.

“C’mon! This is so one-sided!” yelled Doopliss!

Suddenly a Boo floated in. “I healed those two losers. Happy? I bet they won't be here before Bowser is defeated, though.”

Luigi kept hammering Bowser’s face until the Koopa King fell down.

“Drat!” said Doopliss. “Luigi already won!”

The Boo just stared at him. “Go away! You’re fired!”

“That's it,” said the Boo. It floated out the window to Luigi. “Luigi. Bowser didn't kill Mario. He did!” He pointed to the window of the Steeple.

Luigi went in and saw Doopliss about to jump down a hole in front of a star statue. “Uh oh...”

Days later in Twilight Town…

“I say, did you hear about that poor fellow in the Creepy Steeple?” asked a crow.

“Caw! Wait! Twilighter. Caw, caw!” The Twilighter passed by and they continued.

“What happened to him?”

“Oh, they bit him, scratched him, torched him, and did various other horrible things to him. I hear now- wait! Twilighter! … Anyways. He’s now been tied to the Steeple gate. The villagers are now always harassing him. He did that pig thing, you know.”


“ACK!” yelled Larry. “Stop it!”

“Nope. It's your fault I went into your room. So you’re paying. I’m gonna pound you every single day until King Dad tells me to quit. Oh yeah, this is for you.” He put Larry down.

“What is it?”

Roy punched Larry in the face and walked off laughing!

Luigi went back to Toad Town through a warp pipe, and he saw Mario and Peach!

“I thought you were dead!” yelled Luigi!

“I’m-a Mario!”

“Some Boo told us that a Duplighost named Doopliss murdered us, but he brought us back!” said Peach.

While they talked, Popple began walking toward the window of a house. “Heh!” He jumped through and began putting everything into his bag.

“Luigi, didn’t you say Popple helped?” asked Peach.

“Huh?” She motioned to the house where he had gone in. “Mhh!” He went in and saw Popple.

“Hey! Luigi! I get to steal whatever I want! You owe me.”

“Mario doesn't. MARIO!”

Mario busted in and began attacking Popple. “Die-a, Grodus!”

“Hello?” asked Doopliss. “Anyone?”

A squirrel ran over to him.

“Are you here to help me? Thanks!”

It crawled over and began chewing on his “sheet”.


To Be Continued...

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