Super Mario and Wario Galaxy

Started by Waluigi's Twin

The Terrace

Honeyhive Galaxy

Star 2: Trouble on the Tower

By Geno

Mario and Wario find the Honeyhive bees in a panic.

Random Bee: It’s terrible! Stones have just fallen from the sky!

Random Bee #2: If these stones aren’t smashed, the sproutles won’t grow!

Mario: I wonder if a ground pound might work. I’ll give it a shot.

Mario ground pounds the rock into rubble.

Random Bee #2: Oh, thank you! The sproutles are growing again!

Wario: Maybe we can use this to get somewhere.

They climb the sproutle and find a new section of the planet to look around on.

Mario: I’ll look up this narrow path. You see what’s down here.

Wario searches the entire area. Mario meets a board.

Phil: Hi there. I’m the famous Phil board!

Mario: Hi, Phil.

Phil: Now, to make it up this wall, you need to wall jump.

Mario: Okay.

He wall jumps up the walls.

Mario: Sheesh. First living paper, then living signs, what’s next? Living boxes?

Letters: Finally, another mention!

Then Mario sees a box hopping around and chasing the living sign.

Mario: Just great.

Mario then sees a bee in panic.

Mario: What’s wrong?

Random Bee #3: That terrible Mandibug has taken over our tower!

Mario: Don’t worry! I’ll take care of him!

He rides the windmill but doesn’t know that Wario is on the opposite side of the windmill. Mario makes it up to the top and the Mandibug charges at him. Mario jumps and squishes… the baby on its back! The Mandibug adult gets mad, charges at Mario, hits him around, and is about to make the finishing blow when Wario squishes the big bug.

Wario: All right. I saved you. Now give me 50 coins.

Mario pays him 50 coins and takes the Star, and they fly away.

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