Super Mario and Wario Galaxy

Started by Waluigi's Twin

The Bedroom

Gusty Garden Galaxy

Star 2: The Dirty Tricks of Major Burrows

By Ultimate Yoshi

Mario and Wario have just got done catching the bunny in the Gusty Garden Galaxy.

Mario: That was fun!

Wario: NO... IT... WASN'T!!!

Mario: So you fell off the flowers and lost a lot of lives. You should lose weight.


Mario: Hey! No need to get rude about it!

Wario: That wasn't at all rude. If you want rude, I'll show it to ya!

Wario starts chasing Mario when they run into Mailtoad (literally)! Wario is on top of Mario who is on top of Mailtoad.

Mailtoad: (muffled) GET OFF OF ME, YOU FAT PEOPLE!

Mario and Wario get off.

Mailtoad: HERE! It's a letter from the bunny you just got a Star from!

Mario and Wario take the letter and open it.

Dear Slowpokes,


Wario: So what? He can handle it.

Mario: Wait, there's more!

Oh, by the way, if you save me I'll give you another Star.


Wario: Wait, Star equals money! Let's go!

Suddenly Dino Piranha comes over and jumps on Wario and starts laughing.

Wario: DP, get off me!

DP starts whining and runs away.

Mario: You should be nicer to him, he's only playing.

Wario: I don't have time to be nice, I've got a Star to get!

Wario charges off towards the bedroom, with Mario chasing after him. They go to Gusty Garden Galaxy and look around.

Mario: Hmm. I don't see the bunny.

Wario grabs a flower and starts flying off with it.


Mario grabs a flower too and starts chasing Wario.

Mario: Wario, be careful not to fall!

Wario: I'll never fall!

Wario falls, but lands on a small planet.

Bunny: Those moles are digging up our garden! It's just terrible!

Mario catches up to Wario.

Wario: I smell the Star! It's here somewhere, but where?

Mario: LOOK! Over there!

Wario looks at a distant planet with a giant mole chasing a bunny.

Wario: THERE!!!

Wario grabs another flower and Mario chases. Wario and Mario land on a small planet with a Monty Mole on it.

Monty Mole: HEY! You guys aren't supposed to be here.

Wario kicks him into space.

Mario: Look! A sling star.

Mario and Wario fly off using it.

Mario: We’re getting closer…

They land on a question mark-shaped planet.

Monty Moles: GET THEM!!!

Three Monty Moles each charge at Mario and Wario!

Mario: Take this!

Mario ground pounds the dirt and the three Monty Moles are dazed.

Wario: My turn!

Wario kicks them all off.


Wario jumps in a Sling Star with Mario, and they blast off.

Wario: I can feel the Star!

Mario: Wario, you know that Star is for powering the observatory, right?

Wario: Of course I do, but when we get them all and rescue Daisy and Peach, Daisy will give me a big reward of cash!

Mario: I see.

They land on a giant apple. Wario starts pounding the pegs on it until a giant caterpillar comes out and goes into another big apple.

Mario: Let's-a go!

They climb it and pound more pegs until they finally make the caterpillar reach a Sling Star, which they use to blast off.

Wario: We’re heading right for that bunny!

They pass a planet.

Mario: Hey, we passed that. How do we get that Super Shroom?

Wario: Just forget it, all we need is me to win!

They land on the same planet as the mole and the bunny.

(Note: I won't make Major Burrows have normal words, only what he says in the game because it would ruin the spirit if I did change it. Oh and another thing, @$#@#^ is how he talks, so he's not swearing.)

Bunny: AGH! I'm gonna get eaten!

Wario pounds the ground, making Major Burrows come up from the ground. Mario then punches him and he falls over.

Major Burrow: @$#$%#^#%#!

MB spins back into the ground and starts chasing Mario.

Mario: AGH! I'm gonna get eaten!

Bunny: HEY!

Wario: Hey fatty, come get me!

MB: *^%&&#$($#^%#^&!!!

MB then starts chasing Wario.

Wario: MARIO! Hurry up and attack!

Mario pounds the ground and MB starts running away, but Wario catches him and hits him.

MB: *^^^&#$$^#^^#*%%(%*^#^$!!!

MB starts chasing Mario again, when Wario pounds the ground.

MB: &%@#%#!

Wario hits MB and MB gets really mad and charges for Wario, but Wario pounds the ground again and then Mario hits MB.

MB: (slow motion) @-#-#-#-#-#-#-#!

MB hits the ground hard and disappears.

Bunny: You saved me!

Mario: Aw, it was a-

Wario: ENOUGH! Where's the Star?!

Bunny: Right here... Oops.

Wario: Oops?

Bunny: That mole took it.


Mario slaps Wario!

Mario: Wario, it's right there!

Wario: Huh?

The Power Star is right where MB once was.

Wario: Oh...

Mario grabs the Star and they head back to the Observatory.

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