The Corrupted Star

By Trace

Chapter 3: Chaos in the Mushroom Kingdom

Toads, how I despise them.

So were the thoughts of a red-capped Mushroomer as he walked down one of the streets in Toad Town. Trace had been forced to change guises in case the controller of the guards was about.


Why would they be in the Mushroom Kingdom?

"Hey you, get back here!"

Trace looked down the street and saw a squad of Mushroomer policemen chasing a white-shelled Koopa Troopa. It was holding a box marked with the words CRYSTAL ORB.

The Koopa leapt over a building and disappeared out of sight.

"Follow him!" shouted one of the policemen.

After they had gone, Trace smiled.

A crystal orb, huh? That must mean he is a magician. Maybe he can help me…

Trace leapt over the same building, and followed the Troopa. After around 30 minutes of searching, he spied him. The Koopa walked into a run-down building.

Caught ya…

"Sisthen Uta!"

A stream of winds shot out of Trace's hand and knocked down the door. He then quickly rolled into the building and caught the Troopa by the throat.

"What is your name?" Trace demanded.

"H-Hesha!" the Koopa stammered.

"What are you doing in the Mushroom Kingdom, let alone Toad Town?"

"I-I'm spying on Princess Toadstool for my master!" It gulped.

"So King Koopa is planning another invasion in Toad Town?"

"Umm… I d-don't work for Lord Bowser anymore."

This caught Trace off-guard. "If you don't work for the Koopa Army, then who do you work for?"

"I work for Lord Grestle."

Trace dropped the Koopa, dumbstruck. How could fortune be so kind to me?

"You work for the earth demon Grestle, huh?"

"Yes, is there a problem with that?"

"No, not at all. In fact, I like your style. Do you think there is any way that I could join Grestle's army?"

"Ahh, finally coming to your senses, are you?" said Hesha. "We would be honored to have you join us. Even if you are just a Toad."

"I do know some magic."

"Even better."

"Can you take me to see Lord Grestle?"

"Of course, you are probably more important than this particular mission.”

What a stupid animal, thought Trace.

"Follow me," said Hesha.


And so the search for Grestle the Earth Demon began.

Carefully avoiding the police, the duo made their way out of Toad Town. After a few hours, they reached the border between the Mushroom Kingdom and the Land of Koopas. Just as they were about to cross (there were no replacement guards yet), they heard a voice:

"We've-a found you at-a last."

Read on!

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