The Goomba Raid

By 1-up Boo

Part 3 (1 day after part 2)

Let’s start with Mario…

Mario: (waking up) *yawn* Luigi!

Luigi: (waking up): Huh? WHAT?!

Mario: It’s 8:00. We have to go and discuss the plans with Peach.

Luigi: Ugh. Fine…

They get out of bed, get dressed, and go in the warp pipe to Peach’s castle.


Mario: Peach!

Peach: I’m here, I’m here.

Mario: So… what are the plans?

Peach: Well they are just a bunch of Goombas… so me and E.Gadd invented this!

At that, Toads and E.Gadd come in with a giant machine on a big wagon.

Mario: Woah…

Gadd: Yes, this is the Goomba Squisher 3000; it is machine that if it detects a Goomba it will… well, squish them.

Peach: Plus with its sturdy metal armor, no Goombas will get even close to destroying it!

Luigi: We don’t know that for sure…

Peach: And that is exactly why we’re making two more!

Mario: How long does it take to make one?

Peach: Now that we know how to make one… I’d say about 2 ½ hours.

Mario: But the Goombas will attack any minute!

Peach: Way ahead of you… I already assigned all the Toads jobs and got the Bullet Bill Blasters ready.

Luigi: I have a question.

Peach: Yes?

Luigi: They could attack any minute like Mario said! Doesn’t that mean we’ll have to stay up all night?!

Peach: … Good point.

Gadd: Then we must decide if we are going to sleep or not.

Mario: …

Luigi: …

Gadd: …

Peach: Well if we DO sleep then the Goombas can attack us by surprise… but if we don’t sleep then we will be ready for them but be weaker in many ways due to us being tired.

Mario: … Hard decision. But we have to choose one or the other.

Luigi: I’d say we don’t sleep because then we’ll probably win and when we win we can go to sleep right afterwards.

Peach: … I’d say we don’t sleep, too.

Mario: Fine. Do we have anything that can keep us awake?

Gadd: … There’s the Shroom coffee.

Peach: Right. We’ll drink the special awake version.

Luigi: There’s an awake version?

Gadd: Yep.

Mario: Then let’s make some.

Peach: We don’t need to make any, Mario, we have plenty.

Mario: Then it’s time to drink the coffee.

Peach: I’d say two glasses per person.

Mario: Well, let’s get to work.

They do so…

Meanwhile with King Goomba…

King Goomba: WHERE IS SHE?!

Goombas: ACK!

Red Goomba: (startled) Wha-what’s wrong!? We were sleeping!

King Goomba: Hooktail should have come back by now! It’s 8:30 AM!

Red Goomba: Wait… You said that we were attacking at midnight… We have plenty of time.

King Goomba: First of all I’m still not finished preparing, second of all when she comes back I’m going to have to give ALL the new Goombas orders-

Red Goomba: We’ll still have plenty of time.

King Goomba: I’m not finished. Third of all ever since I had to move from our old castle (in Paper Mario) we had to move to this new one! Even though it’s bigger it’s farther away from the Mushroom Kingdom so it’ll take a long time to get to the Mushroom Kingdom. I even had to stock up on traveling supplies! That’s how far we are! Also we need to sleep some more.

Red Goomba: NOW I understand.

King Goomba: Yes, so she needs to hurry up and get here. She’s two whole hours late!

Meanwhile with Hooktail and Goom…

Goom: Can’t you continue?!

Hooktail: I’m tired! It’s hard to fly so much with all of these Goombas on me.

Goom: You’ve been resting for two hours! We’re two hours behind schedule because of this!

Hooktail: FINE! We’ll leave in 20 minutes.

Goom: Ugh, fine.

Icebonk: O’nt worry, brainless Goom. She’s tired from carrying us o far.

Goom: I know. I just know King Goomba is going to get mad.

Meanwhile with Mario…

Mario: Well, though that coffee wasn’t very good, it seems to be working.

Luigi: I knew Peach was wrong… We DID have to make more.

Mario: Oh, come on. She didn’t have to make much.

Luigi: I know… but still. It took up 15 minutes.

Mario: I wonder what King Goomba is doing right now…

Luigi: I don’t know…

Meanwhile with Hooktail and Goom again…


Goom: Yeah!

Hooktail: Okay, everybody hop on.

They do so.

Blackspot: Let’s go.

Hooktail flies off…

Goom: (singing) OOOOOH… It’s the flying song!!! It’s the flying sooooong! The wind is nice and gentle and we are flying! We-

Everyone onboard Hooktail besides Goom: BE QUIET!!!

Goom: Meep.

Hooktail: And don’t forget, everyone, we have all the Goombas including the plains ones.

Everyone except Goom and Hooktail: YEP!

Hooktail: Hang on! We’re almost there!

At King Goomba’s castle…

King Goomba: WHERE IS SH-


Goom: Did you just crash through the wall?

Hooktail: Yes. But I don’t really care.

King Goomba: … Well at least you’re here.


Hooktail: My payment.

King Goomba: Ugh. Here

King Goomba gives Hooktail 200 coins.

Hooktail: Yay.

King Goomba: I’ll give you 100 more if you fly us all to the Mushroom Kingdom at midnight.

Hooktail: Deal.

Red Goomba: So… do we sleep or what?

Blue Goomba: Yeah! I’m tired!

King Goomba: First of all, I’ll get to you guys who were sleeping, second of all… why are there Shy Guys here?

Hooktail: We found them along with the Indian Goombas. They’re friends with the Indian Goombas.

King Goomba: Ah… Well first I need to give all of you guys orders.

Red Goomba: (whispering to Blue Goomba) This is going to take awhile…

Blue Goomba: Yeah…

3 hours later when he is finally finished, it is time for them to sleep. Meanwhile Mario and the others have been working on machines the whole time as well as cannons… This takes up the whole day… It is now 11:00 PM.

Mario: *yaaaawn* Boy am I tired… I’ll have some coffee.

Luigi: Here ya go.

Luigi hands Mario a cup of coffee, which he drinks.

Peach: Well we have to stay awake in order to keep watch.


Hooktail: Well we left early… Isn’t that bad?

King Goomba: No. Now keep flying.

Hooktail: That’s what I was doing.

Goom: HEY! I can see the Mushroom Kingdom!

King Goomba: YES! Everybody prepare for battle!


Toad operating cannon: LOOK!

Mario: Huh?!

Everybody looks to see Hooktail with all the Goombas flying towards them.

Luigi: NOT GOOD!

Peach: Fire the cannons!

The Toads do so but Hooktail apparently got more agile and dodges every single Bullet Bill.


Luigi: This has to be so sudden.

King Goomba: ATTACK!

Goombas fill the kingdom. Mario jumps down and starts to jump, punch, and stomp them.

Luigi: I’ll help you, Mario!

Luigi jumps down as well. Tons of Toads with spears come out to attack the Goombas.

Peach: Release the Goomba Squishers!

Goom: The what?

At that, 4 Goomba Squishers come out of a door.

King Goomba: Goom! Red Goomba! Blue Goomba! Come here, I have a plan!

Mario: Where is that king…?

Mario scans the area until he feels a strong bonk on his head.

Mario: Oof!

Icebonk: Move it, plumber!

Mario: Grrr…

Right when Mario is about to get up he feels a strong energy blast go against him.


Shing’go: HA!

Random Priest Goomba: Woah. Haven’t seen you do that in awhile.

Shing’go: Yup.

Mario: Pain…


Shing’go: That should take care of him.

Yes, Mario is frozen.

Luigi: MARIO! I’ll get something to get you free!

Mario: …

Luigi: Better hurry…

Luigi runs off.

Blackspot: Spear Guys! THROW YOUR SPEARS!

Spear Guy: WILL DO!

Toad: We’re losing!

Peach: Bad…

Blackspot: Heh heh… Wait, no!

Blackspot gets squished by a Goomba Squisher.

Goomba: That’s gotta hurt.

Blackspot: Just… battle…

Goomba: I wonder where Red Goomba, Blue Goomba, and King Goomba are…

Luigi: Here ya go.

Luigi shoots a giant fireball at Mario; this frees him from the ice…

Luigi: Sorry… I had to let it charge.

Mario: It’s… brrrrrr… That made me cold.

Luigi: It’s okay Mario, we’re starting to win.

Mario looks around to see the Toads winning quite nicely.

Mario: I knew we would win against these brown stumps.

Toad: MARIO!

Mario: What is it?

Toad: The Goombas! They just… left.

Mario looks to see the Goombas leaving… But why are they leaving?

Mario: Maybe… they knew they were going to lose.

Luigi: That does seem logical but… that’s not what Goombas usually do.

Toad: My thoughts as well… Usually they keep fighting and fighting until they win or lose.

Mario looks around and sees Toads gasping for breath.

Mario: This is strange.

Luigi: Do we… sleep now?

Mario: Not yet…

Toad (running towards Mario): MARIO! MARIO! MARIO!

Mario: Huh? What is it?

Toad: They… they… they… they took…

Luigi: Woah there… Tell us what happened.

Toad: They… they… they… THEY TOOK THE PRINCESS!!!

Mario: WHAT, AGAIN?!

Mario and Luigi rush into the castle to the throne room, seeing unconscious Toads along the way… But when he gets there all he sees is the throne seat, empty.

Mario: O_O

Mario looks out the window to see a red dot in the distance… Hooktail!

Luigi: They must have taken the princess without us knowing!

Mario: I’m surprised they managed to get through the guard Toads.

Luigi: And I’m going to guess when he got here they took the princess and flew off…

Mario: What makes you say that?

Luigi points at a giant hole in the wall… Peach was taken away…

Mario: Great…

Will Mario figure out where Peach was taken? Will King Goomba successfully take Peach away? Will Koopas grow beards? Will YOU grow a beard? Will you enjoy part 4? Find out in PART 4!

Read on!

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