Dimentio’s Return

By Red Koopa

Mario is walking in the swamps near Merlee’s Mansion.

Mario: Dimentio’s been quiet lately; I think he’ll be paying me a visit soon.

Mario is a few yards away from the Mansion when he finds a newspaper of the place.

Mario: They have a newspaper?

It says stuff about Mimi’s cutie pie workers and when Merlee may return. Meanwhile, Mr. L is watching from a distance.

Mr. L: (to self) Where’s the princess?

Mario walks inside to find workers on their break.

Mario: Where’s your boss?

Worker 1: In her office, down the hall then take a left, a right, a zigzag, the door on the right, down the hall, take the stairs into a door, go down some more stairs, and it’s the door on the left.

Mario runs in those directions.

Worker 2: Dude, her office is right over there.

Worker 1: It’s so much better to have people work for it.

Mario comes in down a stairway and through a door and finds Mimi reading papers.

Mimi: Unless you’re Merlee or have permission to be in here you need to GET OUT!

Mario: It’s-a me, Mario!

Mimi: Oh, it’s you, the red one who saved the world during SPM.

Mario: You owe me a favor and I need your help.

Mimi: What do you mean?

Mario recaps this story from his perspective..

Mimi: So you need the pages of a book to save the universe?

Mario: Oh yeah!

Mimi: Now that you mention it, I did see a strange page of a book float in the other day, but one of my incompetent workers thought it was dangerous and hid it in the deadly maze down in the basement. Even I don’t know the way to get to the center where the page is hidden.

Mario: I guess I’m on my own again.

Mario walks out and starts running around the Mansion, with Mr. L secretly following him.

Mimi: I forgot to tell you about the walking Chain Chomp that kills anyone who tries to enter the maze. That’s why nobody is allowed in the maze.

Mario is far away by now and didn’t hear her.

Mimi: That’s too bad, I really liked that guy.

Mario: How many corridors is this place made of?

Mario runs through a door and walks down a few stairs, then goes through another door and into another hallway. Merlee appears from out of nowhere and startles Mario.

Merlee: Ah, you came, I knew you would, Merlon told me you were coming so I went looking for you if I could.

Mario: Next time I come here I’ll use a GPS. You didn’t have to make this place so big and confusing.

Merlee: Yes, but that’s what I like best.

Merlee turns into Mimi.

Mimi: Despite our minor differences, I just want to help you get Dimentio back. Plus I know the way to the deadly maze.

Mario: This whole place is a maze! All right, but no playing around. Oh, when I find that clown I’m going to make him wish he was never born.

Mr. L: I’ll tell that to him myself.

Mr. L jumps off a balcony and lands on his feet.

Mimi: If it isn’t Mr. L. I’m Bleck’s favorite minion. You were always like “Oh, look at me, I’m Mr. Tough Guy and I’m Bleck’s favorite minion.” I hated that!

Mr. L: Well I was his favorite, you were just jealous.

Mario: Luigi, take that stupid suit off and help me.


Brobot enters as a car and transforms into a giant walking robot. Mr. L jumps into the cockpit.

Mr. L: My name’s not Luigi!

Brobot punches Mario into the wall as Mimi transforms into an elephant. Mimi’s elephant trunk grabs Brobot’s leg. Mario gets up and rips open the metal on Brobot’s leg and rips out some wires. Brobot is forced to jetpack into the air and rams into several walls, breaking them.

Mr. L: That was titanium plating, you slimeball!  I’ll show you a thing or two, Bazooka mode!

Brobot’s hands are replaced with bazookas that fire around the mansion. Mario and Mimi barely dodge them. Brobot fires more shots as Mimi turns into a humpback whale and swallows the shots without getting hurt. Mimi turns into a beaver and starts chewing through Brobot’s plating.

Mr. L: I have a backup system.

Mario jumps onto Brobot and goes up to its head and rips its head off and starts pulling out wires. He jumps into the cockpit and throws out Mr. L and starts banging on the controls, when he sees a self-destruct button. He pushes that and the eject button at the same time. He lands on the floor as Brobot explodes.

Mr. L: No! Brobot! You fools, I spent three weeks working on its design! You’ll pay for this!

Mr. L gets up and punches Mimi, who turns back into her regular form. Mario runs up and punches Mr. L in the head, knocking him unconscious and reverting his mind back to Luigi.

Mario: He’ll be fine, he’s just my brainwashed brother.

Mimi: I’ll carry him for you.

Mimi turns into a bear and carries Mr. L (Luigi) on her shoulder. Mario follows her for hours through the maze of corridors.

Mario: Are you sure you know the way to the deadly maze?

Mimi: Of course, just this place is really big, that’s all.


Dimentio: Has Mr. L checked back in yet?

Clone: No sir, we lost contact with him at Merlee’s Mansion.

Dimentio: That’s where a Prognosticus Page is, but what happened to Mr. L is… unfortunate, and I think we won’t be seeing him again as Mr. L. What about the Joker?

Clone: Joker doesn’t want to go anywhere until he’s finished sharpening his knives. He is very particular, sir.

Dimentio: What about Cackletta?

Clone: Cackletta is finishing a family feud down in the Beanbean Kingdom. She says she won’t be back for a few days. However, Doopliss just returned from Creepy Steeple with his belongings.

Dimentio: Send Doopliss then!

Clone: As you wish, my Lord.

Dimentio: Today I take the big name, Emperor Dimentio!

Clone: Very well, Your Highness. Doopliss is on his way, Emperor.

Dimentio smiles.

Dimentio: I do not expect Doopliss to succeed, but failure to get the page is only a minor setback.


Mimi: Here we are, the deadly maze. Even I don’t know what path goes to the center where the page is. Plus there’s a wait-

Mario: We need that page now!

Mario runs to the left and many other directions while Mimi follows him in the form of a lion, carrying Luigi’s unconscious body on her back. For hours they run until they get tired and start walking and later crawling on the ground, until Luigi falls off Mimi and rolls over around a corner. Mario and Mimi stop.

Mario: I’ll get him.

Luigi walks back around the corner.

Luigi: Mario, you don’t need to- Wah!

Luigi tripped over something.

Mario; Are you all right?

Luigi: Yeah, I’m fine.

Mario walks over to find out he tripped over an unconscious Luigi.

Mario: Mimi, quit playing tricks on me!

Mimi walks up next to him in her normal form.

Mimi: What?

Doopliss: *in Luigi’s voice*: Dang it, and it almost worked, too!

Luigi turns into Doopliss.

Mario: Not you again!

Doopliss: I’m just in it for the money, and Dimentio pays a lot. Plus I can shapeshift faster.

Mimi: Shapeshift! Shapeshift! He’s mine, Mario. The center of the maze is right there, with the page to the Dark Prognosticus. True form, come forth!

Mimi transforms into her true form while Mario grabs the page to the Dark Prognosticus. He puts it in his overalls. He joins the fight and throws rubees at Doopliss, pushing him back- and into the killer walking Chain Chomp.


The Chain Chomp charges at Mimi and Mario, giving Doopliss the time to escape.

Mario: Run! I know the way back!

Mimi turns into a cheetah and puts Mario and Luigi on her back. She runs from the chasing Chain Chomp and eventually loses it and gets out of the maze.

Outside the maze…

Mario: Thank you, Mimi, for helping me.

Mimi: I’ll help you anytime, Mario. Good luck stopping Dimentio. I’ll help you again if you want me to. I have to fix the walls and everything before Merlee gets back.

The real Luigi finally wakes up.

Luigi: Oh… Where am I, and why am I in this ridiculous costume? All I remember is I was shopping for groceries, than Dimentio attacked, and then everything went black.

Mario: Long story. We need to get back to the Bitlands.

Luigi: Ok, whatever you say, Mario.


Doopliss: Then this killer Chain Chomp appeared and I had to escape. I’m sorry, my Lord. Do I still get paid.

Dimentio: I will not worry, your failure was only a minor setback. I will have my prize later, but you’ll get paid your normal fee plus a bonus for impersonating Luigi. But you have to write a 15-page report on why Mario is so stupid and annoying, if you don’t no bonus.

Doopliss: I’ll do it because I love money.

Dimentio: Joker, Cackletta, enter now!

The Joker and Cackletta enter.

Dimentio: Now, on to the present situation. Francis of the Bitlands has stolen Bowser Jr’s Ancient Star for his own nerdy reasons. He doesn’t know it contains a Dark Prognosticus page, nor did Bowser Jr. I’m sending Joker and Cackletta on a double mission. Go to the Bitlands, BUT DO NOT ATTACK the castle. Not yet. I have a plan for that, so stay out of level 3-1, only go to level 3-4. Got it?

Joker: Yay, more fun! I’ll play a joke on that lizard, one he’ll never forget.

Cackletta: We’ll find the page! I want my sister ready for interrogation when I get back!

The Joker and Cackletta leave..

Dimentio: Everything is going as planned. I’d better find a replacement for Mr. L.


Luigi: We have to stop Dimentio again!

Mario nods. Mario has given Luigi a recap.

Merlon: Bowser tried to get her, like, three times, but old magic tricks stopped him from locking her up.

Bowser: I hate that old man!

Bowser Jr. runs in, looking worried.

Bowser: Junior, you look troubled.

Bowser Jr: Dad, someone took the Ancient Star I had. All I found was a paper that says this.

The paper says “nerr”.

Bowser: Francis, that geek! Why didn’t he join the Geek Squad!

Peach: The Geek Squad is computer software!

Bowser: I knew that. And I’ll go get the Ancient Star.

Bowser Jr: There’s more. I didn’t know it at first, but it has a Dark Prognosticus page.

Mario: Bowser! Get his belonging back before Dimentio finds out.

Bowser Jr: I want to come too!

Bowser: All right, but stay next to me.

Bowser Jr: All right, Papa.

They walk out of the castle.

Mario: This isn’t over yet. We need the other pages.

Peach: Mario, I don’t know what to do if Dimentio gets the Prognosticus pages.

Mario: I hope Dimentio doesn’t know where they are.

They watch Bowser and Bowser Jr. head to Fort Francis.

Read on!

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