The Stone Cold Chronicles, Episode 1: Bowser Is Missing!

By Ludwig X

Note: Don’t know who Midbus and some of the enemies are? Play Mario and Luigi: Bowser’s Inside Story!

Another note: Read Bowser Jr. Runs Away From Home for more info about Stone.

Another, another note: I am going by the DIC timeline, so Roy is the oldest, and Lemmy and Iggy are the youngest.

ANOTHER Note: Yeah, I know I’m getting annoying. This story takes place right after Bowser Jr. Runs Away From Home, by Ludwig X.

Stone: Did you have to say “by Ludwig X”?

Ludwig X: I created you, so be quiet.

Stone: That’s no good reason.

Ludwig X: I brought you into this world, and I can take you out of it! IS THAT A GOOD REASON?!

Stone: 0_0!

As Ludwig rolled over in his bed, he felt squirming from undereath his body. He quickly jumped up and examined the lump under his covers. He saw on his wall clock that it was five in the morning. Snapping his claws and chuckling, he remembered Bowser Jr. last night: he had wanted to sleep with him. “Poor thing,”  thought Ludwig, “I probably crushed him!” Ludwig climbed back into bed and tried to get back to sleep. He then realized that he had to go to the bathroom. BAD. He quickly leapt out of bed and started a mad dash to the bathroom. Right after he fumbled with the doorknob to his room, he started to run again. He then felt something on the floor, and before he knew it, he was hurdling towards the wall! He ran into it with a harp, SMACK!  After he rubbed his head, he looked back at what he had fallen over— Karma was curled up on the floor in front of his door, a tiny pool of water in front of her forehead.

Ludwig suddenly remembered all the happenings of last night: how he had spilled all the water over Karma’s head, how Bowser Jr. had asked to sleep with him, how… “Crud!” he whispered as he felt liquid running down his leg, “Too late!” He limped to the bathroom (trying to keep his liquid where it was), and reached it just in time.  With a wet washcloth, he started to sponge the mess.  When that was done, he went back into his room, pushed Bowser Jr. to the other side of the bed, and promptly collapsed back into bed to resume sleeping.

Ludwig slowly opened his eyes. He could see a crow alighted on his windowsill (which he had left open the last night), and it was carrying something in its beak. Ludwig got out of his bed and walked over to the crow.  It was morning now, so he could see it well, and it had a ring attached to its tail; Ludwig knew for sure that he had seen the mark that was on the ring somewhere before…  Anyway, the thing he was most surprised about was that the crow didn’t fly away, it simply cocked its head to one side and looked at him. “Here Birdie.” Ludwig held out his claw and beckoned it closer. To his utter amazement, it jumped onto his hand and handed him the letter that was in its beak. Ludwig leaned out the windowsill and let the bird go. It flew right towards Desert Land, and Ludwig never saw a crow that black again.

Taking the time to open the letter in his palm, he read it with a whisper.

My dearest friend Bowser;

I will be very pleased if you could come out to Desert Land and meet me there at noon today.  Please come prepared to have the best reunion of your life!

From: Your Best Friend in the World

Bowser Jr, after a big yawn and stretch, slowly sat up in Ludwig’s bed and peered around the room. “No pancakes?” he said groggily as he looked around for Clawdia.

“Over here, silly!” called Ludwig from across the room.

Bowser Jr. climbed out of bed and trotted over to where he was standing. “What is it, Kooky?” he asked.

“A letter for King Dad!” said Ludwig as he and Jr. walked down the stairs.

“What’s for breakfast, Mom?” asked Jr. as he plopped himself in a seat.

“Just cereal, dear. We have to send the servants to the store for more pancake batter.”

Jr. sighed, and shifted in his seat; he didn’t really like cereal. Plus, it was Wendy’s turn to choose the cereal that they ate for the week, and he just knew she would pick his least favorite kind. "Peanut butter puffs, yuck."

Meanwhile, Ludwig was looking for Bowser. He had to give him that letter, and maybe he could shed some light on this ‘best friend’ business. Walking down the hallway, he nearly bumped into his father. “Oh! Hi King Dad, this is for you.” He handed Bowser the letter, which he examined carefully.

“Nice. I wonder who this could be from?” the Koopa King muttered.  Stuffing the letter into his shell, he continued, “Get that pin-head Yoshi-thing down to the table. It’s almost time for breakfast.”

Ludwig knew he was talking about Karma. Another thing he knew was that it was Wendy’s turn to choose the cereal for that week “Peanut butter puffs, yuck,” he thought to himself.

He walked up the stairs and shook Karma (who was still in front of his door), and she slowly came to. She woke up, stretched, and looked around. “I must have been sleeping on a rock.” she said as she ran her hand though her hair. She then noticed that she had been sleeping on the floor (which was made of wood in that part of the castle).

“Come on now,” Ludwig coaxed as Karma rose to her feet. “it’s time for breakfast, and guess what it is?”

“Lemmy guess,” (I just had to do that), “Putrid Parrot Puke, Pig Liver, Peanut Butter Puffs?”

“You guessed it.” answered Ludwig.

He went on down the stairs, as Karma followed. As he reached the table, he asked, “So Dad, who is the letter from?”

“Don’t know,” was his answer, “but I do know that I don’t have one friend that lives in Desert Land.”

Morton looked like tears were about to come to his eyes. “I am offended, hurt, wronged, debunked, thrown off my bunk for that matter! And I feel as if I am hated in this family, disliked by the members of it, and thrown down in the dirt, that is in my own fury, and the mustard on the sandwich of your doom, and-” Everyone in the family looked at Morton as he went completely Fawful; the only thing that stopped him was the smell of the cereal. “Eww, yuck, it reeks, it stinks, I hate it, get it away, I am about to die, these are my last words…”

“I highly doubt that,” Lemmy whispered to Iggy as they snickered. Then, everyone saw it: THE BOX. It was coming closer to the table… Everyone jumped when it touched the table; and when Wendy opened the box, the smell knocked out everyone in the room! *play horror music from Godzilla in background*

Ludwig X: All right! So I hate peanut butter, so what?

Wendy poured herself a whole bowl of the awful stuff, but all of the others either spilled a few puffs into their bowls, or passed the box on.

After breakfast was done, Bowser got out of his chair and said, “Well, I’ve gotta go see this odd friend of mine. I’ll be taking the Clown Copter, and will be back around 12:00. See you then!”

Bowser stepped out the door and headed towards the Clown Copter docks. Ludwig bolted up to his room to keep working on his latest project. This one was good; it was gonna make Bowser REALLY happy. Want to know what it did? Ludwig hadn’t figured that out yet; it was usually towards the end of his project that he found that out.

Anyway, it was getting around 12:00 when Ludwig finished. He had also found out what it was: an endless gold dispenser! Now they wouldn’t have to rob banks! Although Bowser might not like that, it would be less work. Ludwig skipped down the stairs, Bowser would be so happy! The possibilities of rewards would be endless: he could have another spike attached to his shell, he could win a free pass out of the dungeon for the next time Bowser got angry… (Of course, he usually took those away when he was angry.)

Ludwig sat on the couch as he eagerly awaited the return of his father. After 15 minutes passed, Ludwig turned on his NES and started to play Donkey Kong. By 3:00, he had beaten Donkey Kong three times.

Ludwig went into Bowser and Clawdia’s room, and found Clawdia reading a book on her bed. “Where’s Dad?” he asked as Clawdia lowered her book.

“I thought he would be back by now,” said Clawdia, “Maybe it was a really good friend, and they just need more time to talk?”

But in reality, it was no friend…

Bowser followed the map on the back of the letter, and eventually came to a pyramid. “Pyramid,” he said aloud. “Wonder who is the world would live in pyramid?” Stepping inside, he looked around at the cold stone that surrounded the interior. The pyramid ended at a dead end, and Bowser stated, “Well, nothing to see here. Guess I should go back.”

Then a voice that Bowser swore he had heard before spoke from what seemed like the whole sandy structure. “Press the button!” it said. The Koopa King wasn’t sure that was a friend’s voice… All the same, he pressed a stone button and advanced though the pyramid.

As soon as he walked through, the door fell to the floor, slamming hard behind him! Bowser looked back at it with a stare: he couldn’t bust though that door, and he knew it. Turning around, a horrid sight meant his eyes— there, on the sand throne, sat Stone. “Well, well, what do we have here?” the gang leader smirked.

“Stone!” Bowser shouted.

“So you were really expecting a friend? How utterly stupid. Well, anyway, since you’re here, don’t you think we should get this party started?”

“YAAAAAA!!!” Bowser yelled as he rushed at his enemy. Stone was ready though, as he moved, and let Bowser smash into his throne.

“You’er paying for that!” yelled Stone. He used his most powerful attack: Lightning! He took his hands out of his black cloak and shot electricity out of them. Bowser took the hit full-power in the chest, and collapsed to the floor. “Ha!” Stone taunted. “I’ve been doing a bit of practice on that ever since I got here (which was about five hours ago), and I got a little bit of power.” He hauled the massive Bowser over his shoulder, and took off towards Ice Land, where his real castle was.

Ludwig waited and waited, as the hours passed by. He decided to go back to his room and start on another invention. On his way there, he passed Kamek’s abode. As soon as he had walked passed it, the sorcerer opened the door and called, “Prince Ludwig! Quickly, in here!” Ludwig had known to follow Kamek’s commands ever since he was a young Koopa, and they stepped inside.

Ludwig took a seat, but the Magikoopa remained standing.  “Ludwig,” Kamek repeated, “your dad is never going to return…”

“WHAT?” Ludwig cried. “Why?”

“Because,” said Kamek, “he has been captured…”

“Should’ve known…” Ludwig thought.

“-by Stone,” Kamek finished.

“I should have known that too!” roared Ludwig, rising to his feet.

“Be calm, young prince,” Kamek said. “You have to go save him.”

“All by myself?” Ludwig complained.

“I never said that…” the magician replied as he grabbed a wand off the shelf. “Haven’t used this in a while,” he said, blowing the dust off it, “This is my battle wand…”

“You’re going with me?” asked Ludwig in a surprised voice.

“If you want me to, that is,” Kamek returned

 “Of course!” Ludwig agreed, “You’re probably the most powerful of the Koopa Clan!”

Kamek stared into a jewel on his wand and said, “I think we will need three to go on this adventure. Go downstairs and pick a person to come with us.”

Ludwig was down the stairs in a moment, and he sat there on the couch, pondering who he was going to take along. “There could be Roy,”  he thought, “but then, he would be very hard to get along with. Morton… No. And by no means Wendy. Mom might get hurt, Iggy is too young, and Larry… hmmm.”  Ludwig thought about Larry cheering this morning about the wonderful day he was going to have, and then thought he had better not burst his bubble. “Lemmy?” he questioned to himself. “I wish, but he has a website to maintain. Bowser Jr. is waaaaay to young, and what does that leave?” Ludwig thought. He went over all the options that were left in the castle. And he finally came to a conclusion.

He then went off to gather the family up, and once they were all in the room, he told them the news. “Dear family of mine…” he started.

“Get on with it!” yelled Roy.

“All right, Mr. Impatient!” Ludwig glared at Roy and went on. “Dad has been captured.”

A murmuring went up from the crowd of nine. “How do we know?” Lemmy asked.

“Kamek,” Ludwig answered simply. That silenced everything; Kamak was almost always right, more than anyone in the whole castle (yes, even Ludwig). Ludwig continued on. “I will need one more person to go with me.”

Bowser Jr. quickly shot up his hand and shouted, “Me! Me!”

“I think you have had enough adventuring for a few weeks,” the older brother replied, smiling at Bowser Jr’s innocent eagerness. Karma shifted her weight from one foot to another and looked at Ludwig. “And that person would be: you, Karma.”

Ludwig X: What? You wanted Clawdia to go? Write your own book…

Karma shrugged and stepped over beside Ludwig. “I need the rest of you to keep the house and help Mom while Kamek, Karma, and I are gone; and I am, at least, sure that some of you will,” he said, glancing over at Roy with ‘the look’.

Kamek then came down the stairs, rather slowly (but of course, he was getting a bit old). “Good choice, young prince,” he said, seeing Karma at his side.

“Then, we will be off!” stated Ludwig.

“To where?” asked Lemmy.

Ludwig thought. “I don’t know!” he finally admitted, turning to Kamek.

“My readings tell me that we should be venturing off towards Ice Land, but I do think that we should take the quicker way to get there. We can take the jet, it will get us all the way to Ice Land in less than two hours.”

“Then, we’re off!” Ludwig declared, taking Karma by the hand and walking to the door. “You coming, Kamek?” he inquired, seeing the Magikoopa was lagging behind.

“Of course,” he answered as he shuffled over to the door where the young couple was standing. Suddenly, Kamek whizzed off out the door, as Ludwig and Karma followed in amazed silence.

Ludwig X: But their adventure had just started…

Stone: You’d better believe it!

Ludwig, Karma, and Kamek walked along the mushy road (which had been dampened by a downpour all that day), and looked for the jet station. It was about two miles away from Dark Land, and they had covered very little ground.

“Now, young ones,” Kamek informed, “there will be a lot of dangers that you will have to face, and you have to learn how to be ready for them all.”

“That shouldn’t be too hard, I lived in the wild for years before I came here.” said Karma.

“The one I am most worried about is Ludwig,” said Kamek with a sigh, “He has been living in royalty all his life, and has never experienced too much of an adventure.”

“I’ll be fine!” exclaimed Ludwig.

“We’ll see about that, Poofball!” yelled Karma, as a Chuboomba rushed towards them at full speed!

Heavyweight Battle
Karma – 50 HP
Ludwig – 40 HP
Kamak – 100 HP
Chuboomba – 10 HP

“I think I’ll sit out for this round and let you two practice,” said Kamek as he sat on a nearby rock.

The Chuboomba charged towards Ludwig, but stopped to pant on the way. Then, with full force, it rammed into him! “Ouch!” Ludwig cried, as the thing sat on him.

Karma jumped over to where Ludwig was, and socked the Chuboomba in the face. It winced, and fell backwards to the ground; it lay there, rolling around, trying to get up. When it finally succeeded in doing this, it sat there to take a rest. Then it got up, walked over to Karma, and smacked her with its lollypop! Karma growled and took the giant sucker out of the Chuboomba’s reach, “You think you can just go around doing that to people?!” she asked it impatiently.

When the Chuboomba saw that Karma had its lollypop, it plopped to the ground, tears welled up in its eyes and its bottom lip stuck out. The thing looked so pitiful to Karma, that her girl-side soon overtook her. “It’s so cute!” she squealed as she picked it up and hugged it. She didn’t actually think about ‘picking it up’, and the pure weight of the thing made her drop it. It collapsed to the ground and started to cry. Karma felt horrible. She picked it up, and this time she was ready for its weight. She hugged it close, and after that, the Chuboomba and Karma were good friends (and yes, this is a pet now).


“You’re going to haul that thing around for this whole time?” asked Ludwig, rubbing where the Chuboomba had sat on him.

“Yes,” said Karma, still holding it.

“New friends already, eh?” Kamek mused, jumping off the rock and examining the bloated Goomba, “Looks like he weighs over 100 pounds!”

“I don’t care,” stated Karma. “He’s coming with me.”

“Very well then,” Kamek agreed, “I’ll try to get King Bowser into the plan of letting you keep him, but for now, we have to get Bowser back.”

“Right!” Ludwig nodded.

The group of four traveled on and eventually came to a tree, where they rested. The Chuboomba (which we will now call Chubster) sat beside Karma, happily sucking on his lollypop, while the rest discussed plans. “We have to get on that jet before it takes off for Ice Land!” said Ludwig to Kamek. “When does it leave?”

“Tomorrow morning at 11:00,” Kamek answered, “But for right now, we have to settle down and get some sleep for tomorrow.”

They all leaned together on the tree, and fell asleep.


Chubster woke in the morning, and thought that if he was up, everyone else should be too. He sat on Ludwig, smacked Kamek with his sucker, and licked Karma. “I’m up! I’m up!” yelled Kamek as he received another smack in the face. The wizard sat bolt upright, and looked at his watch, “Yikes! It’s almost time for our flight!” The group were now fully awake, and rushed off.

Chubster was really keeping the others dragging, and by the time they got to the jet (which had three seats left), it was 10:56. Karma hauled Chubster into her arms as they stepped up to get their tickets. “Four tickets please!” said Ludwig, holding out his palm.

“Sorry, but there are only three seats left; one of you will have to sit out.”

“He can sit with me!” suggested Karma, nodding toward her ‘little pet’.

“All right, but only if you hold on to him. You’d better hurry! The jet is about to take off!”

Ludwig, Karma, Kamek and Chubster hurried onto the plane and took their seats. Karma and Kamek got the big seats up front that had lunch served to you right away; but Ludwig… that was a different matter. He got stuck in the back, with no one to talk to, and to be served lunch who knows when.

“This is your pilot speaking, please fasten you seatbelts, and have a nice flight. Thank you!”

Ludwig lay down in his seat, and since no one ever came to the back, no one noticed. He soon drifted off to sleep, with the sound of the moving airplane…

BOOM! A giant sound woke Ludwig, and he realized that he was flying into the air! He landed with a thud on the ground, and then started to roll down the plane (as it was tipped forward). He was finally stopped by a row of seats in the front, and he got up, rubbing his head. “What was that?” he wondered as he looked ahead.

He soon found that there was a fire in the cockpit! “Karma!” he called, running franticly around the plane. He finally saw a green light, and slid over to it. In the seat sat Kamek, Karma, and Chubster, engulfed in a green force field. Kamek was holding his wand in the air and clutching Karma tight. “You guys!” cried Ludwig, as Kamek lowered his wand and the force field disappeared.

“Young prince!” Kamek gasped, getting out of the seat and hugging Ludwig, “The plane has crashed, obviously enough, and we are so lucky that we didn’t land in the sea!” Karma had her eyes shut tight, and was holding Chubster in a death grip.  Chubster, however, thought that this was fun, and took the occasion to get out his lollypop.

The three travelers embraced, and then went to check in the cockpit. The driver and all of the passengers were gone; they had probably all grabbed parachutes and made their exit by now. A small fire was still going on, and was reaching around the left side of the plane. “Oh no!” cried the blue-haired Koopaling, “If the fire touches the fuel tank, we are all done for!”

Karma gasped, and she, Kamek, Ludwig and leapt from the plane, just in time for it to burst into flames and smoke. Ludwig watched the sight with awe as he sat in the sand. “Wait, sand? That means we must be on an island!” he thought as he turned around.

The island was covered with mountains, lakes, jungles and savannahs; and Ludwig and Karma recognized it immediately. “Dinosaur Land!” they shouted as they frolicked around.

“What could possibly be so fun to these kids about Dinosaur Land?” thought Kamek to himself.

“My castle!” shouted Ludwig.

“Other Yoshis!” screamed Karma. Chubster wondered off by some rocks and sucked on his candy treat.

“This probably shouldn’t be a time of laughter!” Kamek scolded, “We’re out in the middle of nowhere, with no way home, and Yoshis and castles?!”

“My castle isn’t the full reason why I’m happy, it’s that my castle has a helicopter!”

A wide grin spread across Karma’s face, and she said, “And the other Yoshis might be able to help us out!”

Kamek stood there, thinking. “I guess we should be going towards the helicopter,” he said, and he started to walk towards the big heap of land called ‘Cookie Mountain’. “Where is this castle of yours anyway?” the robed Koopa inquired, looking at Ludwig.

“On the very top!” he answered.

“Figures,”  thought Kamek.

Eventually they came to a giant lake. “Let’s cross over on that bridge!” suggested Karma. Kamek and the group started onto the bridge.

“ROOOOAAARR!” boomed a sound from behind them. Ludwig was the first to turn around, and he saw a giant Nepenut gaping behind them! Kamek quickly shocked part of the bridge with his wand, and it all turned into Koopas and Swoopers, which fell onto the monster. It retreated into the water and left a giant bunch of bubbles behind.

“Aaahh…” sighed Karma as she sank to her knees on the bridge. “Good work, Kamek.”

“Thanks,” he returned.

“Look!” yelled Ludwig from behind them. Kamek and Karma whizzed around, scared by Ludwig’s yell. What met their eyes was at the other side of the bridge: a giant armadillo sort of creature that looked like a pig too. It had horns growing out of its head, and was rather fat. “P-P- PIGLET!” Ludwig cried.

“Why do people keep calling me Piglet?! My name is Midbus, and I will crush you!”

Midbus advanced forward, and Kamek couldn’t do the bridge thing again or they would be trapped. “AAAAAAHHHHHGGGGG!” screamed Midbus.

Broken Bridge Battle
Ludwig – 50 HP
Karma – 65 HP
Kamak – 100 HP
Chubster – 15 HP
Midbus – 200 HP

Midbus started his assault with a belly-slam on Kamek that crushed him to the ground. Then he turned to Karma. She tried to dodge Midbus’s next attack, but he was too quick. He flattened her to the ground, and then aimed a punch at Chubster! Ludwig quickly took action, and jumped in front of Karma’s pet before Midbus could deliver it the knockout blow. He took the hit instead, and it hurt like the dickens. The Koopaling formed a fireball in his mouth, and then shot it at Midbus, burning him in the face. The Piga-dillo fell forward, and Chubster walked over to Midbus and sat on his face. While Midbus was temporarily disabled, Ludwig tried to land as many punches on his body as possible, but all the punches just bounced off him. “Maybe I should’ve brought Roy along,” thought Ludwig, punching in vain.

“Need some help there?” said Karma, who had recovered.

“Sure,” admitted Ludwig, and the two started punching together. Just as they were about to land a punch that would really do damage, Midbus threw Chubster off and rolled over. Both of the Mets’ fists hit the bridge. “Ouch!” they cried as they gingerly rubbed their knuckles.

Kamek shot magic shapes at Midbus, but he punched them back. Kamek ducked as the magic flew over his head. Midbus jumped into the air and landed hard on the bridge, and the shockwaves sent Ludwig and Karma into the air. While Midbus was gloating, Kamek shot a beam of powerful shapes at his stomach. It hit him, and shocked, burned, and froze him. He fell to the ground and landed on Chubster! “Nooo!” cried Karma as she pounced on him.

She grabbed him by the horns, and hit him square in the forehead! He went tumbling onto his back, and couldn’t get up! Ludwig grabbed Kamek’s wand and shot multiple Koopa shells at the hog. Midbus started to roll as the Koopa shells hit him, and an invincible yellow shell finished him off. “NOOOOOO!” he yelled as he fell into the water with a splash.


Karma pleaded for Chubster to wake up, and gradually the heavy Goomba recovered.  Surprisingly, he seemed to be all right!  He stuck his lollypop in his mouth, and his owner breathed a thankful sigh.  Ludwig was breathing hard, clutching Kamek’s wand in his hands. The water rippled for a few minutes, and then stopped. A long way down the river, you could see a giant pink figure dog-paddling to shore. “I hope we’ve seen the last of him,” Karma shuddered.

“Somehow, I think not,” Kamek stated, taking the wand out of Ludwig’s hands and rubbing it on his robe to remove the sweat.

Ludwig started walking past the bridge, and ever closer to the Vanilla Dome, which was protruding from the ground like a giant face. The only entrance to Vanilla Dome was a giant wooden door that Lemmy had constructed for convenience.  “Be careful as soon as you step into the dome,” Ludwig warned Karma, slowing his pace. “There could be anything in here.”


“Look’s like the great Stone has triumphed over Bowser once again!” laughed Stone, sitting in his ice palace.

“This is the first time, and it won’t last for long!” Bowser roared from an iron cage in the corner of the freezing room.

Stone chuckled and jumped off his throne. “I’ve got a new minion,” he informed Bowser. “Want to know who?” Stone grinned at Bowser, and somehow Bowser knew he was going to hear it whether he liked it or not. “His name is Midbus; he has great ability and-”

“MIDBUS?!” screamed Bowser. “That stuck up piglet is working for you?!”

“My name is not Piglet,” said Midbus, entering the room sopping wet.

“So Midbus,” questioned Stone, “how goes the quest?”

“Not good,” the big hog-thing answered. “Those darn Koopas beat me.”

“Should’ve known.” Stone sighed, sitting down again.

“What Koopas?” Bowser demanded, sticking his head though the bars.

“Oh, just this crazy blue-haired one, a robed one that knows magic, and an annoying hybrid Koopa-Yoshi. Ring a bell?”

“YES!” Bowser cheered. “My son, Kamek, and Karma can beat you!” Bowser danced around in his cage, slandering Midbus with rude remarks and insults. Stone slapped a hand over his face, and Midbus grabbed a few drumsticks for his next assault. He would be trying again, and anything that made him or Stone happy, he wanted.

Night slowly fell in Ice Land, as Bowser sat in the cage. At night, Ice Land could get freezing, and sitting on a metal surface didn’t help. Bowser dreamt during the night, mostly about him punching Stone in the face. But he also had nightmares, about Stone winning, Stone defeating Ludwig and Kamek, or Stone not giving him any lunch (which happened a lot).

In the mornings, Bowser would wake up and see Stone. Like always, he would be eating breakfast and Stone would tease Bowser with the good things he was gulping down.  One morning, before Stone could grin that repulsive grin, Bowser piped up. “Why did you capture me anyway?”

“Because I wanted to; got a problem with that?”

“So let me get this straight, you captured me for the fun of it?”

“Yeah, mostly. But also because I want to replace you as king of that puny Dark Land, and start an empire all my own! Not to mention, this is payback for the last time we met.”

“Thought so...” Bowser grumbled. He sank back down in his cage and resumed being Bowser, which was the only thing he could do.


Back at Castle Koopa, everyone was feeling down. Some of the best people from the family were gone, and Roy had one less sibling to beat up. “Where are they?!” Roy broke out at the dinner table suddenly. “I want them to be back!”

“We all do,” said Iggy, rolling his eyes and taking a bite of spaghetti (the only time they could have anything pasta-related was when Bowser wasn’t around, but anyway…).

“I am sure they’ll be back soon, honey,” comforted Clawdia. Another thing that happened differently when Bowser wasn’t around, was Roy was the slightest bit nicer; he seemed to want to be ruff and gruff around his dad, but around his mom, it was different.

“Is dinner going to be over soon?” sighed Lemmy.

“Not until Wendy is done,” said Clawdia. Wendy was taking her time, and eating one bite at a time (which was very slow to the boys). Lemmy sighed; he wished dinner would be over now so he could go practice in his castle in Vanilla Dome. He was getting better at the pipe routine, and would be ready next time Mario came around. Finally, Wendy took her last bite, and the boys bolted from the table to their rooms.


Ludwig peered around a rocky corner… the coast was clear. He motioned for Karma, Kamek, and Chubster to come forward, and they did. They inched across Vanilla Dome, awaiting danger at any turn. “I hate this dome,” Ludwig whispered to Karma. “It gives me the chills. I don’t know why Lemmy likes it so much. Maybe because in certain places it’s very cold.”

Kamek and Karma were having a good time talking about all the different things that they talked about. (Doesn’t make sense? It’s not supposed to!) Ludwig could hear his name inserted into the conversation a few times, but he still couldn’t figure out what they were talking about. “Maybe it’s because they keep changing the subject,”  he thought.  And, I’m sure you already know what Chubster was doing…

Coming to an abrupt stop at a pool of lava, Ludwig looked around. He could see two giant, electric blue-colored boulders that hadn’t been there the last time… Ludwig jumped onto a skull raft followed by Karma and the blue sorcerer, and he shoved off. It was extremely hot sailing over lava, but it would all be worth it once they got to the ice part of the cave.

Just then, a giant sound could be heard throughout the cave; it sounded like the grinding of boulders together, and it was getting closer. Suddenly the whole raft flew up into the air, and it landed again! Spurts of lava and smoke went throughout the area, and Ludwig thought for a second that they were in the middle of a forming volcano! But, as he soon found out, he was wrong.

The electric-blue boulders were getting closer; and then they opened… into eyes. Karma screamed, Kamek aimed his wand, and Ludwig nearly jumped into the lava! All they could see after that was a giant mouth open, and blackness…

“Where are we?” Ludwig asked. No answer. “Kamek? Karma?” cried Ludwig. Still no answer. He felt that whatever he was walking on was wet, and it felt a bit like wood. Ludwig picked up a large splinter of wood and shook the liquid off it. Then he blew fire on it to illuminate the area. He could see now that he was on something’s tongue, and the saliva was the wet stuff. “Karma! Kamek!” he called again. “Um, Chubster?”

This time there was an answer. “Poofball? That you?” The second oldest Koopaling held up his torch toward where he heard Karma’s voice, and saw her, standing on something white.

“Karma!” Ludwig screamed. His own scream scared him as he ran towards the hybrid. Ludwig long jumped and pulled Karma out of the way, just a second before the teeth snapped down. They fell backward, and as soon as Ludwig and Karma landed, they hit something that was sopping wet. It was Kamek, whose robe was now a mess. Ludwig and Karma kept rolling until they hit a wall; the wall was wet and bouncy. All of them were breathing hard, and lying on their hands and knees.

“Thanks, Ludwig,” Karma thanked, looking around.

All of a sudden, there was a loud sound, and everything was getting sucked towards the back of the mouth (or the throat). “Fight hard, young ones!” Kamek yelled, griping the tongue with his fingernails. The torch that Ludwig was holding went out due to the drool that engulfed everything in a sort of film. All of them rolled down the throat, and then they hit bottom.

The interior of the stomach was squishier and bigger than the mouth, and more wet. Ludwig relit the torch, and looked around.

“Where’s Chubster?!” Karma asked worriedly, looking around.

“I’ve got him.” said Kamek, handing the heavy bundle to Karma. Tears were streaking down the chubby Goomba’s face, and its lollypop was nowhere to be seen.

“Looks like we’re in this thing’s stomach.” analyzed Ludwig. “We can’t get out by climbing, I know that.” Ludwig jumped up and down on the stomach, and bounced higher each time. “Maybe we can get out this way!” Ludwig yelled from a long way up. That idea was soon put to rest, though, when Ludwig’s head knocked against a bone at the top. He came tumbling down and landed back on the surface. “Or not.” Karma giggled. Ludwig and the gang sat down and thought.

It was VERY hot in the Blargg’s stomach (which is what that thing is: a giant, mutated Blargg), and it is annoying to have a large amount of drool dropped on your head every few seconds. Then the whole stomach started to rumble, and everything started to get sucked in again. Kamek yelled; this time they were going to be ejected right into the lava by this giant thing, and then they would really be fried. “WE CAN’T LOSE THIS TIME!” yelled Kamek, fighting with all his might. He tried to shoot fire out of his wand, but all that came out was smoke! Kamek and Ludwig were getting sucked in, but Karma was managing to hold on to a nerve and was keeping Chubster with her. Kamek franticly shot his wand, but more smoke kept coming out until the whole stomach was filled with it. Just when they were about to get incased with… you know what, a much bigger rumbling could be heard, and all of the pulling stopped. “What?” questioned Ludwig. Then everyone was suddenly pulled up and shot out the creature’s mouth with a tremendous sneeze.

Ludwig and the gang were shot out at full speed, and landed on a rock. In the distance, they could see the giant Blargg going into the lava. “Kamek,” Karma cheered, “you’re a genius!”

“Why?” Kamek asked.

“It was the smoke that made him sneeze us out! Without you, we would have been fried!

Stone: Wait! Stop the story!

Ludwig X: What now?

Stone: You have to give Disney credit, because you just took the Blargg sneezing from Monstro the whale in Pinocchio!

Ludwig X: All right, credit to Disney for the plot segment used in this story.

Stone: Ditch the small print.

Ludwig X: Grrrr…

“Let’s get going.” said Ludwig, getting up and taking a step forward.

Kamek grabbed Ludwig by the shell and hauled him back before he could step into the lava. “Not that way, young prince.” Kamek chuckled.

Ludwig slowly turned all the way around, and saw no way out. They were on a boulder that was surrounded by lava. It was basically in the middle of the lava sea. Just then Ludwig could hear a hovering sound that was slowly getting closer. Eventually they could all see a white and green machine coming towards them. As it got closer yet, they could see Lemmy peering out of it! “Lemmy! Lemmy!” yelled Ludwig, so loud it nearly made the cave shake.

“Hey you guys!” said Lemmy, bringing his own little Koopa Copter to a stop. “Why are you on a rock?” he questioned, looking around.

“We got stranded here; mind getting us up and out? And step on it!” demanded Karma.

“Sure thing.” said Lemmy, as he pulled out some rope and lowered his copter.

After Kamek got in, they lifted off again. “I’m going to my castle to practice, so I’ll go to my castle, leave the copter with you, and when you get to where you want to go, you can drive it back!” Lemmy explained.

“I think there’s something wrong with that plan, kid,” laughed Ludwig, “How about you drop us off at my castle, and then you fly your copter back to yours.”

“All right,” Lemmy agreed as he directed the flying machine out of the Dome.

There was a slight drizzle outside, and it was cool that evening. “Why can’t we just go to Ice Land in this copter?” questioned Karma.

“My copter doesn’t have much gas left, only to get me home,” Lemmy said, landing next to the castle. “Well, here is your stop! Hope you find King Dad, and give my rotten regards to the person who took ‘im!”

“Bye!” yelled Ludwig as Lemmy flew off.

Ludwig could see his castle, but something looked different… He froze in mid step: there was a rollercoaster all around the outside of his castle, and a giant Ferris wheel sticking up from the top! It had Yoshis all over, and there was a sign that said “Yoshi’s Amusement Park”. Ludwig’s face turned dark red, and then purple. “What the?! MY CASTLE!” he screamed, dropping to his knees. Kamek stared in disbelief, and Karma scanned the castle again and again. “I think I’ll give those Yoshis a piece of my mind!” yelled Ludwig, stomping towards what used to be his castle.

“Wait!” yelled Karma, running up to him. “I don’t think that would be a good idea!”

“A GOOD IDEA?” Ludwig spat. “My helicopter was in that castle, and now…” Ludwig looked up to the spokes of the Ferris wheel, “THAT.”

“Calm down Ludey,” said Karma, putting her hand on Ludwig’s shoulder, “and try to remember, we can’t get enraged now. We have to go find Bowser before Stone takes him out for good.” Ludwig could think of quite a few other things to say to those Yoshis, and to Karma, but he was smart and decided not to start an argument.

“Yoshis…” Kamek grumbled. Ludwig had never seen Kamek happy around a Yoshi as far as he could remember, and this was no exception. Ludwig was quiet, and just stepped closer to the amusement park.

When they finally stepped inside, he looked around: there were multiple booths, and rides everywhere. Karma quickly rushed off somewhere, and came back two minutes later with a yellow and blue lollypop, that Chubster was soon enjoying. Ludwig went over to the ticket booth and slammed his fist on the bar line. The manager just stared— he had never, EVER seen a hybrid, a weird-looking Koopa, and a Magikoopa at Yoshi’s Amusement Park. “Can… Can I help you?” the brown Yoshi stammered.

“I-“ Ludwig started, but Karma elbowed him hard to the ground before he could say anything he would regret.

“We’d like tickets!” she saved. “Ten please!”

“Sorry,” the manager explained, “but the park closes in 15 minutes. You could stay in that hotel over there if you want to come back tomorrow.” The earth-colored Yoshi pointed to a hotel about a five minutes walk away.

“Thanks,” said Karma, “we’ll do that.” She helped Ludwig up and they got out of the park. As you can probably imagine, Ludwig and Kamek had a few things to say to Karma about the move she made.

“DISGUSTING!” yelled Kamek.

“IDIOTIC!” screamed Ludwig.

“It was the only thing I could think up!” said Karma, blushing. “But I do think we should find out more about these Yoshis before you blast them.”

“Maybe so,” stated Kamek with his head facing the ground, “but Yoshis are hateful things.

Ludwig and the rest entered the hotel and reserved a room for two, with a dog bed (that’s all they could afford). When they finally unlocked the door with the scan card, they stepped into their room. Immediately Kamek stated the sleeping arrangements, which would take place in an hour. “Karma has a bed of her own, Ludwig and I share a bed, and that Goomba thing gets the dog bed.”

“His name is Chubster.” corrected Karma.

For the next hour, Karma took a shower, Ludwig sat down thinking, Kamek lay on the bed reading a book called, ‘Magic in Battles’, and Chubster, do I HAVE to say it? When the time for bed came, Ludwig and Kamek scrunched into the bed, and Karma lay on hers, feeling comfortable as can be.

“Kamek,” whispered Ludwig, “are you awake?”

“Yes…” answered the tired Magikoopa.

“I’ve been thinking,” Ludwig whispered, looking at Karma to see if she was awake. She wasn’t, and Ludwig went on, “why have these Yoshis taken my castle? And all I know is, that I’m not putting up with it for much longer.”

“Me neither,” said Kamek, looking around, for no reason, at Chubster. “Yoshis have always made me sick; Karma is the only exception.”

“With me too,” Ludwig agreed in a lighter tone. “But I am only giving her what she wants for ONE day. If we don’t get out of here by then, I’m taking things into my own hands.”

“Same here,” Kamek agreed.  “For right now, we’d better get to bed, or we won’t have enough energy for the Yoshi stomping we might do tomorrow.” Kamek grinned, as they both drifted off to sleep.


The next morning was a blast for Karma, but a big letdown for the men. Ludwig looked over at a small Shy Guy standing at a booth and tugging on his dad’s robe. “I want that one!” he yelled, pointing at a big stuffed animal.

“Good choice,” the blue haired Koopaling thought to himself. The one the kid was pointing to looked rather realistic— it was a giant pig-like thing that looked a bit like an armadillo, with a bit of gorilla build added in. He also looked more vicious than even the Piranha Plant plush.  Then, with no warning whatsoever, Ludwig could see that the stuffed animal’s face… moved. Kamek had also noticed the same thing, and started to walk towards the family of Shy Guys as soon as the doll’s eyebrow twitched.

“Sir, I think-“ started Kamek, but he was cut off by a loud roar and a scream! Midbus had jumped out of his girly hiding place and begun to attack the smaller Shy Guy!

Ludwig now rushed in and called, “Hey Midbus, I guess you’re too scared to fight us!”

Midbus looked at Ludwig, which gave the child enough time to struggle out of his grasp. “Me?!” he questioned.

“Yes, you!” said Ludwig, sticking out his tongue and teasing Midbus.

“Oh yeah?!” The giant brute caught on (or, thought he did), and gave chase to Ludwig, Karma, and Chubster.

Kamek stayed behind, watching as the younger generation bolted away. “I wish I could run like I used to.” sighed Kamek, leaning on the booth.

Meanwhile, Karma and Ludwig were running their hearts out. Karma quickly stopped by a booth and handed Chubster to a clerk. “Take him for a while, thanks,” she said before he could answer, and sped away, with Midbus catching up. Eventually they spotted the Ferris wheel, and ran as fast as they could towards it. They could feel in their fast-moving feet the tromping of Midbus behind them, when finally, they reached the booth for the giant ride. Karma thrust all the tickets into the hands of the manager and jumped over the admission turner. Ludwig did also, but when Midbus ran through, he crashed through the booth and the turnstile without slowing down!

Karma strapped herself into a seat and said to the manager, “START THE RIDE!” The Yoshi jumped out of the rubbel that was left of his booth, and flipped a big switch. The wheel started to move, and Ludwig and Karma let out a sigh of relief when their cart got too high for the Piga-dillo to reach. Midbus leapt into another seat just before it lifted off the ground, and began to jump from seat to seat.  Yoshis that had been riding started to scream, and jumped out of their seats and fluttered to the ground.  Others, such as Shy Guys, jumped on the backs of the fluttering Yoshis to make their getaway.

“He’s getting closer!” yelled Ludwig when Midbus had three seats left to jump. Midbus was slowing, but showed no signs of stopping. Finally he reached the seat behind them, jumped, and grabbed onto the back of their seat! He hung on by his fingers and almost made the whole ride stop because of his weight.

“Pry them off!” Karma shouted, referring to Midbus’s fingers. Ludwig and Karma pried until their claws started to chap, but with no avail.

“Here I am, kiddies!” Midbus laughed in a piggish way as he pulled himself up onto the cart. There was a face off for a second, but then Midbus aimed a punch that started the battle of the century!

Crazy Amusement Park Duel
Ludwig – 55 HP
Karma – 70 HP
Midbus – 215 HP

“Prepare for the worst!” cried Midbus as he jumped towards the couple, trying to crush them. Ludwig and Karma dodged, and then Ludwig countered back with fire.

Midbus ran franticly around the small cart, trying to crush them. “Karma! Lookout!” yelled Ludwig, just before Midbus’s fist crashed down on her! Karma moved, and it went though the bottom of the cart, and stuck there.

“Grrrr!” Midbus growled, trying to get his fist unstuck.

“Now!” said Karma, and they both punched him in the stomach. Midbus flailed with a last attempt to get his fist out of the bottom of the cart… when he crashed though the floor! Ludwig and Karma followed, and they all fell… and landed on a rollercoaster. Midbus was ready as soon as he landed, and tried to jump from cart to cart towards them, riders evacuating as he did. Ludwig blew fireballs to stop him, but he dodged masterfully. When he finally got to their cart (again), he tried another punch. Just as he was pulling back, the rollercoaster went for a loop, and Midbus fell out. He landed on the last cart in the line and was wedged between the seats. Midbus uprooted  the seats, and went back to trying to get Ludwig and Karma.

When he reached them, he threw another wild punch at them, and they jumped. The rollercoaster was going at full speed, and they again fell out, only to land on a marry-go-round (which was empty, everyone had been told to get off the rides until the disturbance stopped). Midbus landed on a horse thing, and Ludwig and Karma landed in a love seat. “FASTER!” yelled Midbus, smacking the mettle horse’s side.

“That horse is somehow getting closer!” yelled Ludwig. Midbus was smacking the horse so hard that is was indeed sliding across the bottom of the marry-go-round, while Midbus also began smacking the horses in front of him out of the way!

“I’ve got a plan,” said Karma, “but buckle your seatbelts!” As soon as Karma was passing the control panel, she reached out with her tongue, and pushed it up to full speed!

“Finally!” mumbled Midbus as his horse started to go full speed. Karma reached out again and pushed the emergency break button. This sent Midbus flying out of his seat, and he kept going until he landed in some other ride FAR away. Ludwig and Karma were smart enough to buckle up, so they didn’t fly away.

“Phew!” sighed Ludwig, “That was a close one.”


The Mets got off the carousal and went back to the booth where they dropped off Chubster. “Take him! Please!” yelled the Yoshi to Karma. “He’s been eating all the pizza and hotdogs I have!”

The Yoshi then looked at them with a ‘pay me’ look, and Ludwig fumbled around in his shell for some coins. “How much will that be?” he asked, holding out 26 coins.

“Fifty,” demanded the manager. Ludwig was lost. 26 was all he had, and somehow, he thought the manager wouldn’t take that.

“Here you go,” said a voice. Kamek’s hand placed fifty coins on the table, and the Yoshi looked pleased. Ludwig and Karma walked off with Kamek, who had apparently watched the whole battle. “That was our emergency money, you know,” Kamek remarked, walking across the dirt, “and that was also the last of it.”

“Sorry,” Karma apologized.

As they walked by, they passed the designated smoking area, where a small gang was hanging out (they weren’t smoking of course, they just wanted to be there to look cool). The group was made up of a dark blue Yoshi that wore sunglasses, a giant orange Yoshi with crazy green hair, and a crocodile that wore a red top hat. Karma’s mouth dropped open when she saw the blue Yoshi, as if she remembered him from somewhere. “Boshi?” she questioned in disbelief.

The blue Yoshi looked over from his conversation, and the same look spread across his face. “Karma? That you?”

Both gangs stared at each other for a long time, and then Karma ran to Boshi and hugged him. “Where have you been for seven years?!” he asked, looking like he was about to cry.

Ludwig walked over to Karma with an inquisitive look on his face. Taking her aside for a minute, he said, “Who is that?” Ludwig pointed his finger at Boshi.

“He’s my cousin! We haven’t seen each other in seven years!”

“What number cousin?” Ludwig questioned further.


“Good,” said Ludwig with a sigh.

Karma returned to Boshi and they talked even more about what had happened since Mario came to Dinosaur Land. “After Mario came, he defeated that crazy Ludwig Von Koopa, and kept on going ‘til he defeated Bowser!” explained Boshi.

Ludwig decided not to look at Boshi, and Kamek was thinking, “The only thing I hate more than a Yoshi who thinks it’s cute, is a Yoshi who thinks it’s cool!”

 “So,” continued Karma, “I guess you took over Ludwig’s castle and made it into this amusement park since then, huh?” asked Karma.

“Are you kidding?” scoffed Boshi. “That castle is way too fortified; we could NEVER get in there.”

“So, you mean, this is a totally different place?” asked Karma in disbelief.

“You bet, Ludwig’s castle is over there by the jet station.” said Boshi, pointing towards a hill.

“Thank you, Boshi.” said Karma. “It was really nice talking to you, and I hope we meet again!” Boshi raised a hand as a goodbye, and Karma ran back to the others. “Poofball, you’ll never believe what I just heard!”

“What?” asked Ludwig, only half-interested.

“Boshi says that this is not your castle, and the Yoshis built this!”

“The nerve!” Ludwig yelled, stamping his foot on the ground.

“No, you don’t get it!” Karma rambled on, “Your castle is over there!” She pointed to the same hill Boshi had, and went on. “This is a totally different building!”

Ludwig stared over the hill: he could indeed see the spiky battlements of his castle. “Oh.” he said, looking at the ground and blushing very much. He was appalled that he had missed his castle by a whole mile. He quickly covered it up by saying, “Ummmm… I just wanted to go to an amusement park…”

“Sure, Ludey; but that’s not all! There is also a jet station right by your castle that has flights to Ice Land!”

Ludwig’s face lifted. “So we can get off this island?” he asked. No answer, but he still knew he was right. “Let’s go!” he said, running towards the giant hill.

Kamek looked back at the amusement park and sighed: THAT would be the last time he saw a Yoshi for a long time, and he was glad of that.

Karma reached the hill first, and pointed to the jet station. “There it is!” she yelled. A content smile was all that could be seen on Chubster’s face: he was glad that he was full, and that this sucker tasted better than the last one. Kamek reached the jet station last, huffing and puffing.

“If you have to move fast, move fast slowly,” said Kamek through a wheeze.

This time they had enough seats to sit all four in the front. This airliner was also much better than the other one: it had cushy seats, and even a little compartment for trash. The flight took about an hour, and Ludwig passed the time reading a little booklet about the jet and all it had been through. Finally they landed in Ice Land, where everything was about 20 degrees. “That’s the last penny I give to Plit warming,” Ludwig mumbled to himself.

They all watched as the jet took off, and then they got to business. “We’re finally here,” informed Kamek, “and we will need to travel south to get to where Stone is hiding.”

Ludwig slowly trudged through the snow. “Why couldn’t Stone have built his castle in Grass Land, or somewhere warmer?”

A giant white palace rose above the humungous hills of snow and ice. Suddenly, with no warning, tourist Stan came and drew a freaky picture of Ludwig, then left. “AHHHH!” screamed the Koopaling, looking at his portrait.

“No time for games, young prince,” Kamek scolded, “we must get into that castle and save your father!”

Ludwig began to walk again, after he buried the portrait in the snow. “Well drawn, but still scary,” he thought. He slid down the last hill of ice, and then stepped forward. The final fortress was upon them, and there was no turning back now.

Ludwig and Karma put on straight faces and marched towards the doors. “Welcome!” boomed a voice from a loudspeaker. “I’ve been waiting for you!”

“Stone…” muttered Ludwig, recognizing the voice. The doors slid open, and with no last thoughts, they stepped inside…

The interior of the castle was amazing: it had ice blocks everywhere, and they all reflected the sunlight that poured in through a sky-light. It had a few patrols that were at the other end of the room, but they where obviously asleep. There were giant banners all around the palace, and they all had a Dark Koopa shell on them. Kamek walked over to the other side of the giant room and motioned for the others to follow him. They got to the door, and Karma reached for the handle. But she withdrew her hand just in time, for the axes of the Dark Koopa guards came down right where it would’ve been! “HALT!” they said in unison. “Who goes there?”

“We were invited by Stone,” Ludwig answered truthfully enough; he had opened the doors for them.

“We’ll let you though if you can solve a riddle,” said one of the Dark Koopas, whom Ludwig remembered from Stone’s gang.

“All right, you can solve this as a group: what are the white spiky things that grow out of your head called?” the other Dark Koopa said with a grin. He was sure that they wouldn’t get it, because not even he knew the answer!

Over in another corner of the room, Ludwig, Kamek and Karma were consulting each other for the answer, while Chubster sat and watched, still sucking. “What in the world does he mean by white spiky things?” asked Karma.

“It’s a trick question.” stated Kamek, “The answer is obvious.”

“What is it?” questioned Ludwig.

“How should I know? I was just saying that the answer was obvious,” retorted Kamek.

“All right, let’s go through this logically;” said Ludwig, thinking. “First we name all the white things on our head.”

“Some peoples’ hair,” said Karma.

“Teeth,” said Kamek.

“Now,” continued Ludwig, “which ones grow?”

“They both do, Poofball.” Karma groaned, rolling her eyes.

“All right then, which one is spiky?”

“Teeth,” repeated Kamek.

“Then there you go!” said Ludwig, snapping his claws, “The answer is teeth!”

The party of four went up to the Dark Koopas and said, “Our answer is: teeth.”

The Dark Koopas looked at each other. “We’ll have to go and check with Stone on that one,” one of them said. They ran off to ask, leaving the door completely unguarded.

“Come on!” said Karma, as they slipped though and into another room. There were four doors: one was red, one was blue, one green, and another black. “Red,” said Karma. They tiptoed through the red door, and came to a room with lots of fish in it.

“Blue?” Kamek suggested. They turned back and stepped into the blue door. That door let freezing cold air out as soon as they creaked it open. It was encased with ice and frost, and was even colder then all the other rooms. There were some pictures on the wall that looked like they were almost new.

“So, you have come.” said a voice. Ludwig, Kamek, Karma, and Chubster spun around to see Midbus looking into their faces! He didn’t look normal, though: his skin was blue, and he had a scarf that hung down his back and looked like it was made out of a lion’s mane. He also had a crown on his head that had two notches on the sides.

“Are you all right?” questioned Ludwig.

“I am Blizzard Midbus; and this time, there will be no mercy!” BM (short for Blizzard Midbus) ran towards them with a roar, and collided with them at full force!

Hot Ice Battle
Ludwig – 60 HP
Karma – 75 HP
Kamek – 110 HP
Chubster – 20 HP
Blizzard Midbus – 500 HP

Kamek wasn’t about to let this hit phase him; he shot magical shapes at BM, and they hit him full force, along with Ludwig’s fireball. BM stopped, and all of a sudden, odd snowmen came out of his crown! They blew ice at him, healing 50 HP! Karma dug her claws into his knee, and Ludwig once again used fireball. BM froze again, and more snowmen came out. They blew snow like a snowblower and healed 20 HP.

“This isn’t working.” said Kamek, as BM again healed himself. Just then Kamek got an idea. While Ludwig and Karma were trying to defeat him with fire and punches, Kamek snuck up behind him and stuck his wand in his crown! BM tried to shoot out more snowmen, but all that came of it was brain freeze. Ludwig blew more fire at BM, weakening him, and Karma punched him in the knee, right where she had scratched him! BM was getting weaker, and he again tried to use his snowmen. When this failed, he jumped up and hung onto a chandelier, and began throwing snowballs! Ludwig withdrew into his shell, but Karma, Chubster, and Kamek were left helpless. They were hit by the freezing ice and snow.

When BM finally dropped down, he quickly punched Ludwig’s shell. It bounced around the room, and Ludwig ended up knocking into Chubster, which dealt his knockout blow. “Chubster!” yelled Karma as he fell to the floor. Ludwig emerged from his shell and stumbled around dizzily. BM gave him the knockout blow with a hookshot to the head, and Ludwig collapsed. Kamek and Karma were fighting hard, but they could land no hits on him— he was pumped.

“You have been fighting BM, but now you will fight Delta Fire Midbus 2!” yelled Midbus, changing his form. He grew larger, and where his spikes used to be, there was now one big blade!  He had fire imprinted on his body, and his blue skin changed to orange. “Ha!” he screamed, running for Karma. She moved, and punched his back when he ran by; but her fist hit his blade, and she yelped in pain. DFM2 ran towards Kamek, and ran right over him, knocking him out. Karma was now left alone, and she didn’t have anything that would affect him. He blew fire, burning her; and, keeping the hybrid in one place, he jumped on her.


DFM2 turned into normal Midbus again, then scoffed and walked away. All of the heroes lay on the floor, knocked out. A guard walked into the room and started to laugh. He kicked Ludwig’s shell across the room, and it crashed into the wall, where a heavy picture fell on it. “Hahahahah!” bellowed the guard, as he walked away.

The picture was crushing Ludwig, and his body gave him the adrenaline to push it off him. He lay on the floor, huffing and puffing. Ludwig tried to get up, but was too dizzy. Eventually he slid across the ice on his bottom, and got to the fire. Ludwig let out a sigh of relief as he felt himself warmed. ”Now to get to Stone.”

Ludwig woke the others, and they all rested. The Koopaling had two <ushrooms in his shell, so he split them, and each member of the group got half their HP restored. After they were warmed by the fire, Ludwig and the others went to investigate the green door. As they stepped through, all they saw was the docks of the palace, with a large boat that ran though a river. “Then it must be the black door that Stone is in,” remarked Karma.

They all went though the last option, and Stone was sleeping in a giant chair. “There he is!” whispered Ludwig.

They all stepped past him slowly, and reached Bowser’s cage with ease. When Bowser saw them, he yelled out, “Ludwig! Kamek!”

Stone moved, and then opened his eyes slowly. He looked over at them, and seemed to wake up more every second! Finally, he realized what was happening, “Hey ya’all,” Stone boomed, rising to his feet. “You’ve finally come!” He stepped off his throne and stood in front of them. “You want your father back?” Stone asked with a grin.

“Yes!” said Ludwig. “Why did I just answer that?” he thought.

“I’m much more powerful than I was last time,” Stone warned, still smiling, “Still want to face me?!”

Kamek put out his wand in a battle pose.

“Very well…” said Stone, spinning around in his cape.

Final Fight
Ludwig – 65 HP
Karma – 80 HP
Kamek – 115 HP
Chubster – 25 HP
Stone – 800 HP

Stone chuckled to himself, then started spinning around like lightning. He knocked into Ludwig, who withdrew into his shell.  Once again the Koopaling bounced across the room, this time knocking into Stone! “Are you prepared for this?” the fiend said, sticking his hand out of his cape and shooting an electric black ball. Kamek dodged, but it bounced off the wall and came back. Kamek again dodged, and the ball bounced into the throne and exploded. Stone again shot a ball, but this t, it hit Chubster. The Chuboomba bounced back, and lay there. Karma walked up behind Stone and grabbed his hair, which she then gave a tremendous yank! “Aaaaaa!” he screamed, trying to shake Karma off. She hung on, and his long purple hair started to give way. He tried to throw her, and the hair she was hanging onto got pulled out, resulting in Karma flying across the room.

Kamek shot a powerful beam out of his wand, but Stone blocked with a black force field. Kamek’s power ray bounced off the force field, and returned to hit the Magikoopa in the head. He went spiraling around, trying to keep his balance. Stone shut off his force field to attack, and Ludwig blew fire out of his mouth at Stone. “Come on, you guys! GO!” yelled Bowser from his cage, a hopeful smile on his face.

Chubster, who had recovered, ran over and vaulted towards Stone; hitting him in the chin, nearly knocking out the gangster’s teeth! “No more games!” Stone growled. He stepped back and jumped onto his throne; mechanical legs grew out of the bottom, and he started to walk around on them! Ludwig went into his shell and spun around; he hit the legs, but with no avail. Stone tried to pin Ludwig to the floor, but he kept spinning away. Karma shimmied up one of the legs and reached Stone. She stuffed the hair that she had from earlier into his mouth, but he bit down on her hand! Karma screamed and fell down on the floor. Stone was now very interested in getting Karma, but just when he was about to pin her, Bowser, from within his cage, thought fast and shot fire from his mouth. It hit the leg and disabled it long enough for Karma to roll out of the way. “You stay out of this!” Stone yelled at Bower, giving a sharp tap to the top of the cage with the machine’s leg.

Kamek shot his wand at the back of Stone’s head, knocking him out of his machine and onto the floor! Stone tried to get up, but Chubster sat on his head. Ludwig flipped around in his shell to the spike side, and landed on Stone. “Enough!” Stone hollered, as he shook violently to get everyone off him. Then he stepped back, panting a bit. “I’ve had enough!” Stone lifted both his hands high over his head, and shot a giant pink ball at Karma. She tried to move, but tripped and screamed (like every girl has to). The ball hit her and encased her in ice; she couldn’t move! Then Stone shot a powerful beam out of his palm, and it advanced slowly towards her. She tried to break out of the ice, but she couldn’t! Kamek looked like he was about to encase her in a force field, but he just stood there.

“Come on, Kamek, the magic!” shouted Ludwig.

“I forgot!” screamed Kamek in dismay.

Ludwig couldn’t believe it: even he had read enough to do that. He wrenched the wand out of Kamek’s hands and encased Karma in a force field, just before the beam hit her! It bounced back and hit Stone, taking a large amount of HP away. Stone dropped to his knees; he wasn’t beaten yet, but he was considering escape. “Look,” he said, holding up a key, “this is what you need to get your father back- but I’m not letting you have it!” Stone edged towards the door, and before Karma, Ludwig, and Kamek knew what he was doing, he ran out.

“After him!” cried Kamek. They dashed out along with Karma, who had defrosted.

They ran out the door just in time to see Stone ducking out the green door. “He’s going for the docks!” yelled Karma. They gave chase, and ran out the same door. The ship was taking off, and the Koopas and Goomba jumped on board just in time. Stone was obviously piloting the ship, and didn’t know they were on it!

“Let’s plan an attack,” Ludwig whispered to Kamek…

Kamek barged though the door, and shot magic right away! Stone leapt out of the way, and the magic hit the wheel, destroying it. Stone again held up the key. “The castle will explode in one hour, so you need to get this key and get back to Bowser in time!” Stone taunted. He dashed past Kamek and opened the door. Right on cue, Ludwig and Karma fell from above and grabbed his head! Stone stumbled around, and then threw the key just out of blindness! It sailed over the horizon, to somewhere far away. Ludwig, Karma, and Kamek (who was holding Chubster) leapt off the ship at full speed, and landed onshore. Stone missed a turn in the river, and his ship fell down the waterfall, to meet its end on the jagged rocks below! “NOOOOOO!” yelled Stone, barely audible over the sound of the waterfall. Ludwig and Karma dashed off to where the key was, and Kamek stayed there to rest.


Meanwhile, in another peaceful place in Ice Land, Mario and Luigi were walking along. “Nice day for a walk!” said Mario.

“You said it!” returned Luigi.

Just as they were turning a corner, SMACK! A metal object landed on Mario’s head. “Ouch!” he yelled.

Luigi picked it up and examined the object. “It’s a key!’ stated Luigi, stuffing it in his pocket. Luigi and Mario sat down in the snow with their snowsuits.

Ludwig X: Don’t ask me why they’re in Ice Land, they just are!

They sat there for about ten minutes, and just when Mario was about to get up again, two figures smacked into him. “Ouch!” repeated Mario.

“Do you know where that key is?!” yelled the first figure.

“Ludwig?” questioned Luigi.

“Yes, but we need the key!”

Mario got up, rubbing his head, and asked, “What do you want it for?”

Karma rolled her eyes. “WE NEED IT NOW!”

Luigi handed over the key to Karma, and the two Mets ran away. “What was that for?” said Mario.

Luigi shrugged his shoulders, and they continued on their walk.

“We’ve got it!” cried Ludwig. Kamek looked to see Ludwig and Karma with the key in their hands. “Lets go!” he said.

The old Magikoopa and the others hurried towards the castle, which they reached within half an hour. Ludwig busted though the door, and screamed, “Dad! We have the key!”

“You do? Kooky, you’re a genius!” yelled Bowser, and Ludwig unlocked the door. Bowser leapt out, and hugged Ludwig and Kamek, and shook Karma’s hand. “Who is that?!” he said, pointing at Chubster.

“No time to explain!” said Karma hurriedly, “We need to get out before this place blows up!” Bowser started to run, as did all the others. They dove out of the castle just in time for it to blow up, and they could see Midbus and several Dark Koopas rocket into the sky.

Bowser and his companions started the long walk home, and they were there by dark.

Ludwig X: So many greetings and hugs were given and received, that it would be dragging to describe it all. I’ll just skip to the afternoon, when Ludwig was entering his lab.

Ludwig entered his lab, feeling good. On one of the machines, something was brown and sparkling. Bowser Jr. ran into the lab and told Ludwig all about what just happened on TV, while Ludwig fiddled with the object. It was a square package that had a tag attached to it.  It read: For the true hero of the adventure, and also for saving me from Stone! From: Karma : )

Ludwig ripped open the package; it was a giant, king-sized Hershey bar! “What’s that?” asked Bowser Jr.

“A present from Karma…” Ludwig replied.

“Why do you act weird every time you say the word ‘Karma’?” asked Bowser Jr.

“It’s called an affection,” explained Ludwig. “An infection?” said Jr. “Roy said that if you have one of those, they can kill you in two minutes!”

Ludwig just laughed. Taking a big bite out of his chocolate, he thought, “I have the best life ever.” And he knew he was right.

And so, Chubster became the third family pet (which Bagels enjoyed, and Playful loathed), plus, Blizzard Piglet was never seen again… until the next episode!!!

Midbus: IT’S NOT PIGLET!!!

Ludwig X: Yep, that’s the end of this story. I hope I’m not lazy and can get to the next one soon. Until then, see ya!

Stone: X_X  …………………………………………… I’ll be back…


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