Serenade of Darkness, Part III: Peisinoe, Queen of the Sirens

By Reyelene and gemini7

By the time Dr. Albertson reached the library, the first thing she did was head straight for the sections on history and mythology. She carefully examined each book in hopes of finding what she needed, taking out a few along the way that appeared relevant to her search. She had nearly a dozen books, not counting Luigi’s, which she was still carrying with her when she arrived at the library, by the time she decided to sit down and begin her research in this whole mystery.

The first book she opened, A Guide to Greek Mythology, did little to provide insight to her search, save for one particular section which ran thus:

“The Sirens, made famous in Homer’s The Odyssey, were creatures with the heads of women and the bodies of birds, whose singing influenced and lured men to their deaths…”

Dr. Albertson frowned. It sounded similar to what she had gathered. But according to the Mario Brothers, Princess Plum didn’t have any bird-like features, much less a bird’s body. She closed the book with a sigh and opened another one, this one a book listing various creatures of different mythologies. This one proved to be just as useless in answering her questions, until she reached “Doppelganger” and read on:

“The Doppelganger, whose name translates to ‘Double walker’, is a creature with the ability to change its shape into that of another animal or even a person…”

Something clicked in Dr. Albertson’s mind as she finished reading. Maybe this is what the Mario Brothers were dealing with! But it still didn’t explain Princess Plum’s ability to influence others through her singing, she just as quickly realized. A Siren-Doppelganger hybrid, she wondered? No, she concluded with rising frustration, that couldn’t be possible.

On the other hand, if Doppelgangers had the ability to change their shape into anything, then surely Princess Plum, provided she possessed doppelganger traits, could also change her shape so that she looked more human…

Setting aside the book, though not before marking the page mentioning Doppelgangers, she opened another book, A Guide to The Odyssey, and looked up the section on Sirens:

“The Sirens were mythical creatures with the heads of women and the bodies of birds whose singing allegedly influenced men, even luring them to their doom. Researchers believe that they were once human maidens serving the goddess Persephone until her abduction by the god Hades, at which time Persephone’s mother Ceres gave them the bodies of birds in order to search for her missing daughter. These beings, according to scholars, were called Peisinoe (“Persuasion”), Thelxiepeia (“Enchantress”), Aglaope (“Splendid Beauty”), Leucosia (“White Goddess”), and Ligeia (“Clear-toned”). According to another myth, the Sirens competed against the musician Orpheus to see who was the better singer, a contest which Orpheus won…”

Dr. Albertson was so engrossed in her reading that she didn’t hear someone approach her. “Found anything so far, Dr. Albertson?”

The Mushroomer nearly cried out in surprise as she  turned and saw Luigi, who looked apologetic for startling her. “As a matter of fact, I did find something,” she answered, regaining her composure. “But I’m not yet certain that it answers all our questions.” She showed him what she had read so far, giving him her opinions and guesses as to who or what Princess Plum could really be. “Aside from my findings, your book, and Mario’s know-how, do you have any idea who else would know something?”

Luigi scratched his head for a minute. Then a thought occurred to him. Mario had said something about Lawrence being all shaken up by the incident in Water Land. “I’m not sure if he’ll help, but we could ask Lawrence,” said Luigi.

“Lawrence?” Dr. Albertson repeated, failing to realize a connection.

“He’s the Mushroomer who loaned us a boat for fishing,” Luigi answered. “Mario thinks he knows something about the fishermen who disappeared. But Lawrence refused to tell him any more.”

The Native Mushroom woman rubbed her chin thoughtfully. “Then you and Mario must talk to this Lawrence right away!” she demanded. “We can’t prove it yet, but maybe he knows something about Princess Plum. Bring Toad with you, too!”

“But what about you, Doctor?”

“Never you mind. I still plan on doing more research.”

Luigi nodded and wasted no time in carrying out Dr. Albertson’s demand. Afterwards, she checked out her books at the front desk, preparing to leave. She planned to do more research, all right. She would find this Princess Plum and confront her alone!


Ludwig von Koopa paced back and forth agitatedly in his room. It had only been a few days since he and Princess Plum had been defeated by the Mario Brothers- just when they were on the verge of triumph to boot! King Cloudius had been rescued, Princess Peach’s reputation was in the process of being restored, and now Ludwig was back where he started, seeking some new, more underhanded means of overthrowing the other monarchs and claiming the other kingdoms in the name of the Koopas.

Princess Plum was sitting in the room watching Ludwig pace and grumble to himself about their failure and those meddlesome Mario Brothers. Though she appeared calm and contemplative, inwardly she was just as livid as he was. She was so close to defeating the Mario Brothers when the one called Luigi had fired at her lyre and destroyed it. Thankfully, she had managed to repair it, but it would not be as effective as it used to be, which really infuriated her.

What was more, she was angry at herself for underestimating the Mario Brothers, a mistake she would not make again, she vowed to herself. She suddenly smirked inwardly as she recalled what she had last said to them. They hadn’t seen the true extent of her power just yet, and when they did it would be the last thing they ever witnessed.

“I’ve got it!” Ludwig suddenly declared, distracting Princess Plum from her thoughts. “Instead of trying to destroy Princess Peach’s reputation, we will get rid of her and those Mario Brothers permanently!”

“And how will you do that?” Princess Plum asked, feigning curiosity.

“Simple,” Ludwig replied smugly. “With yours and your sisters’ abilities combined, the Mario Brothers will be powerless no matter what! We shall be unstoppable!”

“I.e., you want us all to sing in unison,” Princess Plum began, “so that the Mario Brothers can never do so much as lift a finger again?”

Ludwig smiled, seemingly gratified by Plum’s question. “Precisely.”

“With Your Highness’ permission, I would like to speak with my sisters.”

Ludwig nodded. “You can bring them all up here so we can discuss the plan as a team.”

Princess Plum shook her head. “I mean, I would like to speak with my sisters, privately. It will only be a moment, if His Highness does not object.”

Ludwig gave her an awkward expression, as if to question Plum’s decision. She simply explained that she wanted to make sure that Thelxiepeia had no objections, since only she, Plum, knew how to talk sense to her. Ludwig’s expression softened; he waved his hand for Princess Plum to go ahead. Without a moment’s hesitation she made her way to her sisters’ chamber.

“What news, Sister?” Aglaope asked. Princess Plum quickly made sure that no one was eavesdropping, then gestured for her sisters to come closer.

“Another opportunity has been presented before us,” Princess Plum explained. “Instead of working individually, we must work together in overthrowing the Mario Brothers and the Koopas before we takeover this land, and then the other kingdoms.” She smirked malevolently. “Then we will have our revenge for the wrong we have suffered!”

“And our other sisters will be avenged?” Ligeia asked.

“Indeed.” Princess Plum chuckled. “And once we have this word under our rule, we will move on to the Real World and punish those who have wronged us!” Her sisters joined in her malicious laughter.

Unbeknownst to any of them, Larry Koopa was standing on a projection of bricks near their window and listening in on their conversation. He was shocked by what he had just heard. He had known there was more to these women than met the eye, but to hear they had been using his brother Ludwig and plotting behind his back to takeover the kingdoms for themselves was something he would never have expected. He had to warn Ludwig, and fast, before they could carry our their plans.

Quickly and silently, he made his way back down to the palace grounds and ran off in search of Kamek. Despite what he had just heard, Larry knew Ludwig would not take what he said at face value. He needed proof, and Kamek would surely help him out in that area- not to mention Ludwig was more likely to listen to Kamek than to anyone else.

Luck was on his side, as he found Kamek in one of the hallways. “Kamek! I need your help!” Larry burst out without waiting to catch his breath.

“It’s about Princess Plum and her sisters,” Kamek replied, his sentence more a statement than a question.

Larry gaped at him. “But how did you-?”

“I have been watching them for a while now,” Kamek explained solemnly. “From the moment I first lay eyes on them, I have suspected that there was more to them than they were letting on. Ever since their arrival, the Koopas have been acting strangely, especially your father and your brother Ludwig.

“And then there are the guards,” he went on. “The guards have not been acting normally either. I’ve found something else as well,” Kamek added, his voice suddenly growing uneasy. “While strolling through the gardens I came across some bones.”

“Bones?” Larry repeated incredulously, even though something told him not to ignore this piece of information.

Kamek nodded grimly. “I suspect that Princess Plum and her sisters are more than just witches or wizards, that they are capable of more than just changing their shapes and influencing others.”

“What do you mean?” Larry demanded, suddenly growing impatient with Kamek beating around the bush.

Kamek briefly looked around to make certain no one was spying on them. “Come with me,” he said simply.

Larry, puzzled, nonetheless followed the Magikoopa to his chambers, where they soon stood before a cauldron filled with bubbling liquid. Larry’s gaze shifted between the cauldron and Kamek as the latter made gestures in the air and chanted something inaudible and incomprehensible.

“Look,” Kamek said finally, pointing into the cauldron.

Larry looked down into the cauldron and saw the liquid reveal an image of Princess Plum, albeit dressed differently and standing near what looked like ancient ruins, with a man dressed in a similar fashion. The two were holding hands and smiling affectionately at one another.

“What does that mean?” Larry wondered out loud.

“Be patient,” Kamek said.

The image soon shifted into a darkened chamber with Princess Plum chewing on a bone, blood dripping down both sides of her mouth. Larry felt raw horror grip him as he realized that she was chewing on human bones. Just as quickly the image changed again to one of Princess Plum and her sisters gathered together on some sort of island and mouthing something in unison. Whether they were wailing or singing a mournful song, Larry couldn’t guess.

The image changed several more times, but by now Larry was too dazed and nauseous to pay attention to them. Once the liquid became clear again he sat down on a stool, trying to recollect his thoughts. “What does all of that mean?” he asked again warily.

“It means just what I have suspected for a while now,” Kamek said grimly, “that Princess Plum and her sisters are not wizards at all but what Real-Worlders known as Sirens. And because of the wrong they have suffered, they have vowed revenge against other races. They plan to use the Koopas to gain their revenge.”

“So how do we stop them?” Larry asked.

Kamek shook his head. “I have not yet discovered how they can be stopped. Until I do, all we can do is warn the others about them. You must warn your brother Ludwig as soon as possible.”

“Why can’t you warn him?” Larry demanded. “He’ll listen to you more than to me.”

Kamek shook his head again. “He’ll more likely listen to you because you’re his brother and he’ll trust you more. He’ll be more receptive to a younger person’s advice than to that of someone much older.”

Larry realized Kamek was right. Despite their differences, Ludwig would have to listen to him. The only problem was how he would warn him. With a sigh, Larry decided the best way was to be direct and honest with him.


“Will Lawrence be out during this time of day?” asked Luigi.

“I don’t know, Luigi,” Mario replied. “But we’re not giving up on finding him!”

The Mario Brothers and Toad arrived in Water Land on a warm, Sunday afternoon. The beach was empty, save for a couple of fishermen. But Lawrence was nowhere to be found. Mario spoke to one of the fishermen in regards to Lawrence’s whereabouts.

“He lives on Marina Island,” the fisherman pointed. “His house is the only one on that island.”

“May we borrow one of your boats?” Mario asked. “It’s an emergency! We need to talk to him!”

The other fisherman placed one canoe by the docks. He motioned for the Mario Brothers and Toad to hop in. “Just remember to return the boat to this same spot when you’re done.”

“You have our word,” Mario nodded.

It didn’t take long for the Mario Brothers and Toad to reach the island. But a circle of questions encompassed both Brothers’ minds. What was Lawrence afraid of? What was he hiding? Why wouldn’t he tell anybody?

A knock on the door was followed by the door opening. “Good afternoon, gentlemen?”

“We need to talk, Lawrence,” Mario requested. “About those fishermen who disappeared.”

A slam of the door was the reply Mario received. Nevertheless, he knocked again and again, to which Lawrence repeatedly replied “Go away!” But Mario was not about to give up. “Lawrence, you don’t have a choice!” he demanded. “You’re better off telling us what you know right now, rather than having more innocent lives lost and weighing on your conscience.”

The door flew open. An elderly Mushroom with a mortified expression on his face motioned the Mario Brothers and Toad to enter the house.


By the time Larry had reached his brother Ludwig’s room he had gone over in his mind several times what he would say to him about Princess Plum and her sisters. Part of him, however, was still hesitant, knowing Ludwig would not believe what he had to say all at once. But just the same, he couldn’t just stand by and let these beings get away with their plotting. He had to at least try. Gathering up all his courage, Larry knocked on the door.

The door opened to reveal a peevish-looking Ludwig. “What do you want?” he asked impatiently.

“Ludwig, I need to talk to about Princess Plum and her sisters,” Larry stated without wasting a moment. “They’re not who you think they are! They‘re really these creatures called Sirens and they‘re only using you and the other Koopas so they can take the Kingdoms for themselves and from there, destroy those who wronged them long ago!”

Ludwig just stared at him skeptically. “What are you babbling about?” he demanded.

Larry was dismayed, but not surprised, that Ludwig didn’t believe him right away. But he was still determined to inform Ludwig of all he and Kamek had found out. “I just spoke to Kamek, and he’s suspected for a while that there was much more to Princess Plum and the others than they were letting on. When we sought to learn more about them, we discovered that while they are indeed Real-Worlders, they are not witches or wizards, but mythical creatures known as Sirens, who use their singing to enchant and control other beings. And what’s more, because they’ve been wronged by other Real-Worlders, which resulted in the deaths of several others like them years and years ago, they’ve plotted revenge against other races; and in coming to this land they’ve found an opportunity for revenge! Not to mention,” Larry shuddered as he remembered what he saw in Kamek’s cauldron, “they’ve eaten humans before, and we think they may have also eaten some of the guards. Kamek says he found several bones in the palace gardens, and they’re far too big to be animal bones!”

Ludwig, quiet all the while Larry had explained what he and Kamek had learned, suddenly scowled at his younger brother. “If this is some sort of joke, it’s a very bad one,” he said coldly.

Larry felt his heart sink in despair. “But Ludwig, you have to believe me!” he said desperately. “Or ask Kamek! He can show you!”

“And you have Kamek in on it as well?” Ludwig snapped, his patience finally reaching its limits. “I knew that you two didn’t take kindly to Princess Plum or her sisters, but to slander them so?! I have heard enough!” And without another word he slammed the door on Larry.

Larry pounded on the door, crying out to Ludwig to think about what was going on, everything that had happened since he’d brought Princess Plum and her sisters with him to the palace, how they were controlling the others, including Ludwig himself, but his pleas fell on deaf ears. After several minutes of pounding and yelling, Larry finally stopped, despair overwhelming him. His brother didn’t believe him, just as he had feared, and he wouldn’t believe Kamek either. What was he going to do now?


Dr. Albertson knew that Dark Land lived up to its name, but even so it still made her apprehensive, even a little afraid, especially now. But she refused to let herself give in to her fears, especially since she had already come this far.

She suddenly heard footsteps approaching her from behind, and whirled around to see who she assumed must be Princess Plum. “Well, well, what have we here?” the Princess Peach-impersonator asked malevolently.

Dr. Albertson could feel negative energy surrounding the being and flowing towards her as well. Nevertheless she learned to suppress her fears and show a brave face. “I’m a doctor,” she said in a simple tone. “Dr. Kimama Macawi-Albertson.”

“Kimama Macawi,” Princess Plum repeated with a childish chuckle. “A lovely name you have, Doctor. Fitting for your nature.”

Dr. Albertson nodded, almost as if in agreement. “As is the same with yours… Peisinoe.”

Princess Plum’s smile faded and was replaced with a sneer. “So… you’ve figured out who I really am, have you?”

“Among other things,” Dr. Albertson affirmed. “But what I don’t understand is why you are here of all places. What is so special about this land that you and your sisters- assuming they are here as well- would want to come here? Especially since no one here has done you any wrong.”

“Isn’t it obvious?” Princess Plum said impatiently. “With this land and its inhabitants under my thrall, my sisters and I will not only become the most powerful monarchs in the world, but with out new power we will be able to avenge ourselves against those who have hurt and betrayed us.”

“But no one here has done anything to you,” Dr. Albertson pointed out. “So why did you kidnap King Cloudius and make it look like Princess Peach was responsible for it in the first place?”

Princess Plum suddenly smirked. “Simple. I was just playing along with His Highness’ plan to takeover the kingdoms.”

Dr. Albertson was puzzled. “What are you talking about?”

“In order for a blossom to bloom, it must be watered at the roots,” Princess Plum merely replied. “No one in the Real World knows about the Mushroom Kingdom… not yet.”

Dr. Albertson grew uneasy. “You mean to say that once you’ve conquered this world, you intend to reveal this world’s existence to the other one?”

Princess Plum chuckled once more. “You catch on quick, Doctor, but you’ve barely even scratched the surface. Revealing is only a quarter of the plan. By standing on the pedestal of this world and assuming power, I will also rule the Human World as well.”

“And what of Prince Ludwig?” Dr. Albertson demanded. “Are you planning to let him rule alongside with you?”

Princess Plum suddenly laughed derisively and shook her head, startling the Mushroomer. “I only worked with His Highness to gain his trust. There will come a time when I will no longer need his services.”

Dr. Albertson grew rigid with horror upon hearing that.

“And when that time comes,” Princess Plum continued, “he will become my slave along with the rest of his family. He will grow mad with grief and despair while he sees his kingdom suffer.”

Dr. Albertson was not only horrified but appalled as well. “Have you no shame?! He’s only a boy!”

“He’s an animal, nothing more,” Princess Plum snapped.

“You won’t get away with this!” Dr. Albertson replied firmly. “The Mario Brothers will stop you!”

Princess Plum merely laughed again. “How? They can’t kill me, I’m immortal! Didn’t you do your homework?” She suddenly looked sharply at Dr. Albertson and her eyes glowed redder as she started to approach the Mushroom woman. “Too bad I can’t say the same for you...”


The Mario Brothers and Toad sat at Lawrence’s table, waiting impatiently for him to start explaining.

“One of those fishermen was my son,” Lawrence began. “He and his friend Jed went out fishing that day. Well, that’s what he told me.”

“What do you mean that’s what he told you?” Mario asked.

“You heard only the story of two fishermen disappearing on that island.” Lawrence replied. “That isn’t even half of it. Fifteen lives were lost, most of them mothers and their children.”

The Brothers and Toad exchanged appalled looks. Lawrence continued, “My son claimed he saw a young couple sail out in a canoe. It was after business hours. They were Mr. and Mrs. Portobello and their only daughter Mina. They were close friends of my son’s. They loved water and loved to travel, especially by canoe. Mrs. Portobello told my son that they would be taking a vacation in Giant Land for the Tanooki Festival. They were supposedly going to stay there for two weeks and come back to bring us souvenirs. So they went out.”

“Did they come back?” Toad asked.

Lawrence sighed hesitantly. “The two weeks went by,” he said slowly and reluctantly. “Then five more days. My son was getting worried. He asked me why they hadn’t come back yet. I told him they probably decided to stay longer- the Tanooki Festival is a big event. Then Mrs. Portobello’s mother called me asking if we had heard anything from her daughter and granddaughter, to which I responded ‘No’. Mina’s teacher also called saying that Mrs. Portobello’s daughter has not been back in school for a week and a half. So my son decided to call the hotel that the Portobellos would be staying in. The manager picked up. He said that the Portobellos had not arrived at all. My son and I both realized that something was very wrong.”

“What happened next?” Luigi asked uneasily.

Lawrence answered, “While my son called for a search party, I continued on as usual with the fishing and boating business. I had loaned a couple of boats to some families; one was a single mother with three daughters, the other was a grandfather with fraternal twins. Both wanted to enjoy a leisurely day of fishing; I saw no harm in allowing them to do that. So the two groups went out. Usually people who borrow my boats are not out at sea for more than two hours. Six hours passed, but I did not see these families or the boats. During those six hours, before I was able to notice anything, I loaned another boat to a married couple with one daughter and two sons. I did not see that couple or their children return either. I didn’t understand what was going on, but the whole ordeal was beginning to frighten me. That search party that my son called for also went out. They never returned either…

“It wasn’t long before townspeople began to take notice. Before I could prepare myself for anything, a bunch of the villagers began asking me questions. Some of them were teachers asking why three-quarters of their classrooms was empty. Others were tourists wondering why I hadn’t received my three boats back. I suddenly got orders from a policeman to come in for questioning. I was informed- much to my discomfort- that I was under suspicion in the disappearances since they happened nearby my business. My life began to change. I could no longer sit comfortably in my house and read a good book anymore because angry mobs would come ramming at my door stating that I was a child snatcher, a drowner of families! I couldn’t go to the grocery store and buy a loaf of bread without one of the local kids pelting me with rocks and calling me a monster! It got so overwhelming that I brought the situation over to Emperor Aquarius. His guards behaved no differently than the townspeople, as if a poor old man doesn’t have enough to deal with!

“Only when I was presented the opportunity to speak with the emperor did I receive some civil treatment. But the decision I was offered was to have my business at the beach closed. The loss of any more lives could not be risked. By closing down the beach we were get to put some control as far as any more disappearances were concerned. It still didn’t stop the townspeople from pestering me. Only my son was there for me during my time of need.”

“But those two fishermen,” Mario said, “you said one of them was your son. Did he disappear too?”

“My son was picking up seashells from the beach.” Lawrence replied. “A Blooper Jellyfish swam up to him and told him that some witch who dwelled in the Cave of Singing Death was here in Water Land. This Blooper Fish saw the bones and remains of all those who had ridden in their direction, including those of the young Portobello girl. This witch supposedly lured them her way with singing. He informed my son to warn the people to beware the Cave of Singing Death. My son did as the Blooper Jellyfish commanded. Then my son confronted me with this foolhardy idea that he would go out there himself and put a stop to this witch’s plight. I warned him that he was the only son I had, to not do it. He didn’t heed my warning. He and his friend posed as fishermen and rode toward that cave. I didn’t know about it… until it was all over.”

There was dead silence throughout the whole house. The Mario Brothers and Toad could not believe the story they’d just heard. Luigi couldn’t help but choke up as he watched Lawrence stare at the floor, trembling as a tear ran down his left cheek. The truth was far worse than anyone could have imagined. What were they dealing with!? Mario handed the old Mushroom man a tissue and encouraged him to continue.

Lawrence heaved a deep sigh. “Ever since I lost my son, the villagers stopped pestering me altogether. Most of them moved away. I… was living in a different house then.”

Lawrence explained that shortly after his son’s disappearance, he relocated to the lone house on this island. Everyone who had full knowledge of the incidents moved away, leaving behind the bad memories of what had befallen Water Land. A few new people had moved into Water Land, much to Lawrence’s surprise since the bad news of Water Land’s disappearances did not go unspoken.

Lawrence still didn’t understand what had possessed his son to fight this witch, whoever she was. Under Emperor Aquarius’s command, Lawrence took it upon himself to ban any human, Mushroom, Koopa, or any other living creature from that beach for five years. But one question remained which bothered the Brothers and Toad. There was still the matter that one person had actually rowed there and returned; all disappearances had ceased since then.

“That one survivor, Lawrence,” Mario began. “Who was it?”

“It was the Koopa Prince,” Lawrence replied, “Ludwig von Koopa of Dark Land.”

“You loaned the Koopa Prince a boat?!” a surprised Toad asked. “After you were specifically ordered to deny anyone access to the beach?!”

“I didn’t want to!” Lawrence blurted feebly. “I refused to let him go, but he threatened to expose me if I didn’t let him go. I don’t know how, but he knew about my incidents in the past with the villagers and those missing children. I didn’t want a repeat of that mess again! What else could I do?!”

“Then you got to see this witch the Blooper spoke of?” added Mario.

“There were five of them,” Lawrence corrected. “All of them had black hair, red eyes, and lavender rose tattoos on their foreheads. One of them in particular looked like our princess!”

“Like Princess Peach,” said Mario.

Lawrence nodded. “But she was much paler. And… she had a cold stare! She looked at me with this wry smile, as if she knew exactly who I was and what I’d been through.” He shuddered. “I should have told you sooner, but I was so afraid… not just of what the villagers would do to me, but of what the Koopa Prince would do… what she would do to me or to the others!”

Mario suddenly recalled his and Luigi’s encounter with Ludwig and Princess Plum, how surprised they were at her resemblance to Princess Peach, the way she tried to destroy them with her singing, the passage from The Odyssey that Luigi had shown him after defeating Princess Plum, and it began to make sense to him.

“That’s it!” he said with a snap of his fingers. “The answer has been in front of us the whole time! Princess Plum is a Siren!” But then he grew pensive. “But it still doesn’t explain why she’s here or how Ludwig von Koopa ties in with her.” Then he suddenly recalled what Dr. Albertson had mentioned earlier. “Ludwig mentioned that Princess Plum was his ‘student’, but what if it’s the other way around? What if she’s actually using him, like Dr. Albertson said, to achieve her own ends, whatever they may be?”

Luigi suddenly paled at the mention of Dr. Albertson. He remembered she said she was going to do more research in hopes of finding out more about Princess Plum… What if she had more in mind than just looking through books?

“Mario, Toad,” he said worriedly, “we have to leave for Dark Land right now. If I’m not mistaken, Dr. Albertson could be in danger this very moment!”

Without waiting another moment, the Mario Brothers and Toad got up from the table to leave. Mario, however, shot one last look at Lawrence.

“Don’t worry; we’ll make sure your son’s death won’t be in vain,” he assured the old Mushroom man before leaving.


At the Koopa Castle in Dark Land, Ludwig von Koopa paced back and forth in his room. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t get Larry’s words out of his mind. He continually tried to assure himself that his brother was wrong, that Princess Plum and her sisters were working with him, not against him.

And yet… ever since Larry last spoke to him, he couldn’t help but notice how unusually quiet the castle was, how his siblings never pestered him like they used to… Even when he saw them they weren’t acting the way they used to. Wendy, for one, was in her bedroom, her door wide open, her hand trembling as she was putting on her lipstick. Then tears rolled down her eyes as she gazed at her reflection. She got so angry she smeared her lipstick all over her mirror as though repulsed by her own reflection. Lemmy no longer prided himself on playing with his ball. In fact, he was so afraid of standing on his ball, fearful he would lose his balance, fall, and hit his head. How could that be? Lemmy may not have been the brightest but balance had never been a problem for him.

Even the guards were acting strange. Ludwig recalled the day he’d brought Princess Plum and her sisters to the Koopa castle. None of the guards acted as if they even noticed them. Since then they had been quieter, no longer as vigilant as they used to be.

Suddenly his stomach growled. He rested his palm on what he expected to be a bulging belly. To his surprise, his stomach was flat, nearly to the point of seeing his own ribcage. It occurred to him that he’d spent so much time on composing Operas, plays, and constructing battle plans to fight the Mario Brothers that he’d been negligent in taking care of his own needs. He rushed to the kitchen to get himself a snack from the fridge. But when he opened the door the remaining food was spoiled. The Koopa Prince was now overcome with panic. When he turned to look in the cupboards he accidentally bumped into his father.

The prince’s panic turned into a thoroughly mortified stare. This was the mighty King Bowser!? Instead of seeing a big, robust Koopa King, he saw a giant, lanky reptile with a disheveled brown mane. This reptile looked dizzy with starvation. He practically fell at the prince’s feet, begging for help.

What was going on here?! He must speak to Kamek! If anyone would know what was going on and how to handle it, he would. Ludwig rushed through hallways and down stairs to reach Kamek’s chamber.

When he got as far as the door to the chamber he heard a pleasant-sounding but frightening hum from the other side. He knew that hum from anywhere…the Nike Quintet. He thrust the door open, feeling fortunate that it was not locked. The Koopa Prince was greeted with an image of Ligeia, Leucosia, Aglaope, and Thelxiepeia standing in square formation. In the center was Kamek’s cauldron, but Kamek was not controlling it. In his usual spot was none other than Princess Plum herself. She looked up from the cauldron and gave the Koopa Prince a welcoming smile.

“What’s the meaning of this?!” Ludwig demanded.

Princess Plum chuckled. “My dear Koopa Prince, you don’t seem well today.”

“How in Salam’s name would I be well?!” Ludwig shouted. “Where’s Kamek?!”

Princess Plum replied casually, “The poor old man slipped and fell.”

The Koopa Prince was suddenly overcome with such anger that he spat out flame in the Quintet’s direction. They easily avoided it with the cauldron’s magic. Ludwig repeatedly spat out flames at his enemies, but each flame dissolved into nothing just before the flames could make contact with the women’s bodies.

Maniacal laughter escaped Princess Plum’s throat. “You poor, ignorant fool. Did you honestly think you could destroy me that easily?”

Ludwig trembled with anger and fear. “What are you?” he uttered in a low voice.

Thelxiepeia waved her hand. The door behind Ludwig slammed shut. Princess Plum slowly approached the pitiful-looking Koopa Prince. “I’m known by many things. The Irish knew me as Lhiannan Shee. Germans knew me as the Doppelganger. Romanians knew me as a Vampiress…” Princess Plum rose her left hand. Upon the snap of her fingers, Thelxiepeia grabbed the Koopa Prince and bound his wrists behind his back with chains. Leucosia commanded a vine of white flowers to wrap themselves around Ludwig’s body and pull him toward the princess.

“Salem even knew me as a witch,” Princess Plum continued. “Too bad for those poor, innocent ladies who fell prey to the hangman’s noose. But only one title remains my true identity.” She placed her hand under Ludwig’s chin. “I am Peisinoe, Queen of the Sirens.”

Ludwig’s anger and fear was soon dispelled by overwhelming despair as this knowledge sank in. Larry had told him the truth and he’d refused to believe it. Why didn’t he himself realize it sooner?

Princess Plum drew Ludwig closer and gazed at him with glowing red eyes. She planted a kiss on Ludwig’s neck. The Koopa Prince felt an uncomfortable pressure. Soon two thin streams of green blood trickled down his chest.

“And soon,” Princess Plum said, “all eight kingdoms of the Mushroom World and all seven continents of the Human World will know their queen’s wrath!”

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