Ben vs. Roy

By Benjamin

Lemmy: Welcome, ladies and Koopamen! Tonight we have a speacil fight! My younger brother, Roy, will be challenging Ben! Now in the red corner, weighing in at 300 pounds, ROY KOOPA!

One third of the auidience cheers as Roy Koopa pulls off some pretty cool-looking stunts.

Lemmy: And in the blue corner, weighing in at 220 pounds, BEN!

The other two thirds cheer for Ben, as he just stands around doing absolutely nothing.

The bell rings and Roy charges like an enraged bull at Ben. Ben just stands there until literallu the last second. Grabbing both of Roy's hands, Ben turns around in a 360 degree angle (that's a circle for the geometrically impaired) and sends Roy right back the way he came. Roy smashes into the pole head-first.

Lemmy: Ouch.

Roy gets up again and charges at Ben again. Ben just stands around and only reacts to the situation at the last possible second by jumping out of the way, and flipping onto his feet. Roy crashes again into the pole.

Lemmy: Hmmmm... another head blow. Roy won't last long if this keeps up.

Ben: Really? I always thought Roy had an extremely hard head.

Ben picks Roy up.

Ben: But I guess we'll find out, won't we?

The part of the audience on Ben's side cheers, while the one third rooting for Roy boos and hisses. Ben throws Roy into one side of the ring, and Roy get up and charges. Everytime Roy charges, he's thrown. This continues until Roy is thrown for around the 36th time, when he finally realizes to attack from a distance. Roy pulls out his wand and begans firing lasers.

Lemmy: Finally! Something new!

Ben doesn't really attack but just zips around and dodges blast after blast. Roy stops firing lasers and starts shooting power shots (the little O's from Mario 3) instead. Ben smiles to himself and pulls out his sledgehammer.

Roy fires the little O's like crazy, but Ben still continues to dodge. Roy switches to fireballs, but Ben's grin gets even broader and he swings the sledgehammer and knocks a rather large one back to Roy.

Roy: UGH!

Roy gets hit in the stomach with the fireball and he doubles over.

Ben then slams the hammer into the ground and a rather large bolt of electricity goes flying towards Roy. It slams into him and Roy gets the shock of his life.

Roy: That's it! I'm sick of this! TRANSFORMATION! METAL ROY!

Roy does the same thing his father did in Mario Party 2.

Ben: Geez. -_- You know you're STILL gonna go down one way or another.

Ben does the same electrical attack again on Roy, but even though Roy is now made of metal, it has no effect whatsoever.

Metal Roy: Now who's going down?

Ben: There's more than one way to crack an egg! Take this!

Ben throws the sledgehammer as hard as he can at Metal Roy. The sledgehammer travels through the air and hits Metal Roy sqaure in the chest. The hammer hits so hard it makes a serious dent.

Metal Roy: Hey, that's not fair!

Ben: In this fight, everything's fair.

Ben charges up and fires an extremelly powerful beam at Metal Roy, seriously worsening the dent.

Lemmy: Ooh, what a fight! It seems that Ben will win this fight hands-down!

Metal Roy smiles to himself.

Metal Roy: (quietly) Or will he?

To Be Continued...

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