Well, Why?: Edition One

By Wendy O. Koopa

Wendy: Hello. You are about to witness The Mario Gangs' and some of the Koopa Kids' deepest secrets, while you viewers at home ask: Well Why? So let's see the oldest in my family, Ludwig.

A camera on a TV catches Ludwig in his room.

Ludwig: Oh, how you are so sweet my darling!

Ludwig makes kissing sounds.

Wendy: It appears that Ludwig is in love with something.

Everyone goes back to watching the camera.

Ludwig: I vill marry you!

Wendy: It appears Ludwig is in love with his toy doll.

The camera closes up to the doll.

Wendy: It appears to be a doll of Karma. Well Why?

Karma: Now I don't mean to be rude, but can I knock out Ludwig?

Wendy: Well Why?

Karma: Because this is public television.

Wendy: Okay. We'll leave them alone.

Ludwig: Help! Ow!

Wendy: Let's move on to Roy, third oldest. For any humans watching out there, Roy won't discover the camera.

The camera closes up on Roy as the doorbell rings and he shakes.

Roy: Good thing I'm alone. I hate doorbells. So sooooo scary... the pain of it all!

Wendy: I didn't need to know that.

Roy: Ever since I was a child, doorbells were my worst enemy. I absolutely hate them! Oh my! Stop the pain!

Wendy: Ask your questions now!

The phone rings.

Koopa Troopa: Um... well why is Roy afraid of a doorbell?

Wendy: Only he knows. Let's keep going. This is getting good!

To Be Continued...

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