Future Fix

By Mario Koopa

Wendy: Get… back… here… ROOYYY!!!

Wendy is still chasing Roy with the rest of the Koopalings following. Roy is tired after running for 30 minutes straight, so he collapses.

Roy: Oohhh…

Wendy: OH ROY!

Roy: Uh oh. YYAAAHHHH!!!

Wendy leaps onto Roy and starts beating him up in a big dust cloud.

Bowser Jr: Wendy? When you’re done beating up Roy, we have a castle to get to.

Iggy: What’s the next-

Lemmy: Castle we have to go to? We-

Iggy: Forgot.

Ludwig: It’s Wendy’s Castle.

Wendy stops beating up Roy and the dust cloud fades away. When it fades we see Roy with his arms where his legs should be and his legs where his arms should be, and his head is backwards.

Ludwig: I’ll fix him.

Ludwig goes over to Roy. He takes a saw and a ray gun out of his shell. Then he starts doing who-knows-what to Roy and… YIKES! Uh… these next few minutes are censored! We are experiencing technical difficulties.

Ok, we’re fine now. And it looks like Roy is too! His arms and legs are in the right places and his head’s ok too!

Roy: Thanks. OW!

Larry: Let’s move on!

They continue going forward until they can see Wendy’s Castle.

Wendy:  <:  My… castle!

Wendy zooms off to her castle.

Ludwig: Wendy! Wait!

The rest of the Koopalings follow her. Everybody stops when they reach the castle door. There are two Koopatrols guarding the door.

Koopatrol #1: Halt! Who are you?

Ludwig: I’m Ludwig, this is Larry, Wendy, Roy, Morton, Iggy, Junior and Lemmy.

Koopatrol #2: State your business.

Roy: I’m bored already.

Roy grabs the Koopatrols’ heads and throws the Koopatrols away. He kicks the door down.

Wendy: HEY! Stop damaging my castle!

Ludwig: It isn’t your castle, Wendy. (Not yet, at least.)

Wendy: Oh, fine. But that won’t stop me from having a little fun here!

Wendy runs off and goes into a room.

Ludwig: Wendy! WAIT!

The Koopalings chase her. Wendy finds a hall with three doors on each side. She goes in the middle door on the left. The rest of the Koopalings follow her. Wendy goes out through the right door on the right. The rest of the Koopalings exit through the left door on the right. Wendy goes in the left door on the left. The Koopalings go in the left door on the right. Wendy exits through that door and so do the others.

Ludwig: We must split up! Roy, you go with Morton. Lemmy, you go with Iggy. Junior, you go with Larry. I’ll go by myself.

Team Names:
Lemmy and Iggy: Turmoil Twins.
Roy and Morton: Annoying Assassins.
Larry and Bowser Jr: Young Brothers.
Ludwig: Uh… Ludwig.

Turmoil Twins go through the right door on the right. Wendy goes through middle the door on the right. Young Brothers go through the same door as Wendy. Annoying Assassins go through the middle door on the left. Ludwig goes in the left door on the right. Wendy exits through the right door on the right. Turmoil Twins exit through the same door and chase her.

Lemmy: I’m gett-

Iggy: Ing tired.

Ludwig exits through the middle door on the right side.

Wendy: I remember seeing a bathtub in here!

Wendy goes through the left door on the left.

Ludwig: After her!

Turmoil Twins and Ludwig go through the same door as Wendy. Young Brothers exit through the door that Wendy, Turmoil Twins and Ludwig just went through.

Larry: D’oh!

Bowser Jr: Get her!

They go back in that door. Wendy exits through the middle door on the left. Annoying Assassins exit through the same door as Wendy.

Roy: It’s Wendy!

Wendy goes through the middle door on the right. Annoying Assassins follow her. Turmoil Twins, Annoying Assassins, Young Brothers, and Ludwig exit through different doors and run into each other. They all fall down.


Wendy opens a door and enters her future self’s room. There’s a mirror on a wall, a wardrobe jam-packed with the finest clothes for a girl, a giant table with four drawers full of makeup, and a bed with beautiful blankets, sheets, and pillows on it. It’s like a girl’s dream room.

Wendy: Woowww…

Wendy slowly approaches the table.

Wendy: If this room belongs to who I think it does, then I’m sure they wouldn’t mind if I used their makeup.


The Koopalings get up from their fall.

Ludwig: Ohh…

Morton: I’d say, presume that we’ll never, won’t, not be able to find, track down, see, catch Wendy.

They look to the right and see a black figure.

Ludwig: Huh?

The black figure comes to life!

Koopalings: AAHHH!!!!

The Koopalings get up and run. The figure chases them.

Lemmy: Hang on!

Lemmy shoots a beam of ice from his Freeze Gun behind them. It freezes the figure.

Ludwig: Whew. Excellen,t Lemmy! Now let’s go and see who this person is!

They go to where the frozen figure is, but…

Roy: He’s not in the ice!


The Koopalings heard the sound behind them. They’re eyes get wide and their pupils shrink to the size of cookie crumbs. They slowly turn around in fear to see…

Iggy: Who is-

Lemmy: This guy?

Bowser Jr: Dad told me he’s Geno, a guy from a game called “Stupid Mario RPG” that we weren’t in.

Larry: O.O  He… *sniff* He never told us about that game… *sniff*

Geno: Pleased to meet you. Many thanks.

Roy: For what?

Geno: The talkative Koopaling took me out of the closet I was locked inside. It had a spell put on it by Wendy O. Koopa that made it un-open-able from the inside.

Everyone looks at Morton.

Roy: When did this happen?

Morton: Remember when, that time, earlier, a few moments ago we were chasing, running to Wendy? But we hadn’t, didn’t, didn’t do it yet, had not split up yet?


Morton: Well…


Morton goes through a door.

Morton: Wendy?! Weeeendy! Dear sister, sibling, girl I’m related to but do not really like but I’m still forced to live with you which makes me sad because you keep trying to put makeup on me and I don’t want you to but you still-

???: HAP!

Morton: ?! Who’s, what person, thing, man, woman, guy’s there?

???: HAP EE!

Morton follows the voice to a door with a weird red glow around it. He opens the door and a puppet falls out. However, Morton thinks it’s someone-


Morton runs away.

End Flashback...

Koopalings: Oh.

Geno: Anyway, I thank you. After you saved me I decided I would help you. So I have gone out of my puppet form so that I may help you.

Roy: Well we could have some help finding our sister.

Geno: No problem. Geno… BEEAAAMMMM!!!

Geno shoots a beam at a door. The door explodes. The Koopalings go inside to find…

Geno: Sorry. It appears that all that’s in here is a bathtub and a toilet.

Roy: Dude… we can see that it’s a bathroom.

Geno: Oh.

Geno uses Geno Beam on another door, which is busted down.

Lemmy: This may take-

Iggy: A while.


Wendy is taking a nap in her future self’s bed.

Wendy: I would love that, Daddy. Zzzzz… Oh no, Bagels. I’m not worthy to be queen of the soup cans. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzz…

Bagels yawns. She comes out from under the table and sees Wendy on the bed.

Bagels: ??? (Who’s she? She looks like Wendy. But I can’t…)

Bagels runs out of the room to go find Adult Wendy.


Geno has blasted down every door but two.

Bowser Jr: Okay, just blast both of these doors down at the same time. Wendy has to be in one of them.

Geno is charging up the Geno Beam when they see Bagels coming out of one of the doors.

Koopalings: BAGELS?!

Geno is surprised by Bagels and accidentally shoots her. Bagels is fried (but still alive) and is totally black.

Bagels: … (Ow…)

Bagels runs off to find Adult Wendy.

Ludwig: If Bagels is in then Wendy is too!

Ludwig goes to open the door but he can’t.

Ludwig: *strain, grunt* Grr! I can’t open it!

Roy: You’re just too wimpy.

Roy tries to open it but he can’t. Everybody tries to open it but fails. Geno shoots the door with Geno Beam but the door doesn’t even get a scratch.

Geno: Huh?

???: None of you can open it.

Everybody looks at where the voice came from and sees Adult Wendy!

Adult Wendy holds up her wand.

Adult Wendy: Only I can.

She shoots the door with her wand. Then she shoots the Koopalings.

Geno: No! *looks at Adult Wendy* Prepare to feel the power of Geno Whi-

Adult Wendy shoots Geno with her wand and he goes back to puppet form.

Ludwig: Just because Geno’s gone and you shot us doesn’t mean we can’t beat you! What’d that shot do, anyway?

Ludwig tries to move but finds himself frozen like stone!

Ludwig: *gasp*

Adult Wendy uses her wand and lifts the Koopalings in the air. She carries them around behind her with the spell as she moves.

Adult Wendy: I’ll just put you in here and think of some use for you later.

Adult Wendy enters her room and sees Wendy in her bed.

Adult Wendy: WHAT?!

THUD! The Koopalings drop to the floor. Wendy wakes up after hearing the thud.

Adult Wendy: What’s this peasant doing in my bed?!

Wendy: I’m no peasant!


Adult Wendy pulls a machine gun-looking gun out of her shell.

Wendy: EEKKK!!!

Wendy leaps off of the bed. Adult Wendy shoots a blast of water at Wendy. Wendy runs. The wall is soaked. Wendy darts out of the room. Adult Wendy looks at Wendy’s brothers.

Adult Wendy: I’ll deal with you later.

Adult Wendy goes after Wendy. Wendy goes in the bathroom.

Wendy: There’s got to be something in here I can fight her off with!

Wendy looks around the room quickly and sees a plunger. She grabs it. Adult Wendy shoots a blast of water that nearly misses Wendy. She shoots another blast that hits Wendy in the face.

Wendy: YOW! That water’s freezing! Only Lemmy could stand this!

Wendy throws the plunger at the gun. It clogs up where the gun shoots water out. Adult Wendy tries to shoot water out but the gun explodes in her face. She’s drenched.

Adult Wendy: Ok then. Let’s see you run from this!

Adult Wendy grabs some candy rings out of her shell. She starts throwing them at Wendy like ninja stars.

Wendy: Yikes!

Wendy avoids the rings. She runs out of the bathroom.

Wendy: I know! I’ll use my wand to beat her!

Wendy puts her hand in her shell but cannot feel her wand.

Wendy: Oh no! My wand’s at home! Me and my siblings left them at the castle!

Wendy pulls her water gun out of her shell.

Wendy: At least I still have this.

Wendy turns around and blasts Adult Wendy with water. Adult Wendy is stopped in her tracks. Wendy continues running. Adult Wendy pulls another machine gun-looking gun out of her shell.

Adult Wendy: Let’s see how you cope with THIS!!!

Adult Wendy begins shooting various water blasts at Wendy and throwing candy rings. Wendy continues running down the hall while dodging the candy rings and water blasts. She goes into another room. She sees a gigantic pool.

Wendy: I have an indoor pool in the future? Yay!  <3

Adult Wendy: Get back here, you little brat!

Wendy: Oh yeah. AAHHH!!!

Adult Wendy lunges toward Wendy. Wendy dodges and Adult Wendy lands in the pool. SSPPPLLLLAAAAASSSSSSHHHHHHH!!!

Wendy: Ok, now’s my chance. I’ll just- Wait a minute! I can’t free my brothers from her spell unless I get her wand! Ok then. I’ll just dive in, get the wand, and-

A tornado of water rises from the pool with Adult Wendy at the top of it! Adult Wendy starts making weird motions with her hands and two gigantic tentacles made of water rise from the pool!

Wendy: Ok. Plan B. RRUUUNNNN!!!

Wendy turns around to make a run for the exit but is whipped down to the ground by one of the tentacles.

Wendy: Man. That thing’s strong. I feel… weak and… tired...

Wendy struggles and manages to get up. She dives into the pool and goes underwater.

Wendy: (If I beat her, then the tentacles and tornado should be gone too!)

Wendy swims over to the tornado and gets sucked in. Adult Wendy figures out what Wendy’s doing.

Adult Wendy: Oh no you don’t.

The two tentacles reach into the tornado. They start trying to find Wendy. Wendy sees them and grabs onto them. She pulls them up with her and gets to the top of the tornado. She manages to control the tentacles and with one quick whip of one of the tentacles Adult Wendy is sent flying into the wall. Wendy takes two candy rings out of her shell. She bites off the halves of both of them and jumps over to Adult Wendy. She pins Adult Wendy to the wall with her candy rings. Then she reaches into Adult Wendy’s shell and pulls out her wand. She runs to her brothers. She frees them from the spell.


Adult Wendy: Grr! UH! ERGH! I… can’t break candy rings and get free!

Adult Wendy takes control of the tornado. She makes it ten times bigger and stronger.

Back with the Koopalings...


Larry: (( W-w-w-w-what’s t-t-t-t-that? ))

Ludwig: (( I-I d-d-don’t kn-kn-know. ))

The castle begins to fall apart. The Koopalings duck as the bricks and doors and everything else is about to fall on them. However, the stuff stops in midair and flies away. The Koopalings let out a sigh of relief but then they are lifted from the ground and thrown in the direction the castle’s remains went by air.

Koopalings: WWAAAHHHH!!!

The Koopalings see the tornado. They grab onto remains of the castle (Wendy likes what she grabbed because it’s the remains of the wardrobe) and climb onto them. They try to stand firm. They look to the left and see Adult Wendy controlling the tornado! Adult Wendy makes two tentacles made of water come out of the tornado. The tentacles shoot out toward the Koopalings continuously.

Roy: Woah!

A tentacle grabs Iggy!


Lemmy pulls his Freeze Gun out of his shell and shoots the tentacle. The tentacle is frozen solid and drops to the ground with Iggy in its grip!



Lemmy lets go of the brick he’s holding onto and is sucked into the tornado!


Wendy closes her eyes. The remaining tentacle whips Adult Wendy off of the tornado! Then a blast shoots out of the tornado and strikes Adult Wendy!


The tornado fades away and everybody starts falling to the ground at a fast pace!

Koopalings: AAHHH!!!

They all land on Adult Wendy’s bed.

Roy: Whew.

Ludwig: Where’s Lemmy? And Iggy?

Lemmy and Iggy: Down here.

Roy gets up to reveal a flattened Lemmy and a twisted Iggy. Roy picks them up and they become un-flattened.

Ludwig: Let’s go forward before anything else happens.

They go forward in the direction of Lemmy and Iggy’s tower.

Roy: Oh yeah. Wendy, how’d you blast your future self by using the tornado?

Wendy: I didn’t. I don’t know-

THUD! Everybody rushes to the sound of the thud to find what landed. They rush to the spot but nothing’s there.

Morton: ???

Geno is standing far behind them on a mountain.

Geno: Good luck, my friends.

Geno turns around and looks at Adult Wendy, who is KO’d.

Geno: And as for you, think of that little injury as revenge for locking me in your closet.

Geno makes a miraculous leap into the air and flies to Star Road. I don’t know how. Here, he was sucked into a plot hole when he was stuck in the closet, and when he got out he had the power to fly. Happy?

Ludwig: What’s the next castle

Lemmy and Iggy: Ours!

Roy: Greeeeeeat. We’ve had to battle some annoying grown-ups but now we have to battle some reeeeeeeally annoying grown-ups.

Read on!

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