Super Mario Bros: Search for the Crystal Stars

By The Fire Commander

Prologue: The Beginning

One day Mario and Luigi are at their house when the Mailtoad comes.

Mailtoad: MAIL CALL!

Luigi comes out.

Luigi: Where’s the mail?

Mailtoad: Right here!

Mailtoad hands Luigi the mail.

Luigi: Let’s see… Hey, there’s a letter, and it says to read it immediately! HEY MARIO! COME OUT AND LOOK AT THIS!

Mario comes out.

Mario: What is it?

Luigi: I’ll read the letter. It says that we have to collect the Crystal Stars again.

Mario: I thought I did that in Super Paper Mario!

Luigi: No, that was the Pure Hearts.

Mario: Oh, I collected the Crystal Stars in Paper Mario 2… I’ve had so many adventures, I can’t keep track of them!

Luigi: Anyway, any idea where the first one is?

Mario: It’s going to be the Diamond Star, but where it is going to be I am unsure.

Mailtoad: Oh yeah, I forgot to give this to you.

Mailtoad hands Mario a small piece of paper, then leaves.

Mario: It says that the Diamond Star is at Bowser’s Castle.

Luigi: Bowser has it!

Mario: Let’s go get it!

Mario and Luigi go to Bowser’s Castle. Meanwhile…

???: Ha! So they got my letter. I will collect the Crystal Stars and destroy them, then I’ll rule the world!

???2: Um, Master, wouldn’t it have been easier to collect the Crystal Stars first, so that those Marios wouldn’t get in our way?

???: You know that one of you has the power to defeat the Marios. Besides, if they come to my castle, it’ll make this that much more fun.

???2: Yes, but why would they come to the castle?

???: This is why.

??? waves his hands around, and then a Crystal Star appears!

???2: Hey! It’s the Crystal Star!

???: Yes. We have one of the seven Crystal Stars. We have the strongest one!

???2: If they get the Ruby Star, they’ll be a challenge.

???: This is getting boring. Time to search for those Crystal Stars!

???2: Who should we send?

???: Let’s send Shadow Yoshi.

???3: Hey, Shadow Yoshi hear something about Shadow Yoshi?

???: Yes. I want you to go to Bowser’s Castle and try to stop those Marios from getting the Diamond Star.

Shadow Yoshi (previously known as ???3): Shadow Yoshi on his way!

Shadow Yoshi rockets off to Bowser’s Castle.

Chapter 1: Mario and Luigi's First and Second Battles

Mario and Luigi are on the path to Toad Town.

Luigi: I wonder if Bowser even knows what the Diamond Star is capable of.

Mario: I know. He might be using it to get more power, but that won’t work.

Then two Goombas come.

Goomba 1: Hey! You going to Bowser’s Castle?

Luigi: Yes.

Goomba 2: Too bad! You’ll have to fight us!

Mario: You’re on!

The Goombas rush at the Marios. Luigi jumps up and smacks one in the head with his hammer. Goomba 1 rams right into Mario, but immediately is thrown back, down and out. Mario charges up a fireball and throws it at the first Goomba. The two Goombas are down and out.

Luigi: Wow. Too easy!

The Marios continue on. Eventually they get to Toad Town. They see a bean-like person robbing the Mushroom Bank!

Mario: HEY!

Bean-like Person: Who said that? Any Toad knows that I am too great to be stopped by the likes of- THE MARIO BROTHERS?!

Luigi: Stop robbing the bank!

Bean-like Person: Heh, too bad!

Mario: Popple, stop or else!

Popple (previously known as Bean-like Person): What’re you going to do, tickle me to death?

Luigi: I’m warning you…


Popple charges at Mario. Mario jumps to dodge, but Popple was expecting this and jumps up after Mario, fist-first. Popple hits Mario hard, then does a super attack that sends Mario flying to the ground.

Luigi: You got better!

Popple kicks Luigi to the ground, but Mario tackles Popple. Luigi gets up and shocks Popple with a Thundershock move.

Popple: BLAGDIBLAGDIBLAGDI! Ouch! That really hurt!

Popple gets up and starts throwing coins out of a bag.

Mario: Hey, thanks! I needed those!

Then Popple throws a Poison Mushroom. It hits Luigi and poisons him.

Mario: Luigi!

Popple: Heh!

Mario jumps on Popple, but he throws a Poison Mushroom. Mario catches it and throws it back at Popple, poisoning him.

Popple: NO!

Mario: …

Popple does many attacks, but Mario dodges them all. Then Popple drops.

Mario: Yay for poison!

Luigi wakes up.

Luigi: What happened?

Mario: By poisoning Popple, I beat him!

Luigi: Wow! Great way to use his own trick against him!

Mario and Luigi get the coins and take them back to the Mushroom Bank.

Bank Manager: Wow! Thanks! Here, have this!

Received a Life Shroom!

Luigi: Thanks!

Mario: We’ve got to get going now.

Bank Manager: Thanks, and bye!

The Marios leave the bank and Toad Town to continue on their quest to Bowser’s Castle.

Read on!

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