Morton's Chatting Plans

Please read this list of rules before attending a meeting. They are very important if the meetings are to run smoothly.

1. Please keep all discussion on the general topic (after it has been chosen), allow others time to state their views and reasoning, and no foul language.

2. If the person who scheduled the chat does not show, please talk about whatever you want. The list of scheduled chats will indicate who is hosting the chat, as well as whether or not Lemmy intends to be there.

3. Private chatting is allowed in the Java chat room. You may private chat with Lemmy, but he does not guarantee a whispered reply.

4. Lemmy has the final authority over the choice of topic if he is present and the topic is questionable. He will try to choose the most popular topic, but he may have to break a tie or change a topic if he deems it unacceptable.

5. The moderator, or the person who scheduled the chat, can make new rules if they so choose, but these rules cannot conflict with any rules listed here.

6. If a moderator does not attend their own chat, a warning will be given, which could possibly result in refusal to announce chats scheduled by that tourist.

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