Morton's Chatting Plans

Graphic by Latisha Banks

Hi, I'm Morton. Nice picture of me, eh? I guess my brother Lemmy must like me the best because my section's in his main area before my other siblings' sections. I think Lemmy must like to chat and that he has placed this near his chatroom to attract chatters and now I must stop talking because Lemmy said so. Anyway, Lemmy told me I'm in charge of the chat room but I can't talk too much but I already told you that and look here I go again and sorry but this happens to be even when I'm not trying.

I actually run the chatroom, even though Lemmy takes credit for it. Therefore, I also plan the events.

Tourists can now schedule their own chats. Instead of waiting for that lazy fool Lemmy to arrange a chat, all you have to do is think up a time, place (Java or Beseen), and chat topic, and Email me! Also, don't forget to check here to see if there are any chats you would like to attend.

The following chats have been scheduled:

None scheduled.

If you would like to set up a chat or express interest in one, Email me!
If you want to see the rules for the meetings, go here.
Go back to Lemmy's Land.