Contest 156
Picture by Latisha Banks


Koopa Girl: Hip: Darn this hat! I can't get it off! It must have a magical power to stay on the heads of idiots! Koopa Girl: Wait, I'm an idiot?!
Koopa Girl: Bully: Kootie Pie, you look different. New bow?
Koopa Girl: Big Mouth: Kootie Pie, what's wrong with the room being pink?
Koopa Girl: Cheatsy: Kooky, we did it. We got everyone to get along! Big Mouth with Hop, Kootie Pie with
Koopa Girl: Bully, you and me, and Hip, well... he'll be with us.
Koopa Girl: Wendy: All right, who stole my hat?
Koopa Girl: Ludwig: I never knew that this meeting was about Wendy's date.

Kammy: Wendy: How come Lemmy gets to wear that hat? I want to wear that hat!
Kammy: Wendy: Why are we here- HEY! THAT'S MY HAT!!!
Kammy: The Koopalings are discussing which one of them looks best wearing the hat.
Kammy: Iggy: And the winner is Lemmy! Congratulations! You win a hat with a flower sticking on it.
Kammy: Lemmy: Yay! I'm so good that Wendy has to give me the hat!
Kammy: Since Lemmy is the shortest Koopaling, he gets to wear the hat.
Kammy: The Koopalings are arguing about why they each can't get a hat.
Kammy: The Koopalings are in this meeting because Lemmy can't find a ball and he must wear a hat.
Kammy: Roy: That hat belongs to Wendy? I thought it belongs to Lemmy.
Kammy: Wendy: Ok, calm down. I won't throw another tantrum. Hey- YOU STOLE MY HAT!!!
Kammy: Wendy: You think I will throw a tantrum, but you're wrong. I'll just go to McDonalds and eat there and
Kammy: not think of you guys.
Kammy: Lemmy: I'm wearing a stupid looking hat that I stole from the old lady named Wendy. WOOHOO!

Yoshi tamer: Right there, right now, Ludwig and Larry are sitting on their real brothers and sister in the bag.
Yoshi tamer: Those are just dummies besides Lemmy because since he is an idiot they can make him do
Yoshi tamer: anything they want.
Yoshi tamer: Morton: Isn't it wierd that we all now have snake tongues, also I like wedding cake, potato
Yoshi tamer: chips, and pizza and blah, blah, blah and blah, blah, and blah.
Yoshi tamer: Wendy: Roy, did you use my dark pink lipstick for your ugly, bald head again?
Yoshi tamer: Iggy: If I could, I'd bet I could make a bologna sandwich every Tuesday night.

WendyRulez: Wendy: We got turned into babies, Ludwig, and it's all your fault! Some genius you are.
WendyRulez: Iggy: Morton, WILL YOU JUST SHUT UP?!
WendyRulez: The Koopalings: Partners In Time, coming never in a gazillion years for your Nintendo DS!


Paraboo: Wendy: Look at me! I'm muscular!
Paraboo: Lemmy: Moo.
Paraboo: During Wendy's speech, Roy was secretly sleeping.

Chris "Wario": Wendy: Since when did I have man-legs?

Ara: When questioned what he was on, Larry replied with, "A table."
Ara: Morton: I like your eyeliner, Iggy.

karma fan: Everybody hates Wendy, the spoiled brat.

Axis: Everything was going great until Wendy walked in.

Bowser Junior: Iggy: This picture is about as exciting as a paper bag.
Bowser Junior: It's the Koopaling musical, featuring Larry played by Larry, Iggy played by Iggy, Roy played by
Bowser Junior: Roy, Lemmy played by Lemmy, Wendy played by Wendy, Morton played by Morton, and
Bowser Junior: Ludwig played by Toad.
Bowser Junior: Lemmy: Does this hat make me look fat?
Bowser Junior: Morton: How come I don't get an iris? Wendy has an iris.
Bowser Junior: Wendy: Now you all stand there while I blame you for my problems.
Bowser Junior: Ludwig: (I wonder if I could turn my siblings into Cheep Cheeps... Uh oh, they may be on to
Bowser Junior: me, just agree with whatever they're saying.
Bowser Junior: Roy: Oh man. Wendy found out about the snake eggs. I knew it was a bad idea. Stupid brain.
Bowser Junior: Larry: I wonder what life would be like if I was good. I wonder what life would be like if I was
Bowser Junior: an only child. I wonder what life would be like if I never bought that tacky lamp shade.
Bowser Junior: How will the Koopalings escape this picture of horror? Nobody really cares.

Danny Phantom: Wendy: Ok, I'm the boss so do as I say; Larry, stop snickering; Lemmy, take my dumb hat off;
Danny Phantom: Iggy, you're going to be punched until you're blue. (Bwa ha ha...)

Emerald Shroob: Roy: Aww, c'mon, Lemmy! Give me back my favorite hat! We're pals, right?

astromatt3: Larry: Um, guys? It's getting crowded.

Todd: Lemmy: Look at me, I'm Wendy, bleg-eh-bleg-eh-bleg! **GOOD PRIZE**

Trollish Beastfighter: Roy: Wendy, tallest Koopas go in the back for the group photo.
Trollish Beastfighter: Wendy: Get out of my room! I'm not afraid to use higher heels than these!

Krystal's Moon: Roy: C'mon, Kootie Pie! You can growl louder and more fiercely than that!

Huskykoopa: Lemmy: Hey, isn't this the flower pot on your head contest?

Jennifer: Wendy: Welcome to Mirror Plit, the horrid place where Morton has eyelashes.

Pyro Bundt: Morton: IGGY! HAVE A FISHY STICK!
Pyro Bundt: Ludwig: Roy, just bend over a little and... aaaahhhh... yessss...
Pyro Bundt: Larry: Did you go heavy on the eyelashes today, Morton?
Pyro Bundt: Roy: Wendy having leg muscles? That's like an oxymoron.

PikaMario: Bowser: Yes! Finally a normal family photo! I'll just edit Lemmy out with Photoshop... ***FIRST PikaMario: PRIZE***

Super Goomba: Morton: You blinked, closed your eyes, lost the staring contest, ende- OW!

Ham: Morton: Woah! I didn't know Roy could do the People's Eyebrow!

Liz: Kootie Pie: So, exactly how long do we have to stand still, Latisha? The Hi-Hi Puffy Ami Yumi
Liz: Show will be on any second!

Static-Z: Lemmy: Well, there's one good thing about Susan, she has the best hats ever!

Master Lord Roy: Kootie Pie: Why aren't you dancing the salsa like I taught? **GOOD PRIZE**
Master Lord Roy: Cheatsy: What a beautiful sunset.
Master Lord Roy: Hip: I hope Kootie Pie doesn't find out I stole her hat.
Master Lord Roy: Hop: Can you help me scratch my chin right here, Big Mouth?

axis: Roy: Wendy, have you been working out?

Hyper Mario: Lemmy: I feel special.
Hyper Mario: Iggy: This is a nice change, MORTON actually being nice!!!
Hyper Mario: Wendy: LEMMY, quit messing with my belongings!
Hyper Mario: Lemmy: Look! I'm Wendy! DUH, I LIKE BISCUITS!!!
Hyper Mario: Roy: Pssst, Wendy scares me!

Rescue72: Wendy: I already told you, this hat is designed to eat the brain of anyone who puts it on besides
Rescue72: me!



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