Contest 74
Picture by Blue Boo

MetaKnight: Mario: Am I getting paid for this?

Teela Yoshi: Some Omenous Voice: This is how the cavepeople played Mario.
Teela Yoshi: Boo: I hope they pay me extra for this!
Teela Yoshi: Mario: What was I doing?

Shadow Mario: Mario: Hey King Boo, since when did you get those clown things and what are those weird
Shadow Mario: red things?

Dylan: Mario: Too bad Luigi is still at Contest 72.
Dylan: Mario: Noooooooooo! King Boo stole the key to my helicopter that hasn't worked for 40 years!

Martin: And thus King Boo discovered the ancient secret of what happens when you have too many Fuzzies.

Captain Yoshikano: This is the new and improved Mario Game & Watch game, built by Donkey Kong
Captain Yoshikano: himself!!!
Captain Yoshikano: King Boo: I have an announcement to make: I just stole a couple of Bowser's old-style
Captain Yoshikano: Koopacopters...

Huge Iggy fan: King Boo: Using the key of extreme stupidity I shall replace Bowser's Clown Copter with a
Huge Iggy fan: Furby Copter! (Hopefully he won't tell the difference.)

Kirby 25: Mario: Are you holding a key that can let you escape or is that a stick?
Kirby 25: Why Mushrooms weren't in Donkey Kong.
Kirby 25: It was either Mario's Losing or Luigi's Mansion.
Kirby 25: Mario: It's the king of flying white cheese!
Kirby 25: Mario: Who exactly am I supposed to be saving?

Koopus: King Boo: And with this key, I can finally unlock the bind that holds this stupid crown upon my head! Koopus: ***FIRST PRIZE***

Miles "Thumbs" Power: How King Koo really captured Mario in Luigi's Mansion.
Miles "Thumbs" Power: Mario: Let's see... Donkey Kong gameplay, Bowser's Clown Copters, those Mexican
Miles "Thumbs" Power: guys, and Luigi's Mansion's King Boo. Boy, Nintendo has run out of ideas and just
Miles "Thumbs" Power: threw some stuff together now.
Miles "Thumbs" Power: Mario: AHH! Where's my clothes? Where's my skin?! AHH!
Miles "Thumbs" Power: King Boo: AHA! Now that I have the key to the Mushroom Kingdom, I will rule the
Miles "Thumbs" Power: worl- Wait. This is my house key!

Dark Koopa: Stick Figure: Help! I'm being attacked by Mexicans!

link: Mario: Mamamia! I forgot to put on-a my clothes-a!

DaKingKoopa: King Boo: Now that I have the keys to the new Clown-Mobile, I can conquer the world!
DaKingKoopa: Little did Mario know that he was now badly drawn!
DaKingKoopa: Guy in Sombrero: BOOM shakalaka BOOM...
DaKingKoopa: Mario: I love this new tightrope job!
DaKingKoopa: Guy not in Sombrero: Look out! You're going to trip over that diving board!
DaKingKoopa: Green Clown-Mobile: Ehehe, the Clown-Mobile that King Boo is going in is actually rigged to
DaKingKoopa: explode!

Luigi: Boo: Mario, turn around so I can do my disappearing act...

Waluigi's Twin: Mario: Hey! I didn't know I was the only one here with a yellow nose, never mind the fact I'm
Waluigi's Twin: balancing on a high wire with a Klown Kopter on the end of my stick!

Ninja-Z: King Boo's Three Poorly Drawn Stick Figure circus turned out to be a failure when the Mexican stick
Ninja-Z: figures tossed a maraca into Bowser's face and- well, YOU KNOW what happened... **GOOD
Ninja-Z: PRIZE**
Ninja-Z: King Boo: Huh? You got a problem, Mario? Don'tcha see I'm loco?

Lokonzo: Super Mario Land 68: Jam the propeller of the clown car to stop Boo from stealing the ruby and
Lokonzo: outhouse key from on a tightrope with special Spanish fiesta ending, was the most unexpected
Lokonzo: top-seller of the year!

Banjo-Kazooie: Mario: Wait a minute... What did ya do to them?

mr macerana: Mario: Luigi, get me out of here! I don't trust the guy with the maracas!

Fludd Master: King Boo: I painted Bowser's Clown Copter and my key still don't fit!
Fludd Master: King Boo: I need to unlock my crown's Brain. Oh wait, it's got no brain!

lookbehindyou: And so, when King Boo found the magic jewel, he used it to turn everyone but him into
lookbehindyou: faceless stick figures. (Figures, huh?)
lookbehindyou: Stick Mario: Subway, dudes-a!

enrique: Boo may think he's got it bad, but it's not every day that a plumber gets fused with a Sesame Street enrique: character! **GOOD PRIZE**


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