Contest 89
Picture by Atticus

Ninja-Z: They had to go through broken glass, through toxic chemicals, through listening to Morton read off
Ninja-Z: the one-line list, just to realize that the 'broken' lightbulb they were trying to fix all this time was
Ninja-Z: working, and was turned on right above them the whole time.
Ninja-Z: With the other five Koopalings on their lunch break, poor Larry and Morton were forced to clean out
Ninja-Z: Susan White's diamond chemical closet, singing cheesy songs as they worked.

Gamechamp: Label: Please Do Not Throw

koopa: Larry: It's a good thing we're getting rid of Ludwig's old junk.
koopa: Morton: Glass exploding potion, check!

Boolia: Morton: The note says that we have to thow Ludwig's old potions away.
Boolia: Larry: Hmm, I wonder what this potion can do?

Goomrey: Larry and Morton searched in vain for the X-Naut formula that would enlarge themselves, only to
Goomrey: find that they were in the Glitz Pit Minor League Juice Bar.

JKoopa727: Morton: Since when did anyone hang out with ME?!
JKoopa727: Larry: Boy, it sure was a great idea to get all these potions for Ludwig! I think- MORTON!!! WHAT
JKoopa727: DID YOU DO?
JKoopa727: Morton: I like getting potions. It's fun. Very fun. My eyes are big. So are Larry's. Why is Larry with
JKoopa727: me? He hates me like everyone else does. Or doesn't. Which word is right? I- okay, I'll shut up
JKoopa727: now.

Jacob C: Larry: Uh har har har, I'm so stupid... WEEE!

marioslilgrl: Morton: Nope, this won't make me talk louder either.
marioslilgrl: Morton: Hmm... This says "Potion to kill Mario and Luigi once and for all." ... Must not be marioslilgrl: important.

Yoshi kid: Morton: C02, check. NOS, check. C4, check! Larry, I think your handy-dandy guide for making soup
Yoshi kid: is, uh... questionable.

MetaKnight: Larry: I never knew that raiding Ludwig's lab could be so much fun!

Petey Piranha Fan: Larry: At last I have found a potion that will make Morton stop throwing my test tubes
Petey Piranha Fan: away!
Petey Piranha Fan: Larry: Hey Morton, I bet I can chug this potion faster than you can say WEDDING CAKE!
Petey Piranha Fan: After Morton threw the Death Potion into the wheelbarrow, Larry never had to hear
Petey Piranha Fan: another word from him.
Petey Piranha Fan: The door is locked because they don't want Wendy coming in and adding poison to the
Petey Piranha Fan: fizzy drinks.
Petey Piranha Fan: Morton: Larry, are you sure that this will taste like wedding cake? All you added is a
Petey Piranha Fan: couple silence serums.
Petey Piranha Fan: Morton: According to your notes, I should eat this test tube marked "DEATH", right?
Petey Piranha Fan: Larry: Hey Morton, any idea why Wendy wanted us to come in here and eat the Death
Petey Piranha Fan: bottle?
Petey Piranha Fan: Morton: Death... Fire... Electric Shock... Why can't there be a bottle marked Candy?!
Petey Piranha Fan: Unknown to Morton, Larry was just buying himself time before Morton drank the death
Petey Piranha Fan: potion marked Wedding Cake.
Petey Piranha Fan: Larry: So if we add the horror serum, we should have the formula to make Wendy grow
Petey Piranha Fan: hair.
Petey Piranha Fan: While locked in Ludwig's lab, Larry and Morton try to find the edible potions.
Petey Piranha Fan: Morton: FLUDD... Kooper... Bow... Sorry Larry, but there's no formula for defeating the
Petey Piranha Fan: Mario Brothers. ***FIRST PRIZE***
Petey Piranha Fan: Lemmy (from outside the door): Guys, there is NO formula to change Lemmy's Land to
Petey Piranha Fan: Morton 'n Larry's Land!
Petey Piranha Fan: Larry: Holy cow, Morton! I've found the potion of immortality, but to use it we need the
Petey Piranha Fan: pink potion so whatever you do, DON'T THROW IT IN THE WHEELBARROW!
Petey Piranha Fan: Peach (offscreen): If they think they can make a formula to make me love Bowser, they're
Petey Piranha Fan: wrong... I hope!

Chain Chomplet: Larry: Here is a potion that I will spill on Morton's head! Then he will run away and never
Chain Chomplet: bother me again!

Dylan: Morton and Larry are trying to find the recipe for chocolate.

Double D: And so, after having an epiphany, Larry sneaks into Ludwig's Lab and begins work on the world's
Double D: greatest invention ever: 24-hour duct tape.
Double D: Ludwig isn't going to be happy when he sees where "Larry's Glass Salvage" has gone for
Double D: "scraps".
Double D: Morton: Nitro Glycerine? It's not on the list, so I'll just toss it.
Double D: Morton: Sodium Nitrate? Check. Nitro Glycerine? Check. A bunch of sharp glass? Check. We
Double D: finally have everything we need to build an extra light socket so we can actually see in here!
Double D: After much research, Larry has finally found the recipe for "shell shine".
Double D: Larry: Morton, you ARE sure that you didn't accidentally grab the recipe for Nirto Glycerine right?
Double D: ... Right? ... Morton, why are you sweating?

Parakarry123$: Larry: We can donate this stuff to the children!

Kirbyfancobra: Larry: Strength-enhancing potion, junk... Invisibility potion, cliche... Plumber-killing potion,
Kirbyfancobra: crud... Ah! There's my memory card!
Kirbyfancobra: Morton shook his hand for as long as he could, but the beaker just wouldn't come off.
Kirbyfancobra: Larry and Morton are looking for a potion to make their toenails sharp again.
Kirbyfancobra: As Larry rummaged through the chemicals, he stopped for a second to wonder what his Kirbyfancobra: organs were doing in jars.

Justin: Little do Morton and Larry know, Ludwig is about to enter the room.

Dupli-Puff: Larry: Are you sure this is what Ludwig meant by "clean the lab"?

Super Mario: Larry: So, if you add this chemical, you'll get- hey, wait! Morton's in the picture, but not talking!

Fawfuls Friend: Larry and Morton have decided to throw away Ludwig's potions because they give them gas.
Fawfuls Friend: Morton and Larry: The Wheelbarrel is hungry. *pant* Must feed potions to wheelbarrel.

Dark Storm: Larry: Dad said that we should throw away all of Ludwig's dangerous chemicals because Ludwig
Dark Storm: got in trouble for blowing up half of his room!

Agahnim Koopa: New: Larry and Morton mechnical toys. While supplies last.

Cheeseboo: Potion: All of you shall feel the wrath of the potions! *crack*
Cheeseboo: Morton: Hmm... The cure for the common cold, junk!
Cheeseboo: The clipboard pushes Morton to the auction, for another evil plan.

Green Yoshi: Larry: Man, I never knew Ludwig's lab was full of so much yummy soda. **GOOD PRIZE**

Kirby 25: Larry: I think this is a bit too simple for the X-Naut base.
Kirby 25: It's amazing that someone didn't notice a stock of beakers breaking and even more to see no
Kirby 25: reaction.
Kirby 25: Larry: This is the soda storage room for the X-Nauts?

Dash: Larry: Are you playing Tic-Tac-Toe on that clipboard again, Morton?
Dash: Morton: Ok, where were you on the night of the 24th?
Dash: Morton: Ok, there goes the chocolate milk. Now give me the grape juice to throw in the wheelbarrow!
Dash: Larry: Now, I just need to combine this with the brown chemical and we'll be invincible! What was that
Dash: crashing noise?

The Fire Toad: Morton: *sigh* 3-2-1-CRASH!!!

BEEZER: Larry: Morton, there's a pencil stuck to your leg.

Martin: Morton: Yep, another failure at getting the pencil out of my knee...
Martin: Little did the two Koopalings know that they weren't stealing chemicals at all, but rather Kool-Aid.

Fawfuls Friend: Morton and Larry: Only one more green potion and we will be able to hypnotize Bowser and
Fawfuls Friend: takeover the world! HA HA HAAAAAA!

Drew: Beekers: Oh no! It's Larryzilla!!!

Denny W. Koopa: They are still investigating who wrote "Atticus" on the floor of Ludwig's lab.

Bonzi Boo: Morton: I can't believe that King Dad is making me clean out Iggy's stuff, I mean it's his and not
Bonzi Boo: our stuff, oh and, Larry did you drink a growth potion because Iggy will kill me, and I didn't do
Bonzi Boo: anything and...

Prince Peasley: Larry: Ok Morton, take this and make sure you don't just carelessly toss it in like you did with
Prince Peasley: all the others.

Fludd Master: Morton: The potions are afraid of the light and it is the 49th potion I dropped because of the
Fludd Master: light.
Fludd Master: Morton: Put two potions between the red and the green potion... Do you think we have the
Fludd Master: wrong sheet? **GOOD PRIZE**

ShotNtheDark: Larry and Morton's secret castle job: smuggling Liquified Phoenix Downs into Pilt.

EXOR: Morton: Let's see... nitroglicerin, ok; Chain Chomp tranquilizer, ok; snake potion, ok; rocket fuel, ok;
EXOR: liquid nitrogen, ok; mercury, ok; dynamite, ok; carbon dioxide, ok; penicilin, ok; perfume of pink
EXOR: roses... huh... OK!

Tatanga: Larry: I'm finally found King Dad's hyper rare Turqoise Tonic. Now I can dye my hair!

Death Raider: They are taking all of the chemicals from Ludwig's room to hide them.

Miles "Thumbs" Power: Morton: Let's see... Hydrogen *crash* check. Lithium *crash* check. Nitroglycerin...

Agahnim Koopa: Koopa chemistry class.

Gary the 3rd: Warning: Some chemicals in these viles may cause stroke, nausea, constipation, and various
Gary the 3rd: forms of rabies.

anikiki: When Morton and Larry were cleaning Ludwig's laboratory, Morton made the grave mistake of
anikiki: throwing the one thing that could stop Mario once and for all: a potion that causes constant food
anikiki: poisoning.

MarioFanaticXV: Larry finally found something Morton could do right: break stuff!


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